They just couldn't leave well enough alone could they?
They just couldn't leave well enough alone could they?
That looks pretty bad. But not the worst thing I've ever seen. As long as they don't fuck up Protoman I'm good.
>Trusting Man of Action
>schoolboy robot
>Aki Light
Megaman going to school sounds like a cute idea tbqh
I'm sorry user.
>It's a "Prom is coming up but Megaman likes anime" episode
The Boom cartoon is actually good. The only real flop about Boom was the games.
Can videogames just die already?
>The series will follow Mega Man’s newly-introduced alter-ego, Aki Light, a normal, upbeat, schoolboy robot who, when activated, re-forms into a suit of impenetrable armor. Other characters from the games and new characters, including Mega Mini, will also be featured.
Sounds really generic. New Mega Man design looks really amateurish, too.
>Not calling him Rock
Come on, guys. Judging by his surname, I guess Dr. Light is confirmed, not that that's a huge surprise. Fully expecting Dr. Wily to be an evil teacher or something.
That's because the cartoon is basically Ironic the Hedgehog made by people who are well aware of the Sanic meme.
Boom is actually funny, and successful though besides the wii u shitfest.
Doesn't change my point.
He looks like shota Tron.
>Aki Light
Watching Capcom steadily destroy this IP over the last few years has been something.
Thank fuck I never cared for the series.
Fucking hell!
The show is the best part of the reboot, what the fuck are you talking about?
>yfw this is a neo Pac-Man situation and he's Megaman's son
Can Megaman out meme Pacman?
I don't even care anymore, rape his corpse with corporate cock as much as you feel like
That's not the word you're looking for.
I don't know, Ben 10 and Generator Rex were decent shows, it's just that the execs at CN kept wanting to change and reboot the show in order to sell toys.
Megaman has a large catalog of robot masters, so if they just keep making figures of them I think it will strike a balance.
(That megaman looks terrible though.)
>Aki Light
Why not just make it about mega man
Why not just call him rock
Why can't cartoons based off video games be good
I trust him, Ben 10 and Generator X were good
That doesn't change the fact that the redesigns are bad and pointless.
Because video games are evil. Now come into the living room with us and watch this show about ghetto nigresses fighting over haircare products.
If you read the premises of Megaman ZX or Star Force out loud they'd probably sound just as silly.
I don't think this will be all that successful, but it's likely most of you wouldn't like anything created with the intention of appealing to 6-9 year olds today anyway.
>the series will follow Mega Man’s newly-introduced alter-ego, Aki Light, a normal, upbeat, schoolboy robot who, when activated, re-forms into a suit of impenetrable armor
But he already has an alter-ego named Rock that would fit this bill perfectly???????????????????????
Definetly agree there.
Well...It isn't the worse redesign.
Ben 10 was great. The reason Ultimate Spider-Man was shit was because of Jeph Loeb being insane as usual. Show's gotten better though.
>Aki Light
What was wrong with 'Rock'?
Because Light will probably be Japanese and Rock doesn't sound like a Japanese name so they changed it to Aki sound more Japanese so kids will get that Megaman is from Japan japan japan japan japan
Now I'm curious how the other characters will look.
>this show is going to make the 90s megaman cartoon look like the citizen Kane of TV
Lord help us
>Why can't cartoons based off video games be good
Probably because most of those cartoons are given to people who don't know jack shit about the source material. They're given limited information and construct an entirely new product tailored to a formula. See: Sonic Boom
I'm afraid to see Roll.
Still, this is better than Sonic Boom at least.
Yeah, that's probably it.
I'm trying not to pass judgement on this just yet. It's not passing itself off as the original Mega Man yet so I can accept it as another alternate universe.
>Show's gotten better though.
Has it really?
I gave a chance to the first two seasons but Ultimate Spidey pisses me off, the show treats it's audience like retards and aside from White Tiger being hot as fuck and this reaction pic I don't see anything worthwhile.
Whatever, I'm way past the point of caring anymore.
>Every other game for japan is localized to remove japanese stuff to not alienate murricans
>Murrican shows try really hard to be japanese
>the people who made the Sonic Boom game and the TV show had zero interaction with each other during production
I have to wonder why.
Like THAT will ever happen...
On the plus side, it might bring RVA out of retirement and we can enjoy watching him make fun of it.
Bite your tongue.
[Fapping intensifies]
I'm not gonna be hyper negative about it like Sup Forums, if the show is good and the games that come with it are like BN where it's own thing and it's fun then no harm.
Ain't like this will replace the classic series
Well they did that in 2 of the spinoff series.
Legends and Battle Network.
>inb4 they don't count
Liar. I've never trusted Man of Action.
I just didn't expect him to have the Atari Logo on his head.
You know it to be true. She'll be the daughter of some OC female doctor that teases them about how cute they look together.
Nah, the few good game cartoons we've had are the ones that didn't give a flying shit about the original lore.
Games aren't plotted with a cartoon in mind, it's a waste of time to strongarm it;
What if she's Wily's?
meant for
Man of Action is a talent pool. Not a person.
He's still a robot, and he's still made by Doctor Lifht (presumably), so it'd be silly to change that.
Although her name loses all meaning, now...
>She'll be the daughter of some OC female doctor
They can't possibly fuck up that badly right?
I'm not being hyper negative, I just think the design looks like shit.
The tron-lights on an already blue body look boring and the face looks like they copy pasted an anime mask on a western cartoon body, it doesn't work.
>Although her name loses all meaning, now...
Wouldn't be the first time.
Artstyle Literally looks like that awful Brazilian comic
Giving him the surname 'Light' isn't really going to help that, especially if Dr. Light's full name is still 'Thomas Light'. The surname is the better indication of where someone's family comes from, rather than their first name: giving him a Japanese first name but and English surname doesn't really make sense if you're trying to communicate he's Japanese to children. If that's what they wanted to do, they could have called him Rock Hikari or something,
No it doesn't. But it's on pair with that.
Example.: Pic.
I-I totally knew that. I don't need someone like you to try to correct me, b-baka
Thanks for informing me
Lmao. Looks more like X than Rock.
It's okay to think of them as one person, user. They may as well be.
At least the br art resembles the original designs
X is the better design anyways.
Oh I wasn't defending the design.
However I was just giving it a benefit of a doubt. I never like the 2012 TMNT designs but the show was decent, same with Green Lantern: the Animated Series and I liked Megaman Zero despite me not liking the character designs
All I hope that it's good and that's it
Boom is better for having little to with the game.
Post YFW they manage to put in "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOR?"
Oh so that's what that SFM pic was based on
Holy fuck, post more.
just fuck our shit up, senpaitachi
it's over, how do we honor mega man's burning legacy
Play Mega Man 2 again.
>Aki Light
I ain't even mad.
>yfw Capcom announces mobile shit for Mega Man at E3 and it makes fans mad enough to buy MN9 purely out of spite
Might be cool. Doesn't look great, though. I hope that isn't flash animation.
>playing the second-worst NES game
nice meme senpai
HOLY fuck that is some deviant art tier character design.
Also what is going on with that mouth.
of course
>not even Rock Light
They don't know shit
i dont care how bad it is if it has SUPAH FIGHTING ROBOT i will fucking watch that shit
We all will, and that's the worst part.
Why can't these cunts sell/outsource their properties to Nintendo already?