Guys we made it into the new Deus Ex trailer!
Guys we made it into the new Deus Ex trailer!
So what? The liberals are chimping out?
No I'm just saying we made it into the new trailer
Who's we? I'm not in it.
>again with the augmentation shit
>no gameplay
fuck off
Are you talking about the anonymous parody character in the trailer, or did I miss something?
pretty sure that's an antagonist in the game, he was in a few screenshots. bretty gud trailer tho
>live action
Guys do you think we'll get another appearance in the new game?
>le anti-PC guys are the bad side meme
nice victim complex jamal
I don't think that is what they are saying friend.
If anything it is the opposite, considering the fact that the main character is an aug
This is going to be the game of the year guaranteed.
It's literally a direct sequel to the first game.
Did you expect the entire political and social landscape to transform in only a couple years? Quit being a retarded babby.
Conspiracies are the main plot of this one, unless they try to pull a fast one.
Witcher 3 B&W will probably take that but this should be great too
HR was absolutely full of conspiracy you retard.
Since when can dlc be GOTY?
If that was the case, Bloodborne's Old Hunters dlc should have swept the board last year.
Witcher 3 came out last year
Guy shouting about his god-given right to fight at 1:25, people holding NO AUG and "protect the children" signs. Clearly they are supposed to be the backwards, religious bigots
> people holding NO AUG and "protect the children" signs.
Your point?
I'm sure an aug with that virus would have killed some kids.
TOH was easily DLCOTY 2015
10/10 trailer.
Well we already know the world will suffer the Grey Death so this is just a drop in the bucket.
Tips Fedora
>le anonymous
When will this cringefest finally die.
An aug person literally set off that huge bomb
Illuminati plays a massive role in the Deus Ex universe you slobbering moron.
No, they focused on the augmentation shit like they seem to be doing again with this one, try playing the game before opening your dumb fucking mouth, dipshit.
>this is the type of retard that thinks he should dictate what writers do.
That pic looks like it's a Kunoichi 3 trailer.
>tfw I'm actually in it
>Posted right when released
>Trying to pander to both justice warriors and trumpfags with a C level holocaust/apartheid plot
>USA-tier acting
It's like you shills aren't even trying anymore
>I have no argument: The post
I think making the whole game revolve the augs vs non-augs issue so much about it seems a bit much, not to mention it's getting a bit tired.
>Muh playing God
Fuck off. Like there's not really any trace of all that shit in the original Deus Ex, so I guess we can assume that they gassed everyone opposed to augs or something.
>Dangerous technology goes wrong
>People literally violently slaughtering others due to the technology
>Surprised when there's an extreme counter-measure to deal with it
Sorry, am I supposed to side with the Augs on this one?
i hope you're baiting and you're not actually this stupid.
Is one of the dudes in the trailer shouting at a camer supposed to be the Alex Jones of that universe?
>Fuck off. Like there's not really any trace of all that shit in the original Deus Ex
That's nice. Except like I said:
It's a direct sequel to the first game. The first game focused on transhumanist ethics. The political and social landscape that shaped the various groups at play would not have changed much in only a few years.
You. Are. A. Fucking. Retard.
Oh wow 2 lines about Anna and Hermann, fuck off moron.
>I want the game go change because it's triggers me
It's always been like this.
What do you want ? Trump hats. Alex Jones is already in the game. Isn't that enough PANDERING ?
Yes because if you played the previous game you would know it was a conspiracy
>mfw going to make sure to smack any naturalist anti-aug hippie that tries to get in my face
>2 lines
If this shit gets delayed again...
>referring to HR as the first game
It is the first game though
>implying pro-aug isn't the sjw camp in this
Its literally about muh rights and muh raysism.
>hurr durr you're either a christain or an SJW
Kill yourself, retard.
HR isn't the first game.
Deus Ex-> deus ex invisible war->DXHR->DXMD
Temporaly its DXHR->DXMD->dx->DXIW
All he said was he wanted more conspiracies in this game (You know, what the fucking series is about) than the
augmentation shit they forced in HR.
Go easy next time, shill.
You know it's two totally diff things. Augs are worth fighting for. Muh gender hurr is not.
Double Retard
Are you? Post screencap
>Standing in the way of evolution and technological progress
WHy its my I don't fucking know, I guess I'm part of it, so where are all the hookers and black jack?
look at:
Like he said, DXHR takes place first
The only annoying thing in Deus Ex continuity is how in retrospect Human Revolution looks more advanced than Deus Ex. In Deus Ex the technology moved past augmentations to nanotechnology and the old augmented cyborgs are clunky, while in HR augmentation is already slick looking.
>4 minutes of cringeworthy acting
Just release the game already.
That was an incredibly high budget trailer for a super mediocre story.
>these autistic pseudo-intellectuals
>pro-aug is the SJW camp
>SJWs actually hate the game for describing it as apartheid
Adam and the Tyrants are the only augs who looks really advanced, though.
Everyone else looks like a junker, especially the huge Russian dude in Mankind Divided. Either that or they only have minor augs like an arm/eye
The trailer before this one was full of
>muh illuminati
Source for that rage ?
That's true but would be stupid if augs in HR just sucked ass and the game was some generic fps.
OP go fuck yourself, are you 13 or something.
I could only find this or polygon and I'm not linking to polygon
OP here.
It is a joke you fucking retard.
Fucking read it doesn't understand irony
Jesus Christ do people not have better things to do? Grow some thick skin.
>the Czech Republic
based elia toufexis.
honestly i don't get why people blog about these triggered plebs, let them stew in their own autism
fuck off shill
t. shill
>shills and newfags don't even remember DmC
OP samefagging so hard. Its cringe worthy
gee I wonder
this doesnt make sense shill
So is this virus the same thing that the enemies in DX:HR's final level had?
Guys i literally cried at this trailer
>dat michael mccman score
>dose direct consequences of events established in the first game
>dat trailer actually becomes a short
>dat hot augmented model
These guys make the best trailers. The trailer for the first game was already one of the best ever.
Movie fucking when?
Fuck off shill
>there are people in THIS THREAD that will NOT get augments when they are available
I think this trailer might have given me an augs fetish. Those legs, unf.
Shill thread
Well if they may cause make me lose control because of some hacker then no, I won't be augmenting my penis
Oh look, Alex Jones made it in the trailer
You'd be fucking stupid not to wait like 10-20 years first.
If i lose an arm or a leg yeah, but i wouldnt cut one off to get augmented, fuck that.
>people who voluntarily undergo life-altering medical procedures are being holocausted
I bet the writer is either trans, a jew, or a trans-jew
>0.02 cents has been deposited into your account
>New trailer comes out
>Sup Forums discusses it
inb4 claims that I'm a shill
I also want an augmented qt
>responding to shitty b8
nice job famalam