Is everyone excited for the new golden age of gaming?
Where consoles cost nearly as much as high end gaming pcs?
But still maintain worse graphics, performance and cant be used for anything outside of gaming and a handful of video streaming apps
Is everyone excited for the new golden age of gaming?
Where consoles cost nearly as much as high end gaming pcs?
But still maintain worse graphics, performance and cant be used for anything outside of gaming and a handful of video streaming apps
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Who the hell would buy a titan now? 1080 comes out tomorrow and is better and cheaper?
isnt on the xbox one haha?
Check mate console fags
i forgot about xbox live
i thought i could afford it
but that tipped me over the edge
if this is the real prices
goodbye games industry
grandmas, parents on low paid jobs or benefits, and kids saving up through chores and paper rounds cant afford that
and theyre like 80% of the market
Who the hell would ever buy a titan?
Every card that's ever had the name titan slapped onto it has been a laughable failure.
The GTX 1080 costs 790€ (= $880)
Don't fall for Nvidia's lies.
Do some research. You can easily create a PC at or above the performance of a console at the same price.
Shes fuckin ugly up close
The 1080 is $599 in America.
No you fucking cant
thats what i mean
if these prices are real
some will convert to pc
but most will move to mobile
unless the nx gets good 3rd party support and is cheap
in which case it will become the new fifa/cod/madden box and nothing changes
I can't tell if this is b8 or not.
you don't actually think VR is essential for gaming do you?
Xbone: 300
Basic 32 inch HDTV: 150
Xbox gold: 60
Headset: 40
Total: 550
Wow, sure showed us consolefags huh
The new xbox is $600?
I think there will be vr games at launch
And them vr games will require an upgrade
Especially ones that utilize the motion controls
No nigger.
Except that involves finding/buying parts from various stores, waiting on shipping, then assembling the PC.
If you want to walk in to a store and buy a PC that will perform the same games at the same graphical fidelity, you have to spend more than a console. And since you can't order parts and make your own PS4, you can't use making your own computer as a counter-example. It's not the same thing.
Used 3DS: $99
Hotdog: $2.99
All I need
In fact i cant see how you could build an "Oculous Ready" console for less then a grand given the specs oculous originally gave out
You make it sound far more difficult than it actually is.
Shit, are 3ds only 100 bux now? Might have to get one
why do people never mention that console games are always ~20$ more expensive than their PC equivalents? Also im not really a pirate fag as i do buy most of the games but on rare occasions i pirate them, can you pirate games on ps4/xbone? how is cfw/homebrew going?
Which store in America sells the 1080 for $599? I can't find one.
On that chipset?
Its gona be a hell of an upgrade to reach decent vr
>My capcha
>790€ (= $880)
nice try yuropoor
>Basic 32 inch HDTV: 150
That's funny m8.
none of that sounds hard at all.
and it's worth it in the end
The 1080 isn't even on sale yet you dunce
A good car costs up to $10k but you don't see me complaining, do you?
>buying a last gen console for 500 dollars
> Ram = ???
>Case = ???
>Mouse + KB = ??
>Monitor = ???
>Monitor #2 = ???
>Surround Sound speaker set = ???
>Webcam = ???
>Microphone = ???
>Sound card = ???
>Modem = ???
>desk = ???
>gaming chair = ???
>headphones = ???
>DVD drive = ???
>Oculus Rift = ???
>internet subscription = ???
>Hard drive = ???
>SSD = ???
>Joystick = ???
>PSU = ???
>Coolant = ???
>Hardware fans = ???
Fixed that for you.
Dude no one cares, the average gamer is never going to make a gaming pc and pc will likely never be the primary market. That's fine, just buy a console on the side if you want the exclusives.
I keep my pc decent so I can play Total War and I bought a ps4 to play bloodborne and a 3ds for monhun. Easy peasy.
I didn't just pick one and then whine that everything wasn't coming to my first purchase. Imagine if I petitioned for total war on ps4, you'd laugh your ass off. That's what you look like when you do this shit.
forgot to mention xbox live cost
im a console gamer laughing at how much the next generation is going to cost
not a pc gamer asking you to convert
the "Average Gamer"
isnt going to spend over a grand to play the next fifa
>now with the ability to turn his head the camera does the same edition
I don't give a shit about motion or VR and I probably won't for another decade.
You will this e3 when every game announced is vr exclusive
I really couldn't care less if VR fails. I'd be fine with playing games on tvs with a controller that's pretty much the same as I use now 50 years from now.
1.564.899 for 1080p and 60 fps.
>Still not 1080p and 60 fps.
Not likely to happen. And even if it does it'll only be triple a shit which I don't play a ton of anyway.
theres 2 new vr based consoles launching
its very likely
your not going to sell a console with no games...
Who the fuck did this, PCs have more components than those
Worst case I just sit a generation out. I don't really see VR becoming the industry standard the same way motion didn't.
its literally the same thing
but this time theyre doubling down and spending billlions instead of hundreds of millions
Sucks for them I guess. I think my odds are pretty good of it not becoming the primary method of gaming. If it does I'll either give it a chance in 5 years when they stop buttfucking early adopters or I just live with my backlog.
Jesus christ. Russkie are disgusting, but russian ponyfags are even worse.
It's pretty fucking retarded to include TVs on these lists because everyone already owns a TV.
Meanwhile no body will own a monitor unless they already have a desktop. You fucks are stupid
You know you can plug a PC into a TV, right?
Also, why would you bump this dead shitposting thread you sperg?
>everyone already owns a TV
Well, I don't.
>Buying VR at launch
Special kind of retard
How many people use their TVs instead of monitors. You're pretty dumb m8
Everyone who doesn't have a monitor?
Are you retarded?
>a significant amount of everyone who owns desktops do not use a monitor
No user, you're the fucking retard
>Improper strawman at that
I ask again, are you retarded?
>I ask again, are you retarded?
You are senpai. If you're convinced everyone already owns a monitor I do not know how to help you
What does that have to do with me stating that they can use their TV?
Jesus, are you 12 on top of being retarded?
>What does that have to do with me stating that they can use their TV?
They don't. They have monitors. Seriously, are you fucking dunce?
>They don't. They have monitors
So now you literally don't even remember your original argument?
Jesus christ, you must have Alzheimer's in addition to being retarded.
>Falling for the vr meme
No, you're adding a TV (assumg you're the same poster) to the list of things someone who owns a console must buy.
The vast majority of Americans and most people in other countries already own a TV. They won't have to go out and buy something they already own.
The same cannot be said for monitors when most people own laptops instead of desktops., If you're buying a desktop there is a good chance you'll have to buy a monitor.
What's so hard to understand? are you dumb?
Should I get a 144 Hz 1080p monitor or settle for 60 Hz for half the price? Same size, same resolution.
>If you're buying a desktop there is a good chance you'll have to buy a monitor.
And I literally just said you can plug a desktop into a TV.
Fucking hell, you are literally retarded.
>buying a titan when a 980ti is half the price and better
fix your image.
>tfw this+a 1080 is gonna cost ~1400 dollars
high end PC gaming is way cheaper than I thought it would be
not even that user but you are literally retarded
Not worth the money at the moment but its alright. The hardware in its current state is far from perfect but acceptable, good enough to fool you into thinking you are there. Vertigo and all...
I got the vive myself, cool toy great tracking system and all, but there isn't anything particularly compelling for me to sink hundreds of hours on yet. Most of the games cost more than they are really worth, mostly due to the low number of users.
Display resolution needs to improve further along with the optics and ergonomics. They really have to lose the damn cable as well.
I've only fucked around with a few short games and demos. At the moment there are a few games I return to every now and then.
SPT for a quick round every now and then.
H3VR is pretty damn cool, you get your own indoor shooting ranges to fool around in, been spending the most time fucking around with it.
God I love the pump action shotty, and mp5. So satisfying. Pistols feel just right. Low display res really bites you in the ass though when aiming down thin sights or firing at objects at 100m or so. Hell even trying to inspect fine engravings on the weapons up close is fuzzy.
Firing rifles and shotgun would be perfect with an accessory similar to this.
As for upcoming games, Budget cuts demo was pretty fun looks promising, might grab the full game when it comes out. Has pretty good polish and the smoothest game play mechanics so far.
Sisters might be a decent horror title.
I've seen worse with console launches.
Just needs higher quality vidya, and lower cost to increase adoption.
Once PSVR is out hopefully more content with a higher budget will pop up.
>And I literally just said you can plug a desktop into a TV.
But who will do that? Where would they put their mouse and keyboard? that sounds pretty counterproductive.
thats like saying "well console gamers can use monitors instead of tvs!"
it's such a damn moot point user. they can, but that doesn't mean they will do that.
I don't think English is your first language.
Dumb fuck.
>$500 difference
>nearly as much
>But who will do that? Where would they put their mouse and keyboard? that sounds pretty counterproductive.
it isn't counter productive you're just reaching hard because you don't have a real argument. you'd have to be mentally retarded to not see how it would work
>But who will do that?
People who don't have a monitor and don't want to pay for one?
>Where would they put their mouse and keyboard?
On a table in front of them?
>they can, but that doesn't mean they will do that.
The argument is that you'll have to buy a monitor, but that argument is factually false because of what I just pointed out.
You're the retard who doesn't want to accept it because it would mean admitting that your argument is flimsy as fuck.
I don't know how I can help you user if you cannot understand a fucking simple concept.
>People who don't have a monitor and don't want to pay for one?
How many people buy a desktop and not a monitor. Hell they're right beside each other in every store.
>On a table in front of them?
who the fuck does this?
>The argument is that you'll have to buy a monitor, but that argument is factually false because of what I just pointed out.
You're the retard who doesn't want to accept it because it would mean admitting that your argument is flimsy as fuck.
even if that were true, adding a TV to the list of things you must buy is pretty fucking retarded when the majority of console owners already have a TV, like every normal household.
can the said be same about Desktop??
give me statistics on how many people use their TV for desktops instead of monitors. if anything, your argument is flimsy as fuck
>How many people buy a desktop and not a monitor.
How many people buy a console and not a TV?
>who the fuck does this?
People who want to?
Serious question, are you legitimately braindead?
>even if that were true, adding a TV to the list of things you must buy is pretty fucking retarded when the majority of console owners already have a TV, like every normal household.
Right, and since TVs are present in many households, a monitor purchase isn't necessary, since a TV can be used as a monitor.
>give me statistics on how many people use their TV for desktops instead of monitors
As soon as you give me some statistics on how many people use their monitor for their desktops instead of their TVs.
Its just like putting legos together, and every thing comes with detailed manuals on how to install the parts if you cant figure it out.
Nah a good car should cost atleast $30k
>As soon as you give me some statistics on how many people use their monitor for their desktops instead of their TVs.
I asked you first user. now cough it up
Consolefags are literally dumber than underaged niggers.
Burden of proof lies on you m8, you're the one arguing that it doesn't happen.
I'm waiting.
I asked first. I am waiting for the statistics user.
As am I.
Looks like we'll be waiting for awhile.
>children in poverty with alcoholic parents cant afford the luxury peripherals for their luxury entertainment device
Boo fucking hoo.
No, you know you don't have any damn statistics so you resort to "n-no you!" because you're trying to avoid it.
Just admit there's nothing you could go on. You're sidestepping the argument so hard it's almost like you're calling quits.
implying building a pc is in anyway difficult.
Nigger childern can do it... it ain't hard
I know is hard for you pcfags to understand but people play on consoles because consoles get more worthwhile game, without having to wait years for a garbage port.
>No, you know you don't have any damn statistics
The irony.
I'm still waiting for your statistics user.
Feel free to prove me wrong, until then, sit down and shut up.
>consoles get more worthwhile game
Yep, sounds about right.
Enjoy Bloodborne user.
Whats it like still living with your parents? Seems pretty blissful if you think everyone owns an idiot box.
Does the PC price include Oculus Rift?
>because everyone already owns a TV.
Is this nigger serious?
You'd have to be literally 15 to think this, even college dorms require you to bring your own TV.
Exactly. everyone already owns tvs
>Exactly. everyone already owns tvs
Uhh no, they don't.
Are you 12?
TVs don't just magically appear in people's homes.
this is the most retarded image i've ever seen in my life. i literally don't even know what it's trying to imply. i just wanted you to know that op.
They are cheaper than Monitors, though. Plus with a PC you can play SNES, N64, PS2 and Dreamcast games while on a monitor you can't
TV*, not a PC.
>They are cheaper than Monitors, though
>while on a monitor you can't
you retarded, son?
>1 tb USB
holy fuck technology stop