What blows my mind about PC users is they actually think multiplats are worth more than $300

What blows my mind about PC users is they actually think multiplats are worth more than $300.

So many poor souls get brainwashing into investing thousands of dollars to play the most shit tier games, multiplats aren't supposed to be the focal point of your gaming experience and they certainly aren't worth spending more than $300 on.

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awful bait, OP. just awful

lol, it's your own retarded fault if you go overkill on components you don't even need you incompetent sperg.

I spent $800 on my PC five years ago, not getting all the bells & whistles then, and it still handles new games. I probably need to upgrade my GPU here soon but I like being able to shitpost, game and write papers all on the same machine you nigger.

Remember to sage if you absolutely must post.

10 dollars per FPS? not bad

Oh hey, it's another quality console "war" thread.



>this kills the b8

>Implying that would run anything

used parts m8
a used ps4 is 100bucks

guess what: i don't pay for games. your argument?

Good fuck luck finding a 100 dollar ps4 without getting shot by some white trash cracker or some nigger on craigslist.

rip in peace Phobos

>Spend $9000 on a PC
>Still can't run Bloodborne


>multiplats aren't supposed to be the focal point of your gaming experience

Why? They are miles better than exclusive games.

The funny thing is that if you look at console sales charts, the top selling games are all multiplats. 18 out of the top 20.

Makes me laugh how consolefags spend ages convincing themselves that everyone else desperately wants their exclusives, when they're so shit that not even their own userbase wants them

How did you like Doom 4?


You can get a decent gaming PC for less than $300.


It's so sad when someone that doesn't have any exclusives tries to talk about a platform that does.


It would be amazing if console fags got the price right just once

lol what is the point in building a $5000 PC to run Splinter Cell Chaos Theory when a $50 PS2 can run it just the same?

What's the fucking point of getting a PC that will barely run, if run at all modern releases


sonyggers still think each system has 1 game, but they are obviously projecting

hmm ok.

Now you're going to reply with something dumb like 'they're all bad'. Then I can turn around and say the exact same thing about your exclusives since its all subjective.

That's why this consolefag trolling is pointless

Same, brudda

>No 500 cases of poptarts

Doom is shit.
If you want to see some blood, watch a good splatter movie.
If you want a shooter, just play cs/bf/cod/or whatever kids play these days.
if you want an arena shooter that isnt for slugs, play quake.
if you want a terrible mix of everything, play doom.

>Neither can you if you can't read decibel systems.

>AMD CPU with stock cooler
>cheapshit RAM
>budget GPU that couldn't play TF2 at high settings
>flimsy case with one shitty fan
>shit-tier PSU that doesn't meet the minimum power requirements for the GPU and will die within 3 months of use
Enjoy starting a housefire with that hot box of shit.
>no decent Keyboard/mouse
>no copy of Windows

>tfw all these arguments mean nothing to me
>Because I own pic related and all three consoles.

It's like you faggots don't even love your hobbies.

not enough weeb shit

it sucks

PC can pirate games

enjoy spending 60 bux everytime you wanna play something new for 6 hours

>Doom is shit
>i never play it tho

>if you want to see some blood, watch a good splatter movie
sorry i bought PC not PS4
>if you want a shooter, just play cs/bf/cod/or whatever kids play these days
it's good single player shooter i don't want play more multiplayer medicore games
>if you want an arena shooter that isnt for slugs, play quake
i wait for new Unreal Tournament
>if you want a terrible mix of everything, play doom
mix of everything which is?

>f-fuck denuvo I d-d-dddddidn't want to p-p-p-play anyway

>not enough weeb shit
>More weeb shit for PC than any other platform ever.

Are you fucking retarded m8?

>cropped screen cap of what is essentially a JPEG on the horizon
>no mention of framerate
shit bait

is overgrowth even out yet

If you gonna spend $300 on a machine, PS3 and a bunch of games Is the best choice right now.
Your PC can run any actually good game released for it, PS4 have no games besides bloodborne and it only will get worse.
Also Demon souls > bloodborne, and PS3 is the only way to play SoTC at an actually playable frame rate, because while PC can emulate it, PC is limited to the PS2 limits, unless you use the overclocking options of PCSX2 that will most likely break the game horribly.

Thanks for making me look like an idiot with your padded image

t. PC

>get a $500 laptop
>run dark souls 3 on low settings at 30 fps
>emulate everything i want
>libreoffice for classes and work

wow, i got owned

>$70 per game
When do pcucks get tired of lying?

>multiplats are better than exclusives

kill yourself, please.

>overclocking options for sotc
Not sure what you're talking about. SOTC, like most PS2 games is locked at 60 FPS. It's only a matter of having a powerful enough rig to achieve that in an HD resolution.

>It's referring to NEW games you autistic ape.
PC can buy any new release for $40 or less usually, can even pre-order them at that price.

>PS Plus sale
>pay every month for the privilege of getting a discount

>tech demos
>indie shit
>irrelevant rts games except SC2

Wowie thats radical man.