Explain this Sup Forums
You start.
Making video games has come down to a science of how to swindle money out of idiots.
Everything about both of those video games is calculated success which leads them to be generic garbage with no soul.
They got you mongoloids down to a science they know you will buy trash, critic it and then move onto the next trash. You like to act like critics when you're the simpletons eating the shit in the first place.
Wait a minute, I'll just go get my magnifying glass, faggot.
It's a shitty picture. What more do you need explained?
I haven't played overwatch, but ratchet was okay
this is obviously bait, but how did you think you were gonna trick anyone by posting four screenshots of the SAME MAP for overwatch? most of those pics are just a few feet away from each other. i'm assuming you didn't do the same for R&C?
Both are calculated success, OP along with a large majority will continue to swig shit around like it's wine.
One is a competitive multiplayer shooter on PC that needs to run at a minimum of 60 FPS on a variety of hardware and the other is a single player game on console that has no real requirements other than needing to run faster than a flash game.
I'll take the one on the left. More fun, more polished and has nearly an infinite amount of replayability.
Left is fun, right is boring and probably 30 his where I can easily get 140 fps with my nvidia 750ti
The PS4's is a 30 bucks (not 40) great game and the other one is a baby game without content
I honestly wish I didn't have nvidia, its pretty shit on the other games
My point is that it can reach God tier fps with a shitty card
Interestingly, the baby game without content ends up having multitudes more replayability.
In the UK Ratchet and Clank was £25 on release. Overwatch is £38.
That's quite the difference ($17.50 for you burgers)
No I just bought Overwatch for £30 you nigga.
On release?
Where you get it for £30 cracker?
If you're talking about console then I was confused, I got it on PC on battle.net for £30
the babygame is overwatch
um, most of us have families to feed and can't afford buying a fucking £1200 machine and upgrade it every few months.
Consoles are worth a lot more in the long run.
>don't have to buy a 144hz 4k screen, mechanical keyboard or gaming mouse (lol) to be good at a game
>games work great right out of the box
>both adults and children can play with ease without the complications with kbm
As a matter of fact, my wife and her kid just finished playing the newest Uncharted and they loved it. I suppose there isn't any game like that for the PC? Checkmate
I was actually talking about PC. Physical copy though.
I didn't realise it was so cheap directly from Battle.net
You like cherry picking.
>most of us have families to feed and can't afford buying a fucking £1200 machine and upgrade it every few months.
Poor people disgust me.
Your bait was too embarrassing to even finish the first sentence.
>overwatch is a multiplat with the same quality on consoles 1080p@60FPS as on PC at max
>a console exclusive with actual funding gets more done
Yeah no shit capt CG Movie.
Now give some competent PC dev enough money to make a PC exclusive with high end graphics, then we talk again. So never