Overwatch DLC

Since its confirmed that all future DLC will be free, what new kinds of heroes and maps would you like to see?

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A map that takes place in Australia

Did mercy get blacked and create that guy?

if they could straight up rip off the warpath gamemode in D44M that'd be alright with me
that shits awesome

Doom Fist so I can punch niggers in the face, this game needs more Melee heroes.

How do you guys think the DLC will be rolled out?

Do you think 3 new heroes and 3 new maps every 6 months is expecting too much?

A mode like Man vs Machine would be pretty cool.

A cyborg pirate is something I'm thinking might be cool right now.

Give him a parrot to help do damage from around corners.

Although I'm thinking he'd play like the Captain Pirate in Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2.

A good spear user that doubles as a javelin thrower could be cool too. Make him a man of the sea.

an iron lich kind of hero that somes cyborg zombies to do the fighting for me.
you don´t actually aim are gun but tell your minions at what to shoot. you can also directly take control of different minion types from a save distance.
ultra is summoning one big hulking minion that explodes after utlra time is up,
the character should be from Austria and Mercies boyfriend that was assumed killed in action

or an super sexy catwoman / black cat type character who mostly functions to sabotage the enemy team by making their guns malfunction or obscuring their vision
ultra should be her flashing her breasts like black orchid in killer instinct which makes everybody unable to move for a limited time

Big Red's name is apparently "Soundquake".

A character that utilizes a catalog and stops shilling his TF2 clone

Someone with a flamethrower.

give me 5 capture points like TF2 for longer, more interesting matches

How long untill Blizzard shoves in one of it's other characters from other games no one cares like Thrall

Mei exists

I know that it's LITERALLY the opposite of a flame thrower but it serves the same purpose. If they were to make a flame thrower wielding character I can guarantee the weapon would just be a reskin of Mei's, minus the slow / freeze.

I just want capture the flag, man

I would be really into this.

I love gimmick characters

Someone come up with a pirate playstyle. I can't think of anything

Free like the cash shop?

Black orchid did what?

i got chu famalama

A character with an afterburner/acid like effect as main weapon. A character who can burrow underground. A character that uses stickbombs. A character that backstage.

Stickybombs is kind of used with Tracers ult and Junkrats landmine, there do not seem to be any DoT abilities unless Widowmakers bomb does that? But I agree that a character based on stacking Damage over Time would be cool, perhaps even area of effect?

>A character with an afterburner/acid like effect as main weapon

Gotchu covered, pham.

A female Doomfist who has ultrafast melee combat
A mid-sea station, like Mother Base from MGS, with stormy weather

i would like a complete game please for that price senpai

ranked, campaing co-op, bosses,good maps, modes, balance, etc

instead of selling sexy girls with guns

on its way
>good maps
The maps are fine, and even if they aren't, more are also on the way
The game is balanced fine
>campaing co-op, bosses
I don't know what to tell you with this one. Its just not that kind of game. Any sort of single player would be shit

>Some kind of crazy monster hero because fuck all these humans
>Indefinite wall crawling for their shift, can be attached to the ceiling if they so choose
>Damage over time orb of spit for their E
>ult radiates poison aura that applies dot and slows the movement of everyone within X range

Thats my idea.


This IS blizzard we're talking about


Oh shit

You could easily make it serve different enough purposes to keep it from being a clone.

You could have fire be a dot that grows over time, a dash/mobility cd that leaves a trail of fire and an AoE molotov or something

>Since its confirmed that all future DLC will be free

>Since its confirmed that all future DLC will be free

You really believe that don't you?

Like how f2p was totally confirmed?

And no microtransaction were confirmed?

I'm assuming the robot in the back next to tracer and mercy is Athena so she might get in
Big red guy his name is Soundquake he might get in
guy in the hazmat suit might be a pyro or acid user kind of hero
guy next to hazmat guy looks like he is a character as well

There is levels with giant mechs in the background.

I wana fight them.

Game modes that aren't one point clusterfucks.

I don't give a shit how many times you say "but CTF wouldn't work because fast classes!" "Deathmatch wouldn't work because individual strengths and weaknesses". Who gives a shit? Certainly not the vast majority of the players who don't pay any fucking mind to the current maps' objectives.

>Settling for anything less than the pure Aryan might of the Hardt


This. Doomfist sounds the coolest from the hinted at heroes.

Other than that I'd really like it if they did a melee flying hero that was a batboy mutant from Puerto Rico. Kind of taking on the Chupacabra myth.

F2P was never said by blizzard and was just people making assumptions (People also thought this was a MOBA remember). Blizzard has said in multiple interviews that all hero patches will be free, so there can be some MAJOR backlash if they make people pay for them with all that evidence against them.

I don't care much about characters, I want better fucking maps. Only been a couple days after release and people are already insta-leaving matches as soon as Watchpoint Gibraulta or whatever shows up.

>A character that can backstage

Lucio groupie hero when

>I don't give a shit how many times you say "but CTF wouldn't work because fast classes!" "Deathmatch wouldn't work because individual strengths and weaknesses"
Except both of those are correct

learn your video game history kid

only then will you truly understand what he lost over time

me too.
another idea I had would be having one giant mech character that is actually controlled by several player. One player get´s to control his legs and the other his fists


Lets just work on the bastion nerf before we start adding new people, okay?

Just played a game with the enemy being everyone Junkrat and one Lucio.

We got fucked.

Then we have the mysterious Sombra person who is mentioned in some maps and even Reaper himself in the first trailer

On one hand that idea sounds great, but on the other hand if you look at Cho'gall in hots he was OP as fuck.

Fuck off, shitter

>death match

For the love of god, no. It's already bad enough 90% of pubs play this way, do not encourage them further.

CTF could be cool tho.

From the thumbnail I thought that was some kind of futuristic penguin.

Capture the flag would work fine if the maps are made tailored to it. A big huge open area in the middle of the map, with corridors and tight spaces near the capture points.

I don't see how it would be difficult to make work

More healers and tanks.

At the moment Lucio/Mercy are the only viable healers and I'd only consider Reinhardt and possbily Winston to fit in the role of a tank. I'd like more variation because no one fucking plays anything other than squishy DPS.

Depends on what you define as dlc

It not like they are not going to introduce new skins into the crate rotation

hell if premium/contract rates started showing up you shouldn't be surprised

If blizzard never defined dlc, you have no idea what you are getting for free

Also hero patches sounds like balance patches, ie the only thing you got for free in d3

>day 4
>people still think that switching heroes mid-match is a good idea

Unless your team comp is actually retarded (3 snipers, etc), it's not worth it to switch if you have any ultimate charge at all.

I just want content updates often. Alot of work goes into Overwatch heroes and maps, meaning we might get a R6Siege situation.

Since its launch, we have only had 2 major updates. 4 characters and 2 maps total. In 6 months I better not be playing only 2 new maps in OW.

>guy next to hazmat guy looks like he is a character as well

Pointy looking dude, huh.


If the enemy team has a bastion, you're going to need a Genji or you auto lose.

My team comps always retarded senpai

Possibly another character named Doomfist

Cool design

This guy looks rad. I want him to tear some shit up

get a pharah or a roadhog
unless there are two bastions in the same spot, then it's just genji

>Glue metal bits to someones face
>"Cyborg" "Cyberpunk"

Bought Siege on release. Bought Overwatch because Siege just didn't have enough staying power.
I don't want that shit to happen again. The lack of content in those first few months damaged that game immensely.

reminder that he is going to be DOOMFIST

>Phara jumps up
>Insta gibbed by sniper
>Road hog pulls bastion in
>5 v 1 annihilates him

Genji is the only reliable way to take down Bastion right now

A Reinhardt + any good ranged character would work fine.


Also, Torbjorn's primary fire HURTS.

Or D.va
Or Tracer
Or Hanzo
Or Junkrat

Which one? There's several

post the knightwing looking dude

give him some launch melee attack that does tons of damage from behind and call

>Buy Cobalt Mercy skin
>Next Lootbox get a Valkyrie legendary for her


>I only judge things by how they appear on the surface

Hey, aren't you the guy that captained the Titanic?

>Thinking your brain dead team mates are going to get their act together and actually work as a unit to take out bastion
>Instead of just trickling into his line of fire one by one as they respawn.

If I don't roll Genji and shut him down. No one will

The one what you play as in that there Overwatch vidya game.

Mercy is either still pure or with the Dorf.
Pharah is the one who gets dicked by Reinhardt.

cute little elf or magic girl support that drops healing trees or orbs or something cool that you eat or stand next to to heal

maybe on her shift or e key. also gets some kind of staff weapon that does magic shit so you're not bored

He looks like a Dick

We've been over this user, your waifu is useless
>Or Tracer
Actually have been seening this work as of late if she can sneak behind enemy lines
Snipers dont work on Bastion since his turret has no accuracy fall off. he outsnipes them
Situational and depends if he's in a position where junky can saftely bounce attacks without moving into line of fire

i just wish you could queue into different gametypes instead of just being thrust into random ones.

have a queue for payload, KOTH, and even add control points or CTF.

git gud

>jumping as pharah in within LoS of bastion
>find bastion location
>pop out of cover, fire rocket
>go back in to cover
>repeat until the bastion either dies or leaves

also don't be in a 5v1 situation as roadhog, you are supposed to flank and pull him AWAY from his teammates

he dindu ask for this, he was a good boy

Wait a minute..

>your waifu is useless
Cause you're a shitter
>if she can sneak behind enemy lines
She can charge in, drop the bomb and recall
>Snipers dont work on Bastion since his turret has no accuracy fall off. he outsnipes them
His ult though

its everywhere

I can easily see it happening with OW too. The maps have alot of detail and their own character to them, and are very very visually distinct. Also maps are tied to single game modes so they would have to touch up old maps for other game modes too.

Characters also are just super unique meaning its going to take awhile to get new ones out and done without being buggy as shit

>Torbjorn's primary fire HURTS.

I looked it up on the wiki - apparently it only does 70dmg, 140 with headshots.

His alt-fire (shotgun blast) does ~15 damage a pellet with 10 pellets, though, that's nothing to sneeze at.

BUT! Torbjorn's left-click is NOT affected by damage falloff. Pretty good for spamming chokes.

Weapons affected by damage falloff:

Bastion: Recon and Sentry primary fires
D.Va: Fusion Cannons
McCree: Peacekeeper
Mei: Endothermic Blaster alternate fire (the only non-hitscan weapon affected by damage falloff)
Reaper: Hellfire Shotguns
Roadhog: Scrap Gun primary fire
Soldier: 76: Heavy Pulse Rifle primary fire
Torbjörn: Rivet Gun alternate fire
Tracer: Pulse Pistols

That's the easiest thing to counter
You should've just gone full pharah

>Payload has you moving a glove
>One map shows a glove on a data screen
>DOOMFIST posters everywhere

What does it mean?

Snipers, Phara, and Junkrat can use corners to fire off a round, then hide immediately. Turret Bastion can not.

>Mei's icicles have damage falloff

Shit, I didn't know that. Glad that's the case, though, or she'd be even more cancerous.

I want a new objective mode where both teams have like, a target dummy to protect and you have to kill your enemy's target dummy first.

Give it something crazy like 75% damage reduction and 40k health at match start so games aren't over in 2 minutes.

It lets all kinds of heroes be viable and shine.

I want an actual melee assassin instead of Genji. I like Genji, but I wish he was katanaweebman full time. That's why I like Reinhardt, I love melee characters.

A hero that does no 'direct' damage but makes minions or applies a DoT would be nice.

Also a support that can give people NANOMACHINES or something that boosts their armor and gives them a little attack sentry for 15 seconds or something.

>confirmed that all future DLC will be free

>blunderbuss primary
>passive: melee attacks slow enemies
>E ability sets a fake healthpack that snares enemies
>ult fires a volley of cannonballs

I was thinking about a character that levels up over the course of the game.
he starts of like kinda shitty but at the end is almost an unstoppable monster

I think the overwatch kid would be a good for for such a character.
story reason would be that he has some disfunctioning time travel devise that keeps replacing his body with different time-versions of himself.

first stage his just him being a kid with a cheap looking costume, second stage his him being a young adult with a professional costume and the last stage his an old version of him looking all grizzled and out-worn. like he comes form an apocalyptic future

Level 124 in Siege here.

Siege died not because of replayability, but because Ubishit fucked everything up.

>Documented cases of server lag and hitreg issues
>Auto-hack detection system was busted and didn't work causing hackers to run rampant
>Matchmaking algorithm was broken to the point that platinum players were regularly matched with bronze players

Siege basically killed itself and it saddens me greatly since it's one of my favourite games this gen.

>to kill bastion
Sup Forums really DOES suck shit at this game. I didn't know it was this big of an thing.

Another aerial hero?