Why is Resident evil code veronica considered the worst in the series when it was probably one of the last good ones?

Why is Resident evil code veronica considered the worst in the series when it was probably one of the last good ones?

because it was bad while trying to be like the older games, unlike the post-RE 4 games

General consensus (at least a few years ago) was that Zero was the worst of the traditional RE games. Have people done a 180 and declaring CV to be the worst one now?

what's wrong with it? i remember loving it

The people who like CV like it only because they have an incest fetish.
Similar to 0 fans liking 0 because it has 12 year old boy Rebecca Chambers.

0 is the worse, but CV isn't that far off

Official RE Tier List:

REmake > 3 > Outbreak = Outbreak 2 > 1 > 2 > 0 > Veronica > 6 > 4 > 5

This is the shittiest tier list I've every seen in my life, congrats

Let me guess, you'd put 2 at the top because it's the first one you played as a kid? Get on my patrician level, pleb.

I love RE:CV and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Second favorite.
Claire still best grill.

Also this. wut.

I liked it. It had a pretty good Ost too.

u jelly cuz she sexy

Actually RE3 is my favorite of the PS1 games
First off
>0 and CVX over anything
>4 (one of the best games in the series and all time that low)
Here's a better list

0 is at least close to the traditional mold of survival horror, this alone puts it above 4. I enjoyed 4 when it came out but now hate it for the direction it took the series in. In addition playing the game now days it is quite boring -- unlike 6 which, while still terrible, is at least entertaining in how retarded it is.

>The people who like CV like it only because they have an incest fetish.
huh? explain

>0 is at least close to the traditional mold of survival horror
But it wasn't good. Just because it plays like the classic doesn't mean it was any good like the classics. RE4, even if you don't like what it did to the series, it was a fantastic game nonetheless.

Did you even play the game?

There's a cross dressing brother who role plays his sister.

Because of twincest

Oh, that.
Well the whole deal with them was shown in a bad light though.
Hard to say wincestfags enjoyed them

Only real issue I had with it was that it tried to be too action-y at parts while still trying to act like survival horror. So you'll be in certain sections that almost require you to take down a group of enemies but still limit you in your firepower. The beginning of Chris' section and when more bandersnatches in Claire's section come to mind.

Also the whole problem of not knowing when you'll switch back to Claire after Chris' section and risk losing all the stuff he had.

aside from that it's still fun, more fun than Zero at least.

I liked 0 because it had billy and Wesker in it.

CV is the real RE3.

CVX > RE6 > RE5 coop > RE > RE2 > REmake > RE Outbreak 2 > RE Outbreak > RE4 > RE3 > RE Gun Survivor > RE Dead Aim > RE5 > RE Gaiden

Billy's so dumb he doesn't even know how to mix herbs