Bows are unaffected by strength

>Bows are unaffected by strength
>Crossbow damage is affected by agility regardless of hit location

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>>Bows are unaffected by strength
Why are you so retarded? You can't put more strength into your shot. Power draw doesn't exist in real life.

>pump strength
>can now be proficient with melee and ranged weapons
'MUH REALISM' fags are the worst.

I bet you never left your home in your lifetime

you can't put more strength into your bow no matter how much you pull, you stupid slut.

Sure you can, if the draw weight of the bow initially exceeds how much you're capable of pulling. Then you get a more powerful shot by getting stronger. Try getting a teenage girl to shoot an english longbow and then a strong dude.

>kill a skeleton
>"level up"
>get smarter

>Have high strength
>Get no bonus to ranged
>Some weapons are more prone to breaking

>Katanas are the best weapons in the game

Is right.

If anything, you should get both reduced damage and accuracy for not meeting the STR requirement of the bow because yuo can't fully draw it.

>Sure you can, if the draw weight of the bow initially exceeds how much you're capable of pulling. Then you get a more powerful shot by getting stronger. Try getting a teenage girl to shoot an english longbow and then a strong dude.
Presenting that in a form of increased damage for more STR is a flawed design.

Not the user you're replying to, but think about how you would put more strength into a shot.
Faster draw. Same shot

Yeah, because everyone knows that bodybuilders with no combat training are the possible combatants.

Kill yourself.

>are the possible combatants
are the best* possible combatants

>Crossbow damage is affected by agility
This is retarded in itself. It should affect reload speed only, and maybe accuracy/critical chance to a limited degree.

In that case more strength should increase your fire rate

>If anything, you should get both reduced damage and accuracy for not meeting the STR requirement of the bow because yuo can't fully draw it.
Not quite, since it's not like in real life there's a definite line of how strong you have to be for each bow. It's more of a range. So, increasing damage and accuracy bonuses up to a limit (which would be using the bow to full potential) depending on the specific bow.

Nobody said you don't need combat training, but more strength is always useful for physical activities.
There is literally no drawback to being able to exert more force on your environment.

>There is literally no drawback to being able to exert more force on your environment.
What kind of argument is that? There is no downside to having better motor skills either.

>Not quite, since it's not like in real life there's a definite line of how strong you have to be for each bow. It's more of a range.
No? There is a specific point at which you are going to be able to draw a bow fully. This is not diffferent to lifting weights.

If you're only just able to draw the bow, you probably can't aim for too long accurately or fire it too many times before you exhaust yourself.

>There is literally no drawback to being able to exert more force on your environment
There is, two actually.

More muscle mass is always going to take a toll on your endurance. Having more muscle means your organism needs more oxygen and as such you are going to tire faster. This is one of the reasons why marathon runners are skeletons and why military training is focused on cardio.

The second drawback only applies when you reach bodybuildier-tier retardation and have so much muscle mass that it hinders even the most basic movements.

Being able to lift weight comfortably is also a specific point.

And going above thatp oint is not going to make you draw the bow harder or anything. As you said, it will only affect draw speed and the rate at which said speed will degrade.

Rate of fire/exhaustion could be getting better the more STR you have, sure, but drawing the bow is a matter of either being able to do it comfortably or not.

only game I know that strength affects archery power is Mount and Blade
any other games do this?

Found the guy that never lifted in his whole life. Professional bodybuilder have excellent mobility

>Melee doesn't require agility

>Professional bodybuilder have excellent mobility
They don't.

There is a point at which more muscle mass is going to hinder your movements. There is a reason why sprinters have good amount of well-defined muscle but nowhere near bodybuilders.

I'm sorry that your fantasies are not realistic. Bodybuilders do it for the looks, not for athleticism.

It's just balancing, user. Same reason why wizards can't wear heavy armor. Because they apparently have to bust into break dance or something to cast their spells.

Post proof, because I'd say that doing splits is a sign of pretty good mobility
>well defined muscles
okay, you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about

To be fair, you can be TOO buff. Did you know Arnold had to slim down for Conan because he couldn't pull off the moves thanks to his muscles being so huge?

>Same reason why wizards can't wear heavy armor. Because they apparently have to bust into break dance or something to cast their spells.
This is entirely different because the way in which spells are cast is up to setting.

I really love this whole "bodybuilders are useless" meme

People talk as if those guys cant run 10 meters without fanting

>Level up STR
>Every bow draw is slightly faster, and uses slightly less stamina
>Level up Dexterity
>From Unsheathing to nocking arrows is faster, bows are slightly more accurate

Bows should have flat damage, be reenforcable, and actually do more or less damage based on where they hit (Chest/head/arms/legs/hands/feet), so leveling up dexterity makes it easier to get head/bodyshots and leveling up STR makes it so you can fire more arrows/minute effectively increasing DPS

It's a videogame you retarded faggot. The game would be shit if strength was the only stat that affected weapons like you want it to. They do this for balance issues.

Bodybuilders train for two things

1) Lifting the weights they need to lift either for gains or competition
2) Looking good for competition

They will stretch as much as they need to do be able to do the splits and get back up, that does not translate to being able to sprint efficiently, let alone being able to move quickly left and right as well as forward and backwards

This does not mean bodybuilders can't sprint, or can't move efficiently laterally, but compared to professional sprinters/speed-based athletes you'll see them always being smaller than bodybuilders who pursue size and strength over agility and dexterity


And how many shots you can fire before running out of stamina.

The chief benefit to bigger muscle mass is better endurance for resistance actions.

Can you post some actual proof instead of your armchair physician conjectures?

Who ever said only strength would affect weapons? Stop straw manning, retard.

Look up Brian Cage

lmao look at this retard thinking real life is like his videogames

But bodybuilders aren't really that strong compared to, you know, strong people.

You need a strong core, not a twig with a chunk of beef ontop, which is how most bodybuilders look.

And yet Sawyer, the man obsessed with balance, designed his system so that only the strength stat increases damage, including spell damage.

>Post proof
Proof of sprinter not being bodybuilders? Just fucking google "sprinter" and look for images.

>I'd say that doing splits is a sign of pretty good mobility
No, it's a sign of being flexible. Entirely different. The guy in your pic probably couldn't bring up a phone to his right ear with his right hand, for example.

>okay, you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about
What, you want me to throw some professional bodybuilding terms at you? English is not my 1st language so probably won't happen. I don't bodybuild because I don't care for the looks or how big I am, I do both cardio and lift occasionaly to be just strong enough for my needs.

except they are
maybe not in the competitions where they are have
like 1~3% BF

Nigga my roommates dad is a professional bodybuilder.

I'm not saying these people can't run, or jump and shit, but typically people with ALL STRENGTH and NO DEXTERITY are not expected to deftly fire arrows?

No matter how strong you are, it takes some dexterity to shoot a fucking bow

No way in fucking hell a 300lb+ guy with arms the size of watermelons is more capable of shooting arrows and utilizing a rapier than someone thats 180-240lbs with enough strength to not tire out, but not way more than he needs so he can still use it efficiently.

Can you please stop talking out of your ass already?

Kill yourself, privacyfag. Your life is so meaningless, you have literally nothing worth spying on.


>Brian Cage
He is strong as fuck, but he's not a bodybuilder he's a wrestler or something which requires dexterity and skill training just as much as strength training.

>Hurr but he bodybuilds now
Sure maybe for a fucking hobby, but the guy isn't nearly as big as giga nigga that someone posted up there who I'm talking about.

I'm not referring to just anyone who says "I lift, I'm a body builder" cause everyone should lift, I'm referring to the pros who are 350+lbs

Strength mainly increases your health. More body mass, more to cut and wound. Melee weapons do more damage, especially blunt. Heavy armour is easier to carry. Other tough actions take less stamina.
Agility makes your actions faster and more accurate. You can dodge, fight better, headshot more, switch weapons faster, unlock special acrobatic abilities.

Professional body builders always have health complications.

Well your pic clearly shows that huge biceps hinder your abilty to hold a phone like a normal human being.

Guess I don't have to say anymore. Keep living in your fantasy world where bodybuilders win the olympics.

That looks like it's taking an extreme amount of effort...

The only way the bow would shoot harder is if you pull it back more. If can already pull it back to it's furthest point, then more STR wont make a difference.

Once you can shoot the bow, the only thing that matters is accuracy. The only way to do more damage is to hit vital spots.

>pic literally named "struggles with cell phone"
Nice job proving him right

>except they are
If they were, they'd be able to compete in strongman competitions, which they don't.

Stop being an idiot, bodybuilding is aesthetics and little else.

As far as I know he was also a bodybuilder, too. Obviously due to being a wrestler he has to be more agile but being big doesn't obviously mean you have the mobility of a 80year old grandpa

He's big but he's certainly no big giga nigga that only quads can stop


He's probably an amateur bodybuilder himself who thinks he is on his way to become the strongest, fastest and most durable man in the world.

There is little chance to talk sense into that kind of people.

I think what that user is saying, is that no matter what he'll be slower than a sprinter or will get tired faster. Especially if it's a bodybuilder, they tend to have heart problems because they way the built their body was not for use and efficiency, but for looks, thus their heart literally can't handle their own body.

Bodybuilding is retarded honestly. Lift for function.
No, bodybuilding is a different art all together, where strength is completely irrelevant. So they don't train to try to push big weights they just try to get jacked as fast as possible for aesthetic competition.

Strongmen don't look like bodybuilders for a reason, because they're actually strong.

Is it possible to be bear fighting strong and still be agile?

Yes, but not as agile as someone who dedicated his training to be agile.

This is not a hard concept- a strongman can and probably will be more agile that a random dude from the street, bout nowhere near someone who trains for sprinting etc.

Yes but it's more difficult and the ratio will be off.
You will have to sacrifice some mass to be as agile as I believe you're implying.

And that correlates well with games where you have a limited amount of points to spend.
Unless the game is ridiculous and you can max out several attributes.

Yeah but it would be a little different for say strength/edurance since more muscle mass means that your endurance will get lower.

So it would be like, for every x points invested in strength you get -1 to endurance.

>He's big but he's certainly no big giga nigga that only quads can stop
Thats what I'm saying user

If you pursue dexterity, you're fine, even if you only pursue it a little bit. 60/40, even 70/30. This guy is like 55/45 or 60/40.

Giga nigga who can't use his phone up there is more like 90/10 even 100/0. He's not about to outrun even me

It'd be better to just have a str requirement for the bow, which irl would reflect being able to pull it to full draw. Str scaling would be kinda silly.

>Strength characters can do much before running out of stamina, but regenerate slowly
>Agility characters quickly run out of stamina if using heavy equipment, but regenerate fast
>Strength characters are thus in far deeper shit if they use up all their stamina
>Agility characters can take advantage of this and tire strength opponents and then kill them easily
I want a game like this.

It depends on the way you train and eat. You can become pretty strong without gaining that much muscle mass, look at low weight class powerlifters and weightlifters for example. There are also sports that require high strength and endurance at the same time, Rugby comes to mind. But I'll agree that increasing muscle mass just for the sake of it (bodybuilding) is retarded and useless