Is Theodore Roosevelt a good choice for Civ 6's American leader?
Is Theodore Roosevelt a good choice for Civ 6's American leader?
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Is this game even worth buying? How different is it from civ 5?
He looks like someone modeled Taft because they misunderstood which President it would be, so instead of modeling Teddy, they just slapped glasses on him and called it a day.
This, what the fuck
Teddy's a big guy
>is fat
I'd say.
>Last american president that cared for the people
>has his face on a mountain along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
What do you think?
Was never that big. I could see stylizing him for the artstyle, but he literally looks like Taft with glasses
Yes. He's a pretty damn based president so I'd be happy to play as him.
It's a good choice, Washington might be a more important historical figure but on the other hand, he wasn't really a leader of the "American civ" as we now know it (it was still Thirteen Colonies, pretty much). At least Civ III and IV also had Lincoln and I think Roosevelt is a better choice than him.
Thin the jowls down a bit and he's only a little fatter than he was in his later years.
Scrolling by this thread I assumed it was Taft, actually
>elevated America from regional power to global power
>not a pansy ass, has actually killed people
>built the panama canal, canals being the biggest meme in civ v
>big stick diplomacy
He's consistently among the most popular American presidents, and his tenure in office is looked upon pretty fondly by history, too. He's also about as "cool" as a U.S. president can be.
Phone posters proving once again they're the worst
possibly the most bad ass president america has ever had
But user, that isn't Andrew Jackson.
is that a cane? ok I take it back.
Jackson was just a belligerent dickhead.
t. Butthurt Redskin
He was more of a savage than the natives.
Nothing more badass than genocide m9
He was a good president because of stuff like his domestic policies, but i imagine he was only chosen because of his meme status on the internet as 'the most awesome president'.
Story goes that a crazy guy fired two pistols at Jackson, both misfired, so Jackson then supposedly attempted to beat the guy half to death with his cane and had to be pulled off the guy by his aides.
Also, teddy Roosevelt was shot during a speech, but continued to speak until he was done, and even mentioned to the crowd that if the man that tried to kill him had been trained properly by the US army he should've been killed, or something like that. Pretty based.
Not really. Besides you have to look at Jackson with context of the time he lived in, fucker was a veteran of the Indian wars and knew first hand of their savagery
>Censured by his own government.
>Kept his cheese in the lobby
>Once captured by the British and subjected to poor dental hygiene in his teens.
>Foundation of why states can't back out of this union business, so we can't force California to fuck off/California can't fuck off and enjoy itself without these faggots
>Basically pioneered porkbarreling, or at least heralded it
>Agreed to fuck off the Indians again.
Trust Sup Forums to like the controversial president. Well guess what: good for you
Well, I obviously don't have hands-on experience and the few people who have were supervised by the developers but I watched some video where someone explained their experiences and I'll try to make a brief summary of changes to Civ V (not in any particular order):
>No global happiness, there's a city-specific score for "amenities"
>City population is limited by housing capacity, which can be increased by buildings, techs and improvements (for example, I think farms increased housing capacity by .5 in addition to providing food, city growth works the same as before)
>Roads are automatically built by trading units
>Workers have limited charges so you can't just stick with the same worker from prehistory to future
>Culture has now a separate "tech tree" and is linked to a civic system: you unlock government types similar to Civ IV but you also unlock different "culture cards" that you can augment your choice of civic with
>Each tech has a visible condition the fulfilling of which might allow you to make a breakthrough for big research boost
>There's limited unit stacking, like being able to combine units of the same type to more powerful unit or adding anti-tank guns to infantry unit
>AI players have "agendas" (one tied to the civ, one randomized and hidden) that significantly change how they interact with you, like a civilization wanting to build all wonders and getting really angry if you compete with them. In addition, trade, proximity and other such factors give you limited espionage-style info before espionage itself come into play
>In addition to standard buildings, there's "districts" that take up a tile. Wonders also take up a tile. In addition, districts and wonders seem to be much more reliant on surrounding territory than before
Seemed different enough. Also, Pretty much all expansion features (like religion, tourism and espionage) are still there so it probably compares better to Civ V with its expansions than Civ V launch compared to BTS.