Should we expect news at E3?
Gravity Rush 2
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You're vague optimism fills me with hope.
S-stop it user
I remember someone posting about cumming on a Kat figure, what happened?
Fuck off, fat lover.
Apparently there is some new info in the new Edge magazine. Anyone got it?
No, post more Kat.
Someone has to have it. I'm going to lurk some sites to see if it gets posted anywhere.
When done lurking, post moer Kat please.
Haven't seen much for recent news.
Does anyone have some of those Gravity Days comics translated?
>Gravity Days
Only just learned that that was a thing.
Kat can't catch a break.
>Spiderman 2 war flashbacks
Kat was very cute.
I wonder if GR2 will have baloon and/or pizza deliveries related missions like SM2 did
News of a PC release maybe.
That would only mean something good if it led to SFM porn.
Land whale enabler.
More random sandbox events would be great. Mix things up from the usual timed challenges.
you'd sooner see uncharted 4 on PC bud
Damn it Kat. Can't you do anything right?
Her heart's in the right place.
Babies seek out their own destruction.
Oh yes I do
One time i tried to make a GR thrad with a drawing of an obese Kat but it got deleted anyway, i learned my lesson from that day which just happens to be yesterday
Do you still have it?
does the game get better as it goes on? i've tried numerous times to get into it and always get bored a couple of hours in. the awful framerate on the vita doesn't really help much.
>does it get better
I played it on PS4, so I can't attest to the framerate, but I guess it depends on what you're looking for.
If the gameplay of flying around didn't grab you at all, then exploring the rest of the world probably won't change your mind, but there are interesting developments later on that expand on the idea of traveling to the edge of the world and back.
The combat can be repetitive, but there was a sense of wonder to it that kept me interested.
Thank you for these, user. I will treasure them.
Not even Gravity Rush can survive from diaper fetishists, fuck.
Then why spread it around you twit.
To raise awareness on diaperfags