>can't pirate games anymore because denuvo
>have to decide between affording games or getting the yearly pc upgrade needed to run them
Can't pirate games anymore because denuvo
>Mfw had to buy the first game in 6 years.
Piratefags BTFO
>yearly pc upgrade
what the fuck
What's denuvo?
It's not fair, what did we do to deserve this?
>have god tier taste in vidya
>the good stuff i want to pirate never has that drm contraption
>getting the yearly pc upgrade needed to run them
Nigger what the fuck you doing I haven't upgraded my PC in 5 years and I can run everything fine
>not purchasing games legally and contributing to the industry
And you wonder why?
t.poor pcfags
>every new game on low settings
T-this is the true power of pc gaming!!
prove it
there should be more demos if i can't play pirated games anymore
i should be able to check the game before paying full price
fuck the industry. If they want you make you pay extra for DLC to get content that used to be included in a finished game while also expecting you to pay for no physical copy, then the industry can go under.
Get fucked Europoors
>game prices growfrom 20-30 to 40-60 euro
> no visible upgrade in content, only graphic
> even less content and playtime
Well, i was thinking that battlefront was one-time jewpeicing but most games follow up that trend just looking at overwatch, darks ouls 3 and others. From the other side witcher 3 have fuckton of content and "old" price
>look up newly releases games
>nothing worth downloading
wew, what a tough life for pirates, thank god for GOG
Dust once a month, reinstall your OS once a year, reapply thermal paste once a year, keep your drivers up to date, learn which graphical settings actually make a difference, don't install adware like a spaz. It's not complicated.
Big fuckin baby. How bout you just watch reviews and look at pictures and make up your mind. Do you fags even know how shit was like in the 80s and 90s?
To bad none of those things will help you graphically.
>reapply thermal paste once a year
Please stop the le trolling.
Post yfw based Hilldog expands NSA surveillance to cover piracy and all pirates are rounded up and sent to a feminist re education camp if they can't pay for what they stole.
but it's possible that game will not work fine on my wooden PC
My 660ti still wrecks everything at high+ setting to this day. Run everything at max with SLI
>no demos in the 90s
What are you talking about user?
>reinstall your OS once a year
Congratulations on being computer illiterate.
Yes they will, if your computer is clean and running smooth you can afford to overclock.
Shit dries out. Enjoy your suboptimal performance.
>Have god tier taste in vidya
>All the god tier games came out years ago
Feels good man
Let me guess, you only play Japanese indie monster girl games but only if less that 20,000 people know about it at any given time?
Name a single game with Denuvo that's even worth pirating. you can't[\spoiler]
>yearly upgrade to run them
Well its pretty obvious that you're either completely retarded or you don't even play on PC. For fucks sake the GTX 760 can still run 90% of games available on ultra. The fuck are you talking about yearly upgrade?
Built my rig about 4 years ago, have never reapplied paste.
No changes in temperature.
Please stop the le trolling.
>piratefags don't pay for games, including the good ones
>game publisher/devs don't not enough sales to recoup development cost
>have to result to shitty practices like milking sequels, DLCs and f2p microtransactions
>piratefags crying about game industry gone to shit
Like clockwork
They're worth pirating just not worth buying.
It's that thing that doesn't allow you to pirate video games you wouldn't want to play anyway and that one game that you would like to play but not enough to really care.
>can afford 60 for warhammer
>can't afford the 6 gorillion DLC they will push out that is also required for full warhammer experience
c-crack soon fellow pirates
>not reinstalling windows at least once a year
you could always get a UNIX based OS and not worry about that, but let's be real now. None of you faggots could handle that
Doom, Total War: Warhammer
>inb4 sour grabes
>upgrading yearly
How about not buying the absolute cheapest shit once and maybe it'd last you more than a year
They better crack it soon or everything will start using Denuvo. All you stupid memers pretending you don't want to play Denuvo protected games are just turning a blind eye to the problem.
Now tell me Denuvo doesn't increase sales.
It costs in excess of a million to use Denuvo.
Most companies aren't going to bother.
>playing modern games
Found your problem
There's enough games out there to last you multiple lifetimes if you'd just bother to look for them and stop relying on le marketing new game hype like a fucking pleb
>It costs in excess of a million to use Denuvo.
No source.
Of more games start using Denuvo, there will be more and more resources poured into cracking it. Of course that also means more Denuvo customers which means they have more resources to use to improve their product. This "arms race" will be interesting to watch.
Sonnyger detected go play your weeb games faggot
>>have god tier taste
>being this much of a fucking weeb faggot
>yearly upgrade to run them
What the actual fuck
>spoonfeed me because I'm too fucking stupid to google for 5 minutes
Do you want a source when I make the claim that 1+1 = 2 as well? Fucking idiot
No source.
What part of his post convinced you that he's a fanboy of a company called Sony?
Honestly the only Denuvo game I wanted to try was D44M because I heard good things from friends.
But I'm not paying 60 dollars for it so no skin off my back.
so you don't have any source
What if some Denuvo employee eventually releases a crack (anonymously of course) to generate more work for themselves so that they can get paid more?
I expect it to happen, it's how most things are cracked, somebody who knows a guy gets him to cave and let free a loop hole, so long as the guy wasn't an idiot he could live the double life of denuvo cracker/up holder. The company would fast track him because he's the wonder boy who figures out how to stop those mean old pirates and the pirates would love him because he always finds a way in.
Faggot, you don't get rich buying non-assets you don't even own on steam.
Fucking idiot, never comment again
low settings is pretty much equal to console graphics, though it might even surpass the framerate
>what did we do to deserve this?
Your rampant piracy caused denuvo
This is shitposting.
>implying i play on pc
>implying i buy digital
Now fuck off back 2 reddit
>I'm too young to rememver demo disks
it's a true original Sup Forums meme back from the days you newfag
But now it one of the best 9gag memes
Letting go of a shitty forced meme is what separates a 9gag le xd retard from a high quality shitpoater
>have actually good taste in video games
>don't get affected by this shit at all
serves you right you casual scum
Oh look a fucking idiot.
>yearly upgrade
stop buying AMD
>pirating modern games
>playing modern games
back in my day, if you bought a cumpooter gaem you got demos of, like, two or three other games to go along with it
You can't call yourself a true gamer if you don't care about these masterpieces
ps1 demo discs were the coolest shit
>these masterpieces
>3 games published by EA
Please go back to spain
Ez solution to both problems. Get a job.
>EA bullshit
>back to Spain
Clean your own mess burger
Fifa is developed for spics and spaniards from my home country. Please end my suffering.
I don't see how denuvo is anything but good. People support the industry that they care so much about, what's wrong with that?
If you can't afford a game you want, or aren't patient enough for its price to drop, then reevaluate your life.