Hey user, you're a gamer, right?

>Hey user, you're a gamer, right?

How do you respond?

D-do you like Senran Kagura? That's my favorite.


I play video games, if that's what you're asking.


Negative. I am a meat popsicle.

i play in my spare time, yes.
then proceed by not fucking everything up revealing my power level

In the same way that I'm a dish washer because I washed a plate once.

Susan I just walked into the office, I haven't even finished my coffee.
Please save your repetitive asinine questions until break. Keep harassing me like this and I will report you.

Uh, words used to label someone based on theyr hobby are just stupid.
I play Videogames as i watch the TV or hang out with my friends, but those other hobby doesn't make a Party Animal or a Lobotomized.

Too defensive?

Yeah I guess? Why?

What's the follow up if I answer "Yeah"?


You're fired for sexual harassment

"you fucking creepy manbaby i'm reporting you for rape."
You know it's fucking true.

"tits or GTFO"

"I play and enjoy video games, if that's what you're asking" is exactly how I would answer

next question? I don't hide my power level and I don't try to act witty with shit. You be the woman, I give you honest answers. I've done this plenty with people in real life, school, work, rich, poor, male, female.. jock type, successful man/woman/beautiful type etc.

No, I'm more of a movier

I play a bit, yeah

*it was a hologram*

Actually, no.
I just play video games for fun and also I don't play CSGO or DOTA2


I dunno why people on here have such a negative view on the term "gamer."

>"b..back that ass up"


Worse i ever got at my jobs were people not approving of me not playing Grand Theft Auto. I heard a girl co worker praising Overwatch once.

I don't drink coffee though.


Yes. I am also a pedophile for your information. (pedophilia is on the same level as gaming when it comes to how socially reprehensible it is).


No, bitch. I'm a gaymer and I'm not interested in you.

please be my gf

Laughed at this harder than I should have

Yeah I play some games. Why?

this is great. I'll use this

"I dabble"
*unzips fedora*

Yes, I'm a gamer.
A girl gamer ;)

I play games sometime so yeah i guess?

Too autistic

"I'm playing a 3DS, what do you think?"


Your hymen is unbroken right?

Rather than be a petty cunt about it you might as well just understand this is how normal people just talk, rather than bitch about how you hate being labelled like some fucking feminist victims group, if you play games you might as well just say "yeah, I guess" or just "yeah, why?" Instead of being a whiny little bitch just because someone actually wanted to talk to you once in your life. Try developing even a fucking little social understanding you hopeless flock of retards.

In these situations you always deny. I'm the biggest fucking game/anime lover as everyone else on this board however at the same time I have some normie-ass friends who have no fucking idea.
If you guys wanna survive in this world you gotta resist showing yourself. Even if they somehow start talking about your favorite game ever, you gotta resist showing that you know anything about it.

>I guess?

Yes I'm a gamer, but I don't play games. I live them m'lady

>"what? who told you that? games? who does that? nobody plays games!"
>proceed to storm out of the room and slam the door

works every time

its not the word, but what imply being a gamer to someone thats not me or you.

ok I kek'd

>Have an employee whos actually autistic
>Accidentally revealed when Fallout 4 was coming out that I was interested
>Literally ever time he sees me he starts talking about Fallout 4, hes 100% percented it and everything
>I completed the main story and haven't touched it since, it's shit
>Finally he starts running out of shit to say about Fallout
>DLC comes out


D-did I not hide my powerlevel properly?

Haha, I used too play nintendo when I was little kid.
Good times. Just don't have the time for it anymore I guess.

>mfw 900+ hrs on EU IV

this is EXACTLY why you dont talk to people about games what is wrong with you

"Yeah, and?"

oh wait that was too resonable a response for Sup Forums. How about:

"I like to fiddle my joysticks from time to time if that is what you're getting at babe"

I play games, yes.


I've learned my lesson now user

We all play games, Sarah.

You're playing one right now aren't you?


"I play some games, sure" literally all you have to say. but Sup Forumsirgins will blow this out of proportion and shit themselves.

This, always keep your power level hidden.

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

How do you get into grand strategy? I have Victoria 2 and Crusader Kings 2 but every time I load them up I can't get past the initial learning curve and get bored really quickly.

Guess I've been conditioned by the modern "congrats you're the fucking best!" style of rewarding the player for minor stuff

Sup Forums stuck in the past. They don't realize most people 35 and below play some type of video game.

CEO of my company played overwatch with a couple of guys from work last night. Times have changed. Playing video games is no longer creepy or nerdy. It's normie to play games.

Great! My boyfriend has a PS4 and I want to get him a new game for our one month anniversary, what do you think I should get him, user?

*tips fedora*

It won't work between us Ann, I'm gay.

As long as it's not a girl show your power level (within reason) who gives a shit if it scares Mormons, it occasionally makes you a real friend


Just fucking continue playing faggot

>being this salty about overwatch
you kids will never let it go, will you?

"If you're asking if I play video games then the answer is yes."

>Oh, you're into video games? What kind?

"I already don't like where this is going."


Just print the god damn document Sabrina.

How about you get him THIS?
*unzips vidya*

>being interested in Fallout 4 ever

you deserve it, faggot

*Deals Magic Card* Indubitably

"S-...-Senran Kagura Estival Versus and M-Megadimension Neptunia VII...

>"I-I hear Overwatch is pretty good. Mei is pretty thick, I-i'm sure he'll like that hahahah."

literally youtube comments/miiverse kids tier

>tell my co-workers I like games when asked about my hobbies
>nobody gives a shit
This is what it should be like if any of your coworkers are even remotely normal. Video games are popular enough most people enjoy video games to at least some extent, and the people who don't normally won't get offended if you do. The guy in my office who gets the most shit is the one who, when asked whether he liked board games, made a disgusted face, and now everyone gives him shit for it.

What does he play?
>broshooter vague explanation here
oh cool he might like $(bro shooter of the month)
>vague explanation of some weeb shit
oh cool he might like $(some new weeb shit)

its not science.

"Sorry babe, I'm gay and taken."

>tfw had my dick sucked by someone I met on this board
>tfw we live in the same apartment now
Call me a fag, whatever.

"A PS4, you say? I'm sorry, m'lady, but as a proud champion of the PC master race I have vowed not to dabble in the affairs of console plebeians. I hope you understand" *tips gunnars*

But it's not fun ;_;

I never deny this shit, I don't have any interest in someone who would try to insult me because of an interest I have, an interest that MOST people these days partake in.

I talk about video games at work with co-workers, during break and during lunch, we keep our voices at a normal level, like any other casual conversation, other people can overhear us if they want and that has been the case before. I'm fortunate enough to have co-workers who play games I like. We talk about Souls series, bloodborne, the witcher, deus ex.. the games I really love and they're recent or have titles coming out soon (Deus ex/witcher expansion) to me, to be able to talk about not only games with my fellow man, but the ones I really love, that is great, it's healthy socialization.

Although, I will say, I'm not someone who plays games in public, like handhelds or on mobile phones. I take care of myself, dress well enough, not overweight, don't have a neckbeard. People have interrupted us, male and female, to say shit like "do you guys have any idea how pathetic you sound" or "is that all you do is talk about games?" I shut them down always, grew up in a house as a kid with 7 brothers, most older, learned how to argue, fight and talk shit the entire time. Someone who doesn't like me because I like video games is worthless to me, someone who would talk shit is only going to get it back much worse, but that goes for pretty much anything.

people need to start doing as they like and disregard normie cocklickers whose only satisfaction in life is going home to watch other grown men play football on tv or waste their money at a bar drinking shitty overpriced booze.


>I've done this plenty with people in real life
Whoa we've got a socialite over here

nobody cares


I imagined Dennis saying it maybe because I'm watching Sunny now but it also fits

Get him a controller so you can both play together ;)

Fag. Nice blog.

An Old woman I work with the ones that know nothing about anything overheard I played games now everytime I work with her she says oh you look rough up all night playing those video games.
I went to sleep at 10 last night but okay




Fucking degenerates.

how about a (you) instead

Then it's not for you