Post polarizing video games

Post polarizing video games.

In other words, games that have a lot going for them, but also have enough flaws or a few severe flaws that make it logically justifable to either love or hate the game.

The point of this is so people can find out about gamers they might have overlooked that might intrest them for doing the stuff they like well because other parts of it weren't as well done and as such they dissmissed them due to low scores or criticism.

An example:

Asura's Wrath
Insane sense of scale and action. Great characters, sense of humor, art style, music and decent worldbuilding. It's like DBZ fucked god of war while both of them were on crack and had watched Gurren Lagann right before boning
It's litterally 40% QTE's and the actual gameplay sections aren't that great. It's really more of an interactive anime then a game. And the real ending is DLC

>every paradox game


Just Cause 2 I guess

incredibly well optimized, huge island, awesome stunts, self-aware hammy plot

but also super repetitive and the island is basically a bunch of copypasted villages

I say JC3. The gameplay is multiples better than JC2, but the performance is fucking wonky.

Undertale is only polarizing on Sup Forums


Spec Ops

Ark. It's a potentially really fun game, but spending hours taming monsters is a fucking chore.. and not on par with decent game design.

What's polarizing about Stalker?

my favorite part of JC2 is blowing things up (rocket launcher, grenades, remote det, etc.)
is JC3 worth it?


The Wargame series

Most innovative RTS of the last few years, fantastic setting, literally thousands of units, proper strategic gameplay that revolves around using terrain and unit synergy rather than APM, gorgeous to look at.


Learning cliff, shit-to-nonexistent tutorials, boring singleplayer, awful community, devs that rely on their product being unique to mask the fact that they're rather incompetent when it comes to game development etc.

You can enjoy the hell out of exploring shit in a big map fighting enemies who can one shot you at any moment if you are not careful. It's very atmospheric too.
But, some people will find the maps boring and empty with you running around a lot of the time.
If they play on lower difficulties enemies become bullet sponges.

Mods did a lot to improve the game too to a point where using or not using mods gives an entirely difference experience.

Dark Souls.
The constant praise makes it obvious why it's good, but this is always countered by many of the flaws, including the latter half of the game.

I would say Dark Souls 2, but that might be pushing it.

>some people will find the maps boring and empty with you running around a lot of the time
I remember that one of the major complaints about Stalker was the exact opposite: Zone was too lively for them.


Could of been a cool Mad Max style game, with death car races, exploration and scavenging. Awesome animations, enemy designs, weapon ideas and big beautiful environments. ID softwares big comeback to teach us all what a real shooter should be.

Instead the textures don't load properly, you get a shit story line, every mission is "drive here kill guys, advance, wait out scripted sequence, move on. The AI just rushes at you and the initially awesome mutants get over used and boring. Most missions have you drive back a forth between the same areas that are only populated with enemies and only when you have a mission there. They even use "The same level but backwards" trick multiple times.

Tried so hard to play and enjoy it but I just can't get though it. On my most recent attempt I got the the Subway city and gave up again. It just can't keep me interested and the engine gives me a headache. If they had spent more time on it maybe they would have had a good release.

Prettier explosions. More options.

Or.. ya know.. the gameplay.

>R1, R1..

There's at least two polarizing filters at play here.

>I just parrot what I hear

you're not missing out
I hope you used the explosive bullets for the shotgun
the ending is also the absolute worst of any game I ever played ( its a fucking ayylmao spaceship when the rest of the game takes place in cool environments )
>They even use "The same level but backwards" trick multiple times.
this is probably the main reason why the game is average 2bh, hated that shit

Your argument.

I tried replaying Rage since I can't run D44M yet to see if I was too hard on it (I only played it on release and I had an AMD card), turns out I wasn't at all.

>Pop-in is still there, don't even think it's less noticeable even with all the necessary tweaks I've done
>Animations are cool but enemies are annoying as fuck to shoot because they bumrush you and prance around at your feet level
>Everyone is a bullet sponge
>Levels are claustrophobic as hell
>Art style is Quake tier vomit at times
>Textures aren't just shit, they're 1998 level

Rage is a bad game and a horrible disappointment in every single way possible. Guess I'll just replay TNO.

Pretty sure that basic shooter gameplay isn't interesting enough to uphold games anymore. Sure, the boomerang is sorta neat, but shit like this and Borderlands for 20-XXX hours? Why?

10/10 rebuttal, don't tip too hard.

Dead Rising 3

>it's a Dead Rising game

>chatacters, enemies and plot became far too goofy
>combo weapons became too unrealistic even within the DR realm of reason
>chuck becomes an asshole and his adorable daughter becomes a slut
>no frank west

Undertale is polarizing to anyone above the age of 18 who has decent taste. The music is great and the combat is genuinely innovative (if very unchallenged), but the pixelart is atrocious and its much-praised writing is garbage. The humor is painfully unfunny tumblr-tier "le quirky!" shit, and only a dumb cunt who barely played any vidya/watched any movies/read any books would fall for le epik 4th wall break XDD bullshit.

there is not a single online community outside of Sup Forums that dislikes or pretends to dislike Undertale

The game's idea of difficulty is waiting. Every mob has a period where they just stand around, doing nothing, and attacking them there is useless. Waiting is not difficult, but it creates the illusion of difficulty, because it takes pacing.

>Wait, attack, wait, attack
It's not very hard to do, and it's difficult to mess up. This style isn't inherently shitty, as it creates an interesting player-mob relationship where the mob controls the pace of the battle, but the fact that it's a consistent theme in mobs gives the impression that it's a difficulty supplement, since none of them are actually difficult to fight. Most playthroughs probably consist of getting fed up with waiting and just spamming, potentially playing awfully. It's as if they removed all depth to the character action game and digressed behind interesting combat to "strategy".

It does the power of friendship thing better than MLP. I hated MLP but for some reason the "happy" ending of Undertale still made me shed a tear. I guess that's because it's so bittersweet.

The story may not be original, or even mature, but it is very effective.

Dragon's Dogma

So you're implication being that the gameplay is merely "R1, R1" causes you to "potentially play awfully"? Seems contradictory there, friend. Might want to have a think about what you're trying to say.

>creative setting
>combat system integrates both human size fighters and giant robots
>each character has a slew of combos with unique sprite animations
>really feels like a grand adventure, plot gets fucking crazy


>game is half done
>second disc turns into a glorified VN
>combat is shallow as fuck
>encounter rate is high as fuck
>randomized levels
>shitty 90's translation and V/O

Not a single subreddit, eh?

strange that your mind would immediately go to reddit. I was thinking gaming forums

Silent Hill 4
Dark Souls 2
Resident Evil 6

>look how not-reddit I am!

you have reddit tourette's

>Instead the textures don't load properly

yes they do. this was only a problem on AMD cards. game was fine for me on day one with a years old nvidia card.

> every mission is "drive here kill guys, advance, wait out scripted sequence, move on
you are stupid if you expected more than killing guys in an id software game. they actually delivered significantly more and the driving elements were awesome

>I just can't get though it.
game isn't even long, it sounds like you're honestly just bad and probably struggle with the car parts like everyone else here who never played a racing game in their life

Serious Sam is also pretty polarizing.

How so? Playing well has to do with being interested, and the game not only being shallow, but also supplementing with almost frustrating game design, like the Capra room, the bridge, the Asylum Demon, makes for an experience that isn't encouraging. I can sit around the first areas spamming R1 at shitty mobs for hours, but that's no suggestion that I'm having fun.

The irony is that you imagine overly simple and doing well to be mutually inclusive.. in a polarizing thread. Just as well, don't the mobs randomize their swing after the drawback?

I had a great fucking time with Dark Souls 2. I've long since given up on defending it on Sup Forums, but even though I do think it's the weakest Souls game, I still had a blast playing it and definitely enjoyed my playthrough.

bought it on release played like 2 hours. just isn't fun. hate many aspects of the design instantly.

dunno what it is with people over praising jap games but that's probably the last one i ever buy that isnt from software


What's polarizing about GTA IV? Everything about the game is better than V, for example. Sure, it doesn't have gangs and turf.. but the game is solid.

the last real FF game, and a really fun game with a good story and good characters, even if they're a bit WAKE ME UP INSIDE

This screenshot sums up EYE pretty nicely. I liked the gameplay, but had to read the wiki to understand what the fuck is going on.

>you gained broseph


>good characters

lol fuck off. Even in Japanese the characters are fucking shit, despite being 10x better than their English counterparts

>The irony is that you imagine overly simple and doing well to be mutually inclusive
Where did you come to this conclusion? If the implication you're conveying is that the gameplay consists of spamming R1 and then go on to contradict yourself by elaborating on the actual game and requirements necessary to even progress in the game, can I not point this out without you coming to that silly conclusion? It's comparable to criticising the gameplay of Mortal Kombat with "punch, punch, punch"

memorable characters. i thought rinoa sucked

also, the card game is the best mini game/side game of all time. I never understood why people criticized drawing as a system. In rpgs you either have to do one tedious thing or some other tedious thing it makes no difference

I can't understand how this game is so amateurish and now they're making space hulk deathwing.

Rainbow Six: Siege
Best designed multiplayer shooter in close to a decade, reinforcement, gadget and destruction systems and a roster of highly varied operators give maps near-limitless replayability.

Most poorly conceived anti-cheat in a decade, ranked matches are largely unplayable as a result due to cheater infestation.

The free maps have also been underwhelming when compared to the core roster, and some operators are not especially useful.

They're French.

>combat is shallow as fuck
>encounter rate is high as fuck
this is making it hard for me to actually beat xenogears.

what's sad is that i got so close as a teenager, but this boss kept whooping me. now i just don't have the patience anymore to deal with the awful gameplay, but i still want to know what happens in the story.

None of that post follows logically, each sentence.

>Where did you come to this conclusion?
>*proceeds to back it up*

How is it contradicting that the gamepay is overly simple? If I fuck around because I'm bored, and I get hit, it's likely that my character will have to respawn because the mobs are also spammy, they have lots of backup like tower bombers that are going to stun-lock your shit and set you on fire, or they're going to huddle up in a tiny room because that's the remainder of the game design.. trying to overwhelm the player instead of being interesting challenges.

> It's comparable to criticising the gameplay of Mortal Kombat with "punch, punch, punch"
Except fighting games have actual combos and gameplay depth.

>appealing to how many books you've read

do you seriously think there's no one out there who likes undertale and has read more books than you

>fall for le epik 4th wall break XDD bullshit.

what does 'fall for' even mean in this context

>the awful gameplay

hahah when that shit came out it was like the top jrpg gameplay of all time. at least in terms of typical turn based battle shit

I want to like wargame. And I pretty much do. But something has been keeping me from launching it for a while now.there's such a fine line between what makes a unit good or bad that it comes down to trial and error or watching 4 hours worth of YouTube tutorials. I've spent 30 hours getting my ass kicked and multiplayer might as well not exist. The community is basically Sup Forums and /k/ playing a computer game. Which makes chat pretty entertaining and actually playing with them near impossible. I do like some of the "what if scenarios".


this. I know only one guy irl who played it. The pixel art turns people off so much, they dont even want to try. I cant blame them since I didn't touch that game .

>what does 'fall for' even mean in this context
It means thinking it's all so very clever, when in reality breaking the fourth wall is the single most lazy way a writer can make his script appear more interesting, clever or deep than it actually is. It's the type of trick that only works so many times before you catch on to it, which is why I'm convinced only newfags actually think Undertale's story is "good".

breaking the 4th wall is not inherently clever but no technique is. it's how you do it. undertale had clever touches. you sound like a teenage english student leaning back in his chair and shitting on every novel that gets put in front of him for being 'unoriginal'.

>It's the type of trick that only works so many times before you catch on to it

again. what does 'catch on to it' mean. do you think people only enjoy theatrical devices like that when they aren't aware of the artifice behind them? the mature perspective is to accept that nothing is particularly new on a fundamental level, originality comes from personal expression arising from the complex combination of old ideas.

SimCity. The game is fine except there are no fucking on and off ramps for the vanilla game. It's a real bitch for traffic.

What are you playing it on?

Xenogears is greatly improved by emulation because you can just turn off frame limiting and run the game at 10x speed whenever you're in a dungeon.

I've only used Nvidia cards, the textures don't load properly. You can look at something, watch the blur load into the texture, turn around and then look back and its blurred again.
>you are stupid if you expected more than killing guys

The problem isn't the amount of combat, its how boring and repetitive it is. Majority of enemies and environments are the same and the missions are all identical. Raider, armoured, heavy raider grunt - mutant, swamp mutant. They all behave exactly the same. Throw in a couple of bigger boss mutants which just stand there and deal damage while you kill them as quickly as possible. Rinse and repeat though the entire game. The ideas with the weapons all having mods were fun but not enough to salvage it when there is nothing fun to use them on, nothing makes you want to carry on playing to see what happens next because you've seen it all already by the time you leave Wellspring.

The driving elements were fun at first but merely become a filler between driving to hub locations to kill more guys on foot. The engines noises are not even implemented properly.

> it sounds like you're honestly just bad

There is no challenge to this game, its impossible to be bad at it. It's boring because its so easy. Even when you die you get two chances to defib yourself back in. No shortage of ammo or equipment. You don't even need to race.


Just roll with it mate

Wolfenstein (I'll use because same engine) had basic shooter gameplay and was fun start to finish because the game kept throwing new things at you and growing in scale.

Rage doesn't do this, you just wind up killing similar enemies in similar rooms with the same weapons, nothing really changes or engages you after your first few encounters.

Crysis, I would say Far Cry 1 as well but Crysis impressed me a lot more. The aliens get a lot of shit but I actually didn't have that bad of an experience with them, and the levels inside the mothership and outside where the island became frozen were cool as shit.
I can definitely see why people hated the ailen part though, since the game pretty much did a 180 and went from an open world with multiple ways to approach multiple different objectives, to something more linear. Even then, I think the only levels that are straight up linear are the mothership level and the final level on the aircraft carrier.

Deadly Premonition
Way of the Samurai series

>no reply

hated it when I was younger. now I find it strange and compelling. it's among top3 ff's for sure.

Nearly every big name title that has come out over the last few years.

>people complain about draw
>don't [card] enemies
>don't buy items from shops and break it down for fucktons of magic
>don't even bother upping their magic stat to always draw 9

ffviii was fucking legit, i think everyone shitting on it just does so to fit in cause drawing and junctioning really weren't anywhere near as boring as people make it out to be

It's funny. Allof the flaws you listed sre honestly pretyy terrible things. And yet I still fucking love Asura's Wrath

It's one of the game I played wich gave me the most fun in ages.
2h into the game you can't hate aspects of the design since you haven't even seen a percent of what you can do user. But I guess it proves i t is indeed polarizing

Far Cry 2

Easily the best Far Cry ever, but for some reason not hailed as such

Alpha Protocol
>Some real narrative choices
>Unexpected characters

>Gameplay is lousy
>Feels unfinished

>Great music, graphics and aestethics
>Unique mix of TBS and TPS gameplay styles
>Lots of squadmates with different designs and personalities
>Decently sized maps
>Story has a good mix of serious and lighthearted moments

>Unit class balance is way off (scout rushing, snipers being useless until they suddenly become 95-100% accurate)
>Scoring system rewards rushing over careful planning
>Enemy AI is so bad they usually don't even spend all their command points
>Most levels have a gimmick that never gets used again, a twist that messes up everthing halfway through the level, or a 'trick' that makes the level completely trivial on repeat playthroughs.
>Terrible jaggies on ps3 version
>Menus within menus within menus

Far Cry 2
With dylan's mod it's a pretty nice savannah black people hunting simulator, gunplay feels pretty nice, pretty tough due to quick deaths on both sides, great fire physics, awesome athmosphere
The bad parts are litte verticality in the world, world isn't as open in general meaning you have quite a lot of narrow paths connecting bigger areas, malaria is a waste of time, too few open world events like convoys
Weapon degradation, respawning camps and quests sending you on the other side of the maps- many people dislike those aspects, but myself and others like them for more immersion, I guess

Life is Strange i guess.

Kingdom hearts

Great gameplay but simplistic enough on the surface that you could write it off as mash x to win. Didn't help that the story is fucking cringy as hell so it's easy to justify avoiding it all together.

If you can ignore the story, the games are actually really fun.

Monster Hunter seems pretty polarizing. It's the sort of game where you either love it and play hundreds of hours or you hate it and drop it after three hours.

Crysis was an awesome game. Multiple ways to do everything, challenging enough that you had to be creative with the suit powers and building in scale to the point your in a tank committing an all out assault.

Graphically it was a monster and some the physics stuff has no been done since. Shoot a tree down, split the trunk into smaller bits and beat Koreans to death with them.

The people who said it was bad are twisted bitter people or did not understand that you are supposed to create your own approaches in the game. I don't think people could handle the amount of options available.

It hurts me to see someone as ignorant as yourself posting David Mitchell.

>Feels unfinished

Cause it is unfinished, and that's a real fucking shame.

>some the physics stuff has no been done since

>there will never be another game where you can chokeslam a korean through a poorly built house
why live

Why can't Obsidian release a finished game anyway?


>best base gameplay in the series at the time
>nostalgiafaggotry everywhere
>ties up pretty much every loose end

>over seven hours of cutscenes, with the epilogue lasting over an hour
>gameplay becomes infrequent & either uninteresting or too short after the second chapter
>B&B corps had underwhelming fights & terrible forced backstories
>nostalgiafaggotry everywhere
>tying up every loose end while still trying to include twists led to a lot of asspulls

Dragon's Dogma:
>Stupidly fun combat
>Simple and rewarding ranking system
>Each class is entirely unique
>yuuge world
>Pawns are fun
>Giant twist ending
>Actually makes you feel like a hero
>World traveled on foot until late game
>Graphics and performance dated
>Pawns yammer on about everything
>Enemies spawn in the same spots forever
I'm glad to see that the game is appreciated here

This is true.

Destiny, although its only flaw was being overhyped at launch to the point where Jesus Christ himself couldnt live up to the hype. Its the most solid mmo (if you want to classify it as such), fps, and dress up sim that money can buy.

I would have to say morrowind.

Immersive world , atmosphere , characters and level design.

Even then , dated graphics and gameplay.

Far Cry 2

morrowind's graphics weren't dated in the least then

Also a very good RPG.

Squall was the best Final Fantasy character in the series.