Valkyria Azure Revolution

>Ophelia's tights removed as a result of fan feedback

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>>Ophelia's tights removed as a result of fan feedback

Kek. Based fucking Japan. I imagine if it were a modern Western developer they would give her more clothes out of spite.

>Ophelia's tights removed as a result of fan feedback

lel, they got that right

I hope this will be delayed though, they need to polish this up. At least they know they fucked up

>Ophelia's tights removed as a result of fan feedback
Typical shit taste Japan

stockings, panty hose, tights > your ZR shit

She has no ZR

Better ride on fan service alone because that game looks fucking awful in every regard.

They're trying to fix it. Peoples were mad

>tights removed

Good fucking grief.

Yeah this could use some more time. They changed the whole thing up after the demo. Makes me wonder why they went that direction in the first place.

They had damn good reason to be.

It ain't a fun game and to fix it they'd need to restart completely; whoever was in charge of combat direction needs to be bumped back down to programmer.

you have no idea what ZR is. you dilettante!

>Have really fun system where your strategy game drops into a third person shooter and you run up and shoot people in the head
>Make a sequel primarily focusing on the melee combat they added in the shitty sequels no one liked


Who cares? The gameplay looks like shit anyways so why even bother with this garbage

Azure Revolution still seems like they were working on some generic jRPG and they just slapped the Valkyria IP onto it for name recognition.

Maybe they should have focused on porting VC3 to PS4/PC.

they literally just said they were scrapping the way it played.

>based on fan feedback we made the game actually good

Did anyone on the team actually think the demo looked good?

Nigga calm down. They're fixing it. They're working to make it more strategy focused and more of an rpg. It still has a chance.

m8 it's Sega.

Do not underestimate their ability to colossally fuck up.

Damage is done. It's too late to fix it.

There's no point now.

I wonder how Yakuza 6's demo feedback fared right about now.

But tights are sexy.

>implying you know what ZR is

Was Valkyrie Chronicles really such a masterpiece?

It didn't seem like it when I played it back on the PS3. The game I played had a fun and unique system that merged third person shooting and turn based strategy but was marred by a really shitty scoring system based entirely on the number of turns you took to win but had a really lovely artstyle that game the whole game this really pleasant pastoral feel.

It was the type of game I'd expect to be greatly improved upon by the sequel, the proof of concept and the first step into something greater. All we've gotten out of it though are piles of shit that made the first one look better and better by comparison.

Now looking at how badly they've fucked up just about every aspect of every sequel they've made it almost feels VC had some magic like all the stars aligned just right it a game doomed to be shit ended up alright.

You can't fix a game when it has less than a year of development left this game is fucked

VC3 is better than VC1

Only in regards to not being able to win the game outright with scouts only.

There was heavy PSP limitations which brought it down a shit ton. Also melee units which was fucking stupid and why we're getting this dumb generic anime sword bullshit with azure revolution.

what was there idea with making it on PSP and not PS3?
How can a game like that fit the PSP. I don't get it

The only things that is right in the upcoming game is the enemy grunt design.
Why the fuck can't we play as this guys with VC gameplay?

>why we're getting this dumb generic anime sword bullshit with azure revolution.
fucking agree.

It fit the psp because it had like, 5 whole maps that were pretty small.

It was on the psp because they thought they could squeeze more money out of mobile players I guess.

You forgot the better enemy placement, writing, characterization, customization, combat (like increasing the damage made from interception fire, which makes scouts way less overpowered, special abilities...).

You're full of shit if you think VC1 is better than VC3 in anything other than graphics.

> Also melee units which was fucking stupid and why we're getting this dumb generic anime sword bullshit with azure revolution.

I actually really like the coloring and art style they're using for azure revolution

>other than graphics
Or having maps larger than a walk in closet.

Is there a before and after picture?

Bigger maps are worthless if you can't implement your gameplay correctly in them and only use 2-3 soldiers tops.

action strategy hybrid, very low strategy and poor action however

Also melee units which was fucking stupid and why we're getting this dumb generic anime sword bullshit with azure revolution.

I also hate HOW the game looks.

Yeah it looks great; on the enemies.

The heroes look like fucking trash.

and rehashed a million times

fucking hell man, what VC has become, it wasn't "realistic" in earlier titles but I still feel like full on "anime bullshit" either, but it seems to have progressed to worse and worse and now we've come to this

They should remove the game as a result of fan feedback

if they ever make vc4 think they should stick to projectile close range attacks honestly like grenades, flame throwers (burning status) and shotguns

>fucking hell man, what VC has become, it wasn't "realistic" in earlier titles but I still feel like full on "anime bullshit" either

>Bigger maps are worthless
The levels in VC still stand as by far the most memorable in the series and VC still stands as the best game in the series.

VC2 was two steps back, VC3 was two steps forward and one step back.

Thank you for posting an image that reaffirms exactly what he said.

>The levels in VC still stand as by far the most memorable
They are memorable, but they were terrible designed in terms of enemy placement and the like.

>VC3 was two steps forward and one step back.
>VC still stands as the best game in the series.
Are you retarded?

>If I don't like something, it's too anime

Fucking braindead normalfags
Are swords exclusive to anime now?
Fuck off.

Honestly they should've replaced melee with close range firearms.

I can understand the enemies using swords somewhat as a close range sidearm but these are dedicated melee units who just run across the battlefield at you in a straight line absorbing bullets. Of course this doesn't matter since the only way to do fucking damage is in melee combat due to bullets being so hilariously weak you might as well just not bother.

>Flying pig
>Not full on animu bullshit

>Yeah it looks great; on the enemies.
Welcome to japan.

How can you say that when there are valkyrias with lances shooting laser beams. I mean I agree they look more like a proper army in the first game but it was still anime as fuck.

It had the best design in the serie

It's hilarious to see who played VC3 and who didn't. The whole sword shit is blown out of proportion completly. You fuck didn't see how slow and uneficiant they are outside of very specific situations. They just made the game better and varied.
Fucking gun only murricunt culture.

Did you fail basic arithmetic or are you just pretending?

The American boogieman strikes again!

And even then.
It was a proper army because they were part of a better army. The peoples in AR aren't.

Fuck you nerd.

Mansized melee weapons are retarded.

They said they're changing that up in the new demo. I still feel like it'll be a clusterfuck.

I'm pretty sure femboy with an oversized glowing sword cutting up dudes with guns is pretty much exclusive to anime.

>appears once or twice, on screen for maybe two minutes total, no real bearing on anything
>full on

>VC3 is far superior
when with this falsity end

>Using armor to shield against bullets and support other units when there is heavy fire is bad

I want the casuals to leave.

When you play the game


>removing tights

You can't pull that shit anymore, it's fully translated now, we've all played it.

>designs by Raita
>valkyria with pewpew lasers
>not full on anime
Its amazing to see how many people didn't actually play the fucking games

Then you need to watch more movies and read books.

>killing tanks with hammers

>it's fully translated now
Thanks for confirming you haven't played it.

>It's not anime if I like it!

Reddit in a nutshell.

Shit is retarded.

>let me just post a magical sword made of moon farts and pixie dust from a different game

Oh hey remember all those guys in dark souls with guns fighting a world war 2-esk battle with weapons about twice the size of them? I certainly don't.

It's just that one fag, calm your inner Sup Forums.

Link is not loading for me. Anyone got pic of before and after of the tights? Curious.

call me when they remove panties

>designs by Raita
Left: main character designed by Raita
Right: main character designed by whoever

I don't understand what you're implying

>He said it wasn't the best
>He mustn't have played it
Time to go into the archive and find that large post with the fair critic of the game.

>guns fighting a world war 2-esk battle with weapons about twice the size of them
Don't remember this in VC3 either. They were dragging their swords on the ground due to their weight unlike in every fantasy stories ever, and the hammers were mostly used to take out boxes, which make sense and was fun gameplay wise.

Also Azure Revolution isn't WW2.

>developer explicitly states that this is a spin off, separate from VC

>people bitch and whine about the series being ruined

You people are retarded. Things could be far worse.

And that's ignoring how VC was already a fucking mess. Did the people bitching about "anime bullshit" just fall asleep during the dialogue or something? This series has always been anime as fuck

Thigh-band pantyhose > Normal pantyhose > full-length tights > thigh-highs > over-knee socks > knee-socks > spats > crew socks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> bare legs

>>Ophelia's tights removed as a result of fan feedback

>Thanks for confirming you haven't played it.
Where have you been for the last 2 years?

VC3 got translated though, just not for a few dlcs.

>Properly dressed and equipped
>Good salute
>Looks competent as fuck

>Guy on right
>Wearing a trench coat to battle
>Stupid pose with his left hand glowing for some reason
>Huge ass sword which he can somehow wield with just his right hand


Honorable Mention: Invisible socks

>Azure Revolution still seems like they were working on some generic jRPG and they just slapped the Valkyria IP onto it for name recognition.
Shining Resonance 2

That's right, it's not good and the game never tell you it's the best solution. The hammer just happens to have good anti materiel stats, that doesn't mean you're supposed to kill tanks with them


Average Valkyria Chronicles 1 gameplay:

Average Valkyria Chronicles 3 gameplay:

Why are they the penal squad? What are they comprised of?

>look mom I posted it again!
>Implying this art even matter when the game doesn't even have fixed classes and is downright suicidal to use more than 2 melee units per mission, one of them being only useful in very specific situations and the other to destroy boxes and repair bags

average VC2:
avan scouting the area because he got fucktons of HP

That's not fully translated.

The main heroine still looks the most boring and the worst out of every other chick in the game.

Restrain your autism for a bit senpai.

I really wish we could have used Alicia in her Valkyria form. Game was broken anyway.

Alright, you're brain damaged.

>Dandy male character implemented
Fucking based.

We need Jan back

More fallacy

What movies and books am I missing out on?

They wouldn't happen to be Anime would they?