>consoles will never look this good
Also Dishonored 2 thread.
What are you looking forward to the most? Emily?
>consoles will never look this good
Also Dishonored 2 thread.
What are you looking forward to the most? Emily?
Good cast
For the game not to punish me for playing lethally.
Fucking utter shite, I would rather play Thi4f than this piece of shit, that had at least challenging stealth on the highest difficulty.
I agree with this
Playing lethally was far more fun so being punished for it fucking sucked
>punish me for playing lethally
>literally gives you more guards to kill
>makes one level have stormy weather instead of calm weather
Bad ending, fuck off.
you faggots were in the other thread. and again: NO it doesnt punish you.
Looks a lot like Uncharted 4 tbqh.
High chaos, not "bad". And who cares, it's a 60 second cutscene that you can skip. You only have to play pacifist style once, and only if you care about achievements. There is nothing in-game stopping you from going murder crazy if that's what you find the most fun.
>real life will never look this good
Are they inhaling whale oil?
>high chaos = bad
Now fuck off shill
>using ben stiller not manly tears
God damn it when will we have light reflecting off of water correctly? We're finally starting to get good shadows but lighting has a long way to go.
cutscene =/= punish
stop posting
This. I had so much fun playing lethally. The end cutscene happened and I just thought 'oh well' and chuckled.
Also killed that faggot Samuel before he alerted anyone, fucking cuck
How is the ultimate difficulty mod? Does it go well with a blink only run? I feel like the magical powers kind of clash with the stealth and infiltration level design
>What are you looking forward to the most? Emily?
What a pleb.
Stephen Russell as Corvo is the only right answer.
>i look forward to a voice acting when it comes to vidya
>look how patrician i am
seriously though senpai, you sound like complete faggot.
so they dropped the first game's artstyle?
Nah, they kept the same guy on for the art direction. Source I read about it in the game informer monthly piece.
>indiscriminately murder dozens if not hundreds of guards just doing their job
The game literally goes "Here, more guards for you to kill" if you're going lethal but instead you get triggered by a 1 minute ending cinematic that accurately portrays what would happen if you killed hundreds of people to get your revenge instead of just a few. (You can kill all your targets and and a few number of guards and still get low chaos)
Fuck. Off. With this shitty meme.
>I want to act like a mass murdering psycho and the game should pat me on the head, or just not react to it at all
Are you retarded?
Damn, Bethesda shills going all out for this one.
retards itt
>stealth killing
>mass murdering psycho
You are stupid
YFW the high chaos has been confirmed as the canon ending.
Hoky shit, you have to be the dumbest fucking cunt I have ever come across on Sup Forums and boy thats saying something.
That's not a screenshot from the game and I don't know where OP got the idea that it is.
How's that? There's even a skill, that makes dead bodies disappear after killing, but again HURR DURR HIGH CHAOS MASS MURDERING PSYCHO
It's not really about punishing versus not punishing the player. It's about giving these vast array of options and the game actively discourages you from using them if you want a CERTAIN ending.
For fuck's sake the game should have just choices like an RPG for the dffferent endings if that's the way the devs want to do it.
>kill everyone
>decide at the end you want the disney ending
Doesn't work like that, consequences happen because of your actions, pressing the magic button to make it go away at the end isn't going to cut it.
or play how you want and see how it affects the.
Its not hard, user
Even if the bodies disappear, if you kill a very large number of killings, you are still a mass murderer. Now, what don't you understand?
Why would you want a console that looks like this?
I hope you are not trying to argue that if you don't kill people all at once that you are not mass killer, whether you kill all the guards in one fight or one by one YOU STILL KILLED THEM ALL MAKING THE BODIES DISAPPEARING DOESN'T NEGATE THE FACT YOU KILLED THEM
Jesus Christ.