Refunded this crap shit
Refunded this crap shit
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10/10 thread OP, thanks for getting our attention
So did I
Blizzard's support is surprisingly good.
I like the game but how long will it survive?
is there some time limit when you can refund?
I wish Overwatch never.
didn't get into the beta to understand how awful and shallow this game was. refunded too.
>op uninstalls it to get the screenshot to shitpost
>waits for autists to fight in his thread while reinstalling it
I knew you guys were desperate but cmon. Post a screenshot of your refund ticket then we'll talk
14 days after release
It helps to say something like that you're getting crashes/performance problems, they replied to me in only 16 hours, saying they accepted my refund request.
you can submit a support ticket, many people have already refunded that way, but you can take your time, there are still 12 days left.
That's great to hear OP, but I gotta ask, why did you buy the game when the open beta was free to all?
Literally how retarded are you?
>being american
truly the land of free
Eh you cant really blame him for falling for the hype. You dont really realize how fast it gets boring in beta
>mfw refunded this piece of shit
The game is so insanely shallow sure I had fun with friends but that doesn't make it any less retarded.
>buy game
>refund inmediatelly
>shitpost on Sup Forums
The game out for less time than Beta
I know. I really wish they did something more with the progression system. All cosmetics is really boring.
They should have made it more like League of Legends where you get a small F2P rotation and have to unlock the other characters by leveling up so the game would feel more rewarding.
Hopefully eventually they'll add new weapons, characters and maps that must be unlocked or something. I feel like I'm literally just playing match after match for no reason other than to play the game. I think I'm going to refund this game because it just feels pointless in its current state.
You are baiting, righ
I did the same with diablo 3
which is why I didn't buy Overwatch
blizzard stopped making good games decades ago
>I feel like I'm literally just playing match after match for no reason other than to play the game.
I usually don't like shooters and I'm having tons of fun.
I bet you're the guy who thinks he's carrying the game and keeps blaming his team for being retarded.
Protip; you're part of the reason why you're losing all the time.
>They should have made it more like League of Legends where you get a small F2P rotation and have to unlock the other characters by leveling up so the game would feel more rewarding.
Oh look, the Blizzdrones showed up to defend their shit game
I know right? what fucked up reasoning to play a game.
God forbid someone dislikes your precious game, it has to be his fault!
>falling for bait
not him but i played in beta, got shitload of good stuff from lootboxes, the game also seemed fun and good. Now im level 30 and all i got was a shitty emo zarya, the game itself isnt fun anymore, literal retards everywhere, being a support player in overwatch now is a being disgrace to your family, nobody gives a shit about protecting healers, nobody gives a shit about objectives, nobody wants to tank, random closed beta fags are dominating retards with tracers. The game is clusterfuck of trash. Seriously fuck Sup Forums and fuck me, i lost to shills, but at least i can refund. Which is what i did just now.
you are either fucking retarded or baiting, either way kill yourself
>that samefag though
im just having a laugh, user.
>the game itself isnt fun anymore, literal retards everywhere,
>not playing with a team
>being a support player in overwatch now is a being disgrace to your family, nobody gives a shit about protecting healers, nobody gives a shit about objectives, nobody wants to tank
idk man, my teams have almost all been good if not great
I think you are just shit so you get paired with shit people
It's exactly what it promised to be. A objective based shooter with classes.
It does a few things extra, and doesn't really "not deliver" on what was promised. It even had a beta for a few days, so you could test whether you like the game at all.
Literally what other reason is there to dislike the game? You either
>fell for the hype without knowing shit about the game
>didn't play the beta
You're pretty retarded if you did either of those and then bought the game.
>mfw i spent 500 dollars on loot crates and didn't even like the game
help me bros, i was supposed to use the 500 bux on a twitch donation, now i won't be the "biggest D of the month" on my favorite stream unless i cut off vital expenses, like my Clash of Clans base
>this faggot shill is seriously defending his shit game.
>calling people a shill for liking a game
Good luck shitposting user, I'm out.
>get feedback that you might be simply bad
The freedom to make final sales.
Take it easy, man, you're supposed to bait with 1, maybe 2 hooks max, not 4 hooks at once
Overwatch is one of the best FPSs of all time. You're just an assmad falseflagging TF2 shitter upset about his brony containment zone being killed by the superior game. Blizzard gave you this amazing game and this is how you repay them? You shitpost on Sup Forums and spread lies and slander.. FUCKING KYS
nope, calling you a shill for replying to every comment that shits on the game, dumb cunt faggot.
>write your opinion
>get called a faggot and a shill
>you're supposed to ignore it
Are you autistic by any chance? Do you understand how discussion works?
Not him but
>fill roles when I know others wont, even though I know I can be more effective with certain characters
>always pick good characters for the map and enemy team comp
>get at least 3 gold medals every single time
>never blame team mates
Course, I'm in the minority because I'm pretty much a god at every game I play so you're probably right about him and the other shitters that whine and cry when they're the ones dragging down the team.
The matchmaking is the real issue, at least when playing solo. It was the same way in beta.
Me too
> this post
The map design is so terrible.
Literally choke points: the game
t. Randy Pitchford
Just pick Lucio and protect yourself you cuck. RMB and speed boost away. Its not rocket science.
1st attempt:
>Hey, I can see that you seem to be having an issue with Overwatch. With this, we can generally refund purchases within 72 hours of the order itself when it is unused but from what I can see, you have been playing it for several hours and did progress to level 8 on it meaning it would not be one that we can provide a refund for at this time I am afraid. Farewell then and have a nice day!
2nd attempt:
>Greetings, As we discussed in our chat, I've now refunded your Overwatch purchase. :)
I'm having tons of fun, but my old age is showing and i can't really play the game for more than 30 minutes or i literally become a waste of air, as i can't keep my focus long enough to all these flashy effects and shit.
Fuck me, i used to play Doom on Nightmare while blindfolded.
Shitposters need not apply,vote already
t. 24 year old
sometimes you get the nicest people who don't have sticks up their ass looking into your issue
other times you have interns that have just started and are too afraid to make any lenient decisions that they follow some made-up regulations to the book
it's the one thing i hate about blizzard's support
How old are you gramps?
You hate that the possibility exists to find an agent who will bend the rules for you?
Shit, that's a lot better than agents who don't even have the potential to bend for you.
I will be 43 in two months.
I don't care if you don't believe me, i'm too old to argue with millennials anymore.
no, i hate that their support can be inconsistent in that fashion
i'm just speaking from spite, i've had mostly good support ticket resolutions but sometimes you get some monkey who politely tells you to go away
I told you to get off Sup Forums dad!
Understandable. I'm just looking at the bright side.
Sorry to hear that
t. 11 year old