Other urls found in this thread:
bump, its a pretty good and fun game
>making the same thread over and over
I dont get it. but Battleborn is a fun game.
It appeals to noone.
>make a shitty shooter with moba elements
>shooter fans cant be fucked to want moba elements
>moba fans cant be fucked to play a shooter
battleborn is in a niche that basically 3 people want.
Overwatch did everything better by being easier to pick up and play.
I dont care if it is good. It is a gearbox game that flopped harder than the tortanic.
What other reason do you need to have a jolly good time?
Also.... dat fucking introsequence.
wtf is wrong with those pancakes
Well you're right about the fact that it's madefor casuals
They're THICK
it's pretty dead too
What is it with Gearbox and damage sponge enemies? They've been doing this shit since Opposing Force.
Imagine these delicious fuckers stuffed with custard or bavarian cream
Oozing goodness
sounds gross
they can't possibly be baked all the way through
Here's the video:
>$60 for a multiplayer only game that only has about 2,000 players on at a time
This is a hoddeok
>Shitty WOW artstyle
>Shitty gameplay
>Release with Overwatch at the same time
fucking lol, i hope gearbox goes under.
>$60 for a game that is an ugly, horrendously designed piece of shit that you would only buy to be a part of some minority Sup Forums circlejerk until it dies in a week
There's more but what's the point? Overwatch is and will continue to be a hit, and Sup Forums will just have to deal with it.
>Doge profile picture
>That steady decline
Not even the DLC waifu or price drop could salvage some players.
>all time peak 12k
>Last 30 Days
>Avg. Players 4,684
>Gain: blank
>% Gain: blank
I was talking about Battleborn you mong, although it isn't $60 now what with Overwatch shitting on it and all
lol, gearbox really made battleborn?
Im glad it failed
Brianna wu's game looks better than this pile of shit.
very gude
>has a beard
Yeah, who wouldn't love some thick cream
Typical Sup Forums's level of reading comprehension.
do you have the full comic with texts by any chance? been looking for it
>already fading away
>blizz wont give refunds
Sure thing.
God that looks fucking disgusting
Ah shoot, don't have it with text.
>people spamming threads about Casualwatch trying to collude it to be a ToRtanic
>fucking GEARBOX made a nice floppy turd and some Sup Forumsirgins defend it
Holy hell. How much did Stillborn cost to develop?
(citation needed) on anyone saying OW isn't doing iron man numbers
thanks buddy
I don't get it
It's a some kind of WikiHow on how to deal with dogs in case you bump into them, or something along those lines.
The DLC waifu was what sealed its fate. You either have to buy the $20 season pass to unlock her or grind 48000 credits (around 70 pvp matches)
If it was doing good, they'd be revealing sales for additional hype, which they arent. there's your citation.
Did you ever have real pancakes? I don't get why you would want those dry, thick lumps.
Jesus, people are such sensitive pussies in 2016. That dude literally said that ONE part made him cringe and that massive faggot took it as him hating the entire animation because of it. And also how is an opinion wrong? We need a third world war, we need to screw everyones heads back on right and another deadly war would do it.
As someone that played anarchy reigns, 2000 players on at a time is fucking great. You're such a bitch
There are more people playing Dark Souls 1.
That is most likely his dad you autist.
Yeah, my Battleborn playing friend was telling me about this. You're allowed to but the new character, but you're not allowed to play her for like a week unless you have the season pass because she's locked for everyone else and they get "first dibs" on her. He also said that it was literally impossible to find a match on ps4 the day Overwatch came out.
there is half as many people watching as there is people playing, what the fuck
Is that guy about to be knotted?
Oh no, knot the pancakes.
If we had a third world war it would go nuclear and we'd all just die. Try again user.
But that's a crepe. You can tell because of the texture. It's different from a pancake. A pancake is supposed to be light and fluffy but still cake-like, while a crepe is deliberately thin. The batter for crepes is has much more liquid than the batter for pancakes for a reason, so that it's more flexible.
Its their own fault.
They should have known better than to try and compete with Blizzard.
What do you call this design style? It's so ugly.
>Not even on the list anymore
Gearbox is dead, bury it.
RIP BattleBrink
You tried hard
"Offputting", when it's so ugly it's not even funny to look at, just uncomfortable.
They wanted to contend with a "similar" game's FREE beta that was also marketed and hyped to hell and back.
They fucked up hard.
Stop pulling gibberish out of your ass, they allow refund for 14 day after release.
It pretty damn shekel for them to limit to only 14 day, but at least we still have the option to refund
wtf that didnt happen 2008
The marketing for this game was shit
I didn't even know it existed, and when I did I thought it was supposed to be an Overwatch clone
not my problem that you like to play dead games
Dear fucking god that is some serious nightmare fuel.
Now you're gettin it!
> another DEADLY war would do it.
>there are already 100000 mobas
>make another one
Can anyone explain this logic to me?
Wait, why do it's back legs have hoofs? What is even going on? Did the guy try and single knee drop the dog or did the dog trip the guy?
People think that they can uproot people who are deeply implanted in their specific MOBA, especially if they're a "big name" dev, and they're wrong every time
>>Shitty WOW artstyle
What the fuck are you talking about, my man?
F2P when? The game is fun but I don't want to play alone.
I remember seeing that pic in 2009.
people have finally gotten wise to gearbox's shit after DNF and Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Gearbox went full retard by not tying Battleborn into the Borderland universe in some way. I'm under the impression they might add a BL character in the future when the game is on life support.
they were cooked in a rice/pressure cooker
>When the game is on life support
So the first major update?
I'm thinking within the end of the year yeah.
aeon flux??
The dog has hind legs of pork
What is it?
you can't make this shit up.
>Battleborn bombing
>Gearbox going to shit
Honestly feel bad for them. Game doesn't look bad. I'm a poorfag so I tend not to buy new, but the game seemed like it should have done better.
That little syrup with that much pancake would give me anxiety
kek, reminds me of the estus flask
I wish I was a pokemon trainer
Ok that run was fucking cringy
This is the game that feminists and social justice warriors want you to enjoy.
reminds me of that crappy Geralt bust
It's pretty good, but everyone's buying into the Overwatch hype