Why is blitzball so frustrating?

why is blitzball so frustrating?
the opponents are too strong, the numbers dont make sense, etc
im trying league 1 lose 1 win 5 draw
how do you git gud?
for the record i won the first match against luca goers

you wouldnt understand.


That's how you git gud.
I like Linna but there's better players than her.

Walk around Luca and sign on the Ronso near the theatre and then some others around the world, the default Aurochs suck balls.

wait how do you change players?

Why are PC players so bad at video games?


thats why

You probably need to recruit better players.

Jecht shot on tidus is basically a few goal each round except for maybe against the Al Bhed.

Naida is my homegirl. Have fun waiting 10,000 years for Nimrook to come off contract.

>the opponents are too strong

>the numbers don't make sense
Are you literally a first grader?

>how did you git gud
Apparently by passing first grade and not having immobile lumps of clay for hands.

Because the base Aurochs team actually sucks reflecting on their ability to lose literally every game up until tidus shows up. You DID beat the Luca goers in the finals, right?

Also Jecht shot is literally a free goal every half.

...Are you playing in auto-mode?

Press select (or whatever the PC equiv is) and switch to manual.

Suddenly you're a god-emperor. Warning: this ruins any challenge the game had, and makes a joke of the Ronso team.

quality post

keep passing ball and moving in your defense area, when all opponents are away from the goal, just pass to TEEDUS and use Jecht Shot.


FFX sucks, it destroyed the franchise (you can clearly see from 1-9 good games, then from 10+ theyre all bad
*protip, graphics dont make a game

Even in auto mode it's depressingly hilarious how slow the Ron so are, though their ability to take every tackle and then a head on attack from Sin itself is still ridiculous.

hey thanks for sharing your opinion user

no karma for you though

>PCfags are shit at a game released 15 years ago

The ONLY way to play Blitzball

>Auto mode
>No non-Besaid players (including Tidus and his cheat2win Jecht shot)
>Start from lvl 1 (reset as soon as you complete the Luca games)

Even still, the game eventually becomes a piece of piss, I think Datto has the potential to become much stronger than Wakka and Letty is a godsend. You simply cannot score against the Al Bhed Psyches from the beginning, Nimrook just has too high a CA and they're too good a team. Luca are a cakewalk, it's those fucking Guado's that start shit because their speed is 2much4u early

If you can't git gud at blitzball while either playing in manual or with tidus/stronger team members, you are a shitlord and need to stop playing. And to be honest, as much as Sup Forums parades it, it's kinda boring and exhausting after a while and just not worth the effort.

They think undertale is the greatest thing ever. What you expect when given an actual game?

Talk to them pressing Square, if they are free you can pay them to join.

Brother and Wakka are on the Ship and I think Wedge was on the city with the stadium.

Brother's shot is decisive for your first levels as he can lower to the half the keeper's skill.

Yeah, thank god the AI isn't smart enough to plow a ronso straight to the goal to take head-on potshots.

The only genuine threat is a chimeric team that's either formed from or kept Al Bhed psyches, and really it boils down to Nimrook just being an insane keeper. coupled with a few semi-capable strikers.

I still fucking love blitzball though, best minigame.

ff12 is the best ff game though

How to Blitzball:
>Swim around and pick up everybody but don't get caught
>Pass to open forward
>Score 2 ft in front of goal with a basic Sphere Shot

It gets easier as you get more speed.


>volley shot

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LEARN THIS? I've been playing FFX since it came out and have never ONCE been able to. What the fuck is this move, I rarely even see it used. Fuck, it's frustrating.

One thing I never understood is how the game decides when players will block and when they will attack

>Nimrook just has too high a CA and they're too good a team.
You aren't wrong, and the way Blitzball rewards EXP for successful saves means he only ever just gets crazier and crazier.

However, Nimrook can be dealt with no matter how high his CA by using nap shots or wither shots, which have a chance to slap him regardless of how high his CA.

Until you're level 3/5, you can't use any abilities, making Nimrook completely unbeatable.

It has a chance to allow a striker in range to take a standard ST shot IF it rebounds off a keeper (either a botched save or a special shot hitting the keeper and bouncing off)

So if Bob uses nap shot, it hits Ted the Keeper and makes him go to sleep, Reginald (with volley shot) has a chance of then taking an immediate shot.

I never reset, so there's no base skills for Datto or Jassu? Bugger, looks like you'll have to suffer some draws from them for a bit then.

Only Brother can do this, really.

but FF12 is one of the best ones

It's been objectively proven by Magitek scientists that the best final fantasy is The spirits within

They have skills, you just can't equip them yet since everyone is set to basic, giving a bit more challenge for a few games. Botta usually gets his first, I find.

If Blitzball has one fault is techcopy being a shit mechanic and it being too easy. Jecht Shot is busted

Cool, I might have to try that then.

I usually make it harder by building good players and then releasing their contract so other teams can pick them up.

It does mean you get weird shit like a non-ronso ronso team, and the Al-Bhed Psyches being mostly goddamn crusaders.

You will never use 6 phoenix downs on a thursday while rotating Aeris' body clockwise and summoning doomtrain so you can hire hypello blitzballers who ride shoopufs into battle

Jecht shot is broken, and has no decent counter
the AI has to be better, it just isn't capable enough
its a relatively simple and shallow game in general
tech copy is fiddly, too easy in some regards, too restrictive in others, and the whole "learn skills to learn skills to learn skills" is Tedious as Tidus.
>No cool cups
>Cant use your fame somehow in game
>Can't play against special monster teams
>Can't use the Jecht shot in battle.

Honestly though, for a minigame its pretty fucking sweet. I honestly would have be interested in something like pic related if it was given enough depth, the sport's basic concept was pretty good.

One of my biggest issues with techcopy is that it doesn't show you if you can techcopy an ability or not, if your skill is high enough, making you waste a round (or more if you miss a timing or forget who can't learn what) where a character could have another dude with another ability as his mark.

>a non-ronso ronso team
This literally happens to everyone who played more than like five games.

It's unavoidable because of the game's recruitment algorithm.