>Nintendo is informing media that there will be two extended demos of the Wii U version to play at the booth and are being asked to set aside 90 minutes to make the most of the gameplay.
19 days to go.
>Nintendo is informing media that there will be two extended demos of the Wii U version to play at the booth and are being asked to set aside 90 minutes to make the most of the gameplay.
19 days to go.
Other urls found in this thread:
They really are putting all their eggs in one basket.
If it's shit they're seriously fucked.
It's Zelda
90% of the people that try it will like it
8%will be on neogaf and reddit complaining they still haven't made link into a tranny
1% will be in the Zelda U/NX general
And 1% will be shitposting on Sup Forums about nintendoom
If it's anything like Skyward Sword then it's fucked.
Especially considering it's their one game.
>2 booth demos
So another thing leaker fag was right with, huh.
It being Zelda didn't stop Skyward Sword from being universally panned and having relatively shit sales on a console with 100+ million install base.
No waggle this time
Plenty of people liked skyward sword. You know the majority of people who buy games are on facebook and twitter and have never taken part in a shitposting thread. Most of them will agree it's the worst 3D zelda, but even then it was still pretty good
dumb madokaposter
No waggle doesn't inherently mean it's good.
At least it'll actually be open this time, but I'm still concerned about the combat, dungeon design, and so on.
it's the same leak
>So another thing leaker fag was right with, huh.
I don't see whatever you want us to see.
The Wii was all but dead when SS dropped
And the power of Normie's overwhelms anything that's said on this site
>One game
MM > OoT >>> TP > WW >>> SS
>no source
Waggle was only part of SS's problem. Granted, Zelda U being open world already fixes the linearity problem from SS.
That's what I said
The source is Nintendo.
>Nintendo will offer show attendees two extended demos of the Wii U version of the game that will finally let them step into the wilds of Hyrule and explore some of the grasslands, forests and mountains that they’ve been given mere glimpses of to date
>we recommend setting aside 1 - 1.5 hours
Reminder that in order for Zelda U to be good we need
>the magic meter
>resource management
>no poof villains
>no shoehorning the big bad
>the villain needs to do shit and affect the world
>any subplots need to be fleshed out
>the game needs to challenge series veterans
If its missing any of the above, it will be OKAY at best. It will never beat OoT simply because of innovation, so it should try to beat MM (the series actual best 3D title) instead.
Nintendo woll still fibd some way to disappoint though.
>waggle was SS's only problem
Fuck no. SS had a HUGE amount of problems.
>only one hub
>empty as fuck sky with slow flying controls
>reused areas
>shit enemy variety
>enemy AI is pretty much Simon Says
>Fi doesn't stop holding your hand
How do BOTH of you have reading comprehension issues?
>any subplots need to be fleshed out
why this one? anyway none of those really make a zelda game good. all we need is a decent action adventure and not a grass cutting simulator
>>At least it'll actually be open this time
we dont know this. it never is and it never will be
i just want a zelda without the kitchy anime garbage
Because theyve shown that they can do subplots as of MM and TWW, but they blatantly ibtroduce then drop them in TP and SS. i wwant more out of the game, not less.
Main stort is going to be generic kill le big bad with le plot devices
But subplots of romance and shit gotta be strong
If it's not blowing people away but just another solid Zelda game Nintendo is fucked.
still no source
And the Wii U is already dead when Zelda U launche
I think that they will heavily market the NX version instead.
Wasn't following along. I just saw
>SS's only problem is waggle
and jumped on it.
I know.
Even though I'm a Zelda fan, this is beyond stupid. I know most of us watch E3 to see industry luminaries make asses out of themselves, but casuals actually take this shit seriously. Only showing one game is massive mistake and a missed opportunity to advertise a few 3DS games.
The point is that no one said that go back and read it again.
you still haven't sourced anything.
I guess I'll stop posting now.
>have one game on the showfloor
>this means the entire direct and treehouse will be about zelda only because demo booths = their whole catalogue
God damnit you people the lengths you go through to spread false information is ridiculous
The sales will probably be parallel to twilight princess on the GC and Wii
GC sold/Wii U will sell 1.5m
Wii sold/NX will sell 7.2m
Think about this
>Zelda is generally accepted as looking good
>shares spotlight with what Sony and Microsoft will put out
>NX reveal 1-2 months later
>no one to share spotlight with AKA front page by itself on news sites
if this is true:
Well, if people only expect Zelda then surely this is a good thing?
can't wait for the porn
I'm curious to see how casuals will react myself, since Zelda is the only Nintendo franchise they seem to care about. If they actually like Nintendo's piss-poor excuse of an E3 this year, will even "journalists" follow suit?