Sup Forums I think I just found my favorite game of all time

Sup Forums I think I just found my favorite game of all time
Why do you hate it?

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story fags upset a game they overhyped for years straight didn't turn out exactly like they had planned in their head.

More like it didn't even turn out like how the creator himself told it would.
I liked it though.

Spoken like a true casual whose first MGS game was MGSV.

This may be not the best MGS I played.
But its definitly the best sand-box game to date, I still have a lot of fun with it.

>Why do you hate it?
It's too different and that triggers the old autism.

nope, but I had played PO and PW beforehand so I had a good idea what to expect

it has the most based character in a videogame in it, in i don't know how many years

>the mission's we've lost...the cutscenes we've lost...
>it's like they're all still there...

cuz false advertising
(only the gameplay is gud which is ironic because the MGS series' forte is its story/plot)

sure is summer in here (a time when underages flood popular boards and make the quality of the posts plummet even further)

I honestly enjoyed it for whatever little content it had
When it first came out, I spent 2 days just fucking around in Afghanistan
I was having lots of fun, just like old times
Finished "Chapter 1" and the hype just kept building up after seeing the Chapter 2 teaser
then the repeat missions came
I said "ok maybe it gets better"
I unlocked the "Truth" ending and listened to all the tapes
I spent hours trying to progress the story, scouring the game world for some kind of hint
I had avoided going online while playing the game to avoid spoilers but i did anyway
Turns out that WAS the ending
I died a little inside, but I got my hopes up when i discovered neverbegameover
Every day i'd hope for some kind of news on the "ruse cruise"
But when i heard Kojima was banned from attending last year's VGA that was it, game over

Play until chapter 3 and you will find out. :^)

The fob component makes up for the short story though

Because you haven't finished it yet

Yeah, I think what Kojima wanted all along was for the fans to make up their own headcanon as they roleplay as Bigboss making Outer Heaven

PO isn't even canon and PW was unlike any of the previous games story and gameplay wise, it was more like a spin-off

Just fuck off already

You are a fucking faggot, is the worse MGS game ever, even worse than MGS4 and PW.

What was his name again?

and yet they were both called "Operations" games, like V. So I wasn't expecting a linear scripted SP fest like the mainline 4, but something with a base management component, and V does this well.

If you think MGS has good story you're a manchild

oh I'm sorry I forgot Sup Forums is primarily underage

If you think MGS has good story you're a child

Because they fell for the unfinished meme and what

MGSV has it's flaws but it's definitely a great game in the series in it's own right. It does many things very well, it does new things, and is a good game overall. It isn't like the classic main saga too much though so people will bitch, honestly nothing will top MGS2 & 3 in meaningfulness to me but MGSV is still a really good game. Needs a NG+ option though.

Kazuhira "Speak ebonics and I'll go demonic" Miller

it should have been better

Explain in detail how it isn't.

you can't

Kazuhira "eat fried chicken and get an ass kickin" Miller

It's literally the only MGS game I haven't played.

How much is it now? 20 dollars?

>management component
>does this well
What? The base management is among the worse, I would argue PW did it better. One of the worse aspects of the game is how on mission 42 it wants you to feel invested into the scenario and your soldiers but the game NEVER does anything for you to actually feel attachment to them I blew the head of everyone before they even had the chance to argue and salute and sing, the game is garbage at making you feel attached to your base and soldiers.

Kazuhira "Fulton a coon and I'll pop the balloon" Miller

Bought the 360 version because at the time I didn't have a PC. Stopped playing because of how much of a downgrade it was for the system. Now that I have a PC I don't want to buy it again or play up to the point I was at.

Gameplay is really fun, but the open world hinders the game more than help it.

You haven't finished it yet from the sounds of it.
Soon you will know why we hate it.

The online component of building your resources, expanding MB, taking soldiers back and stealing resources from enemy FOBs, developing everything and grinding points, grinding people to get their medals giving reasons to replay story missions... The base management is what ties everything together

Stealing soldiers is bullshit and the only way to get good soldiers S++ ones is to play the retarded FOB events or inflitrate highly secure FOBs which is fun but once you know how to do it you can just repeat the process over and over and over.

FOB is a fun concept but it is absolutely not fun. I ended up using the same strategy since it is always the correct one to just basically roll around trowing magazines or dolls until the end and then just gather most of enemies around a place and then just sneaking into the door with a charge of the stun arm. Such a bullshit mode as well.

Give yourself a treat and play the others, they're all great in their own way.

>PW was unlike any of the previous games story and gameplay wise
Each MGS game was so different from the last one that it's hardly a valid criticism.

>not exactly like we hoped.
Negro, expecting atleast a finished story (note: not necessarily a good one) and getting a single page of cringeworthy dialogue an angsty 14 year old would write is beyond not done.

it was finished

No it wasn't. Not the story at least. Not a single story would end with so many lose ends.

I have over 400 hours in it and I still like it and have fun with it.

there weren't any real loose ends other than the MGS2 reference at the end.

I liked it, the controls and movement were extremely smooth and the enemy AI was decent for a modern game.

I would have liked a more Metal Gear style story, but the game is unfinished. It was fun, but not more than a 7/10.

Kid Liquid literally fucks off with the giant metal gear and all the kids and the story just ends there. Not even a cliffhanger since its the last game in the series, just completely unfinished.

Kazuhira "Kill a nigger" Miller

Because even if Kojima finished the 3rd chapter, everything feels like the jeep ride. Just listen to Snake's voice acting.

A lot of words, some music, pretty graphics and moving pictures.. A distraction from the truth that:

Venom can't really react to anything. He's Big Boss's phantom. Even if it's a nice touch to help bring the player more into the story... MGS3 set up Big Boss turning his back on the US better than this where Cypher was the one that actually saved and protected Big Boss for 9 years and created the Phantom.

The gameplay is solid though.

MGSV was supposed to be "THE MISSING LINK" in the MG saga
Bridging the Big Boss era to the Solid Snake era

All the main characters, save for Eli, had whatever story revolving around them resolved.

Miller + Ocelot

it did

Except it didn't. We still have no idea why Big Boss became a villain. What the fuck did Big Boss do all that time between MGS3 and the Metal Gear games?

And what happened to Liquid and the Metal Gear?

It's Phantom pain. You're not supposed to know and it will forever cause pain.

It was the plan all along because Kojima is a genius.


this happened with MGS2 too as well lol

i didnt care about the MGS story after that game but i think it happened with 4 too

people have this idealised version of the MGS story but the reality is the story is shit

That webm is perfect, thank you.

>We still have no idea why Big Boss became a villain.
He never did and that was the entire point of MGS3 and 2's story

>What the fuck did Big Boss do all that time between MGS3 and the Metal Gear games?
The game literally ends with a fucking prologue to MG1 what else do you want?
>And what happened to Liquid and the Metal Gear?
Were you even here when the game was firstly released? Google Episode 51 you mongoloid retard.

MGS2 was perfect. One of the greatest games of all time, what are you saying?

>FOB making up for it
yeah sure , being in armor and going around with
stun guns everytime sure is fun

>MGS2 is perfect therefore MGS4 is also perfect.

Same writer, same team, same director. Only someone who didn't understand the story because they aren't living on through this arm would disagree.

Except it doesn't have the same writers you fucking mongol shit

lol no it isn't

"Koon Killer" Kaz "The one man klan" Miller

>see this leak few days before release day
>massive hype
>africa and afghanistan only

So what was wrong with it?

too linear, platforms are dull and samey, story goes off the rails and ultimately nowhere, clunky controls...

>story goes off the rails and ultimately nowhere


I don't you nigger I told you to get it

>story goes off the rails and ultimately nowhere
What do you mean? The finale was probably the best a video game ever had. Did you even understand the message Kojima was trying to convey with the ending?

Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it didn't go anywhere.

yes, it still ended too abruptly

>its okay when mgs2 does it!

Mission 43 literally made me burst into tears like the faggot that I am

Made the game for me, then I had to go through a battle sequence with barely any weapon upgrades since I went stealth... Wasn't fun

You just didn't understand it. It was too deep for you.

well then people aught to stop shitting on Vs story just because it doesn't lead directly into the events of MG

I dont hate it. I love it. But I acknowledge its issues.

Its story is a disappointment- even MGS2 and MGS4 weren't this disappointing in the story department.

But the biggest issue that hurts the game even more than that is the lack of "character" present in every other game in the series. This character would have been extremely easy to implement too, I dont know why it has been removed. Just throw in tons of silly or fun stuff to do on Motherbase, or make some of those cassette tapes basically flavor text for the characters that paints a solid picture of who they are off the job as well.

MGSVs biggest failing is that it portrays everything and everyone as if they are constantly on the job. It makes them feel less human. In previous MGS games we got a taste of even the villains "normal": life- Volgins sexual escapades and personal hobbies for example.

We had conversations about movies, dates, relationships, technology, history, ect.

But in this game it is so focused on the task at hand all the time with very little diversion- the sole exception being Kazuhira's Hamburgers. This was obviously intentional on Kojima's part but I feel like it was a huge mistake and drained a lot of the MGS flavor out of the game. Considering the games length, it makes slogging through the exposition without the character feel rote and boring when compared even to MGS4s marathon cutscenes.

There are also just tiny little nags that bother me, like how your character doesnt keep the current equipped weapon in a passive "ready" stance- even though that animation exists, all the soldiers use it.

But, the game has the best gameplay in the series, and that carries the entire thing. It also manages to have a short handful of really awesome moments that are inspiring, even though none of it ties together well into a cohesive whole.

Kaz is the true hero

>This is the enemy on his knees!

But I did and I never said MGS4 wasn't great but it wasn't as good as 2 which is understandable because 2 was pretty much perfection

>We still have no idea why Big Boss became a villain.
Big Boss has been growing an increasingly dark shade of grey ever since MGS3. Ground Zeroes is the turning point. he lost 9 years of his life and his army. trying to fight Cipher head-on with a gun in hand wasn't working. he betrayed his ideals of creating a place for soldiers to fight for themselves so no one ever has to die like The Boss did and not be tools of a politician by turning Venom into a human shield. he orchestrates Venom's death at the hands of Solid Snake in MG1 and plans to reclaim his place as Big Boss, taking all the goodwill Venom had garnered for himself. exactly the same way Coldman engineers the death of The Boss.

Big Boss does become a demon, a villain, and obsessed with revenge. his Outer Heaven becomes nothing more than a proxy in his war against Cipher, he no longer cares about the ideals it was originally supposed to envision. his only longterm goal is to destroy Cipher and create a world of endless war. these are all bad things. they're just bad in the context of Metal Gear and who the character used to be, not in the context of good/evil black/white morality we're used to seeing villains defined by.

McDonald Miller

At least he achieved his dream of making the most popular, most unnatural and synthetic burgers in the world

You just didn't understand it. It was too deep for you.

MGS2 was also originally meant to end the series. Want to know what happens at the end of that game?

Liquid Ocelot literally fucks off with the giant metal gear and the patriot information and the story just sort of ends there after a forced final boss sequence.

Notice a pattern? The only thing MGSV is missing is an awesome 1v1 final boss fight against a human opponent.

Kazuhira "Shoot a nigger and my dick gets bigger" Miller

>Episode 51
the mission that was cut out because they ran out of time and couldn't finish the game

MGS2 has exactly the same flaws as MGS5, and no, they are not excusable for any reason, "2deep" or otherwise.

>Shitty twist where you don't get to play as the advertised main character everyone wanted to play as
>Nonsensical "open" ending where the villain just fucks off with Metal Gear and isn't heard from again
>Tons and tons of cut content including several boss fights

At least MGS2 actually had a final boss though.

Negative, in side ops you can go to find Eli.

Cipher finds Eli first and they are trying to reclaim Sahelanthropus but Eli uses the last English vocal chord parasite to eradicate Cipher's forces.

Venom Snake destroys Sahelanthropus but at that point Eli is late enough in puberty the vocal chord parasite is affecting him too. Psycho Mantis removes it from him and then they fuck off.

Kaz "black is wack" Miller

my nigga

thats not a side op. That is cut content from the game.

>Negative, in side ops you can go to find Eli.

can't you accept the fact the ending was chapter 1 and the extras were on ch2?

have you ever played peace walker? It's EXACTLY the same structure for the "main" and "bonus" chapter there.

Yeah, but only having 2 chapters is dumb. They should have been called "parts" or better yet, the only distinction should have been that what is currently chapter 2 to be labled as "Epilogue"

This played after the credits of Chapter 1 though and made it seem like so much more was coming:

Here's the storyline

>wake up in hospital
>guy who gets you out of hospital totally isn't big boss
>do 20 useless missions to get five that progress story
>skullface dies, huey is exiled
>save negro children and child liquid
>liquid steals metal gear
>replay first mission, big surprise it was boss who saved you from hospital
>no nuclear

I don't hate it, I just wish it was a little more ambitious in the way Kojima made games when he was younger.

If this had the same amount of soul put into it as MGS2 or 1, we would've ended up with an entire, really fucked up and well built up arc that spans more or less an entire decade, and it'd feature some silly thing like the entire game's soundtrack shifting as the years pass by or something.

It's still a pretty fun game, though.

Peace Walker had 5 chapters you dolt.

Much of the problem would go away if they didn't slam CHAPTER 2 in your face after the credits along with an epic trailer, leading any sensible player to assume that there's AT LEAST one if not several more chapters after that.

>>no nuclear
Yeah, the medic turns out to be a really swell guy, the first trailers are pure bait.
He accomplishes more there than any modern NGO, he is not a Saint, he is what Saints aim to be. He is practically Jesus, the final slap is that the actual BB had bailed out to chose the wallpaper he wanted to use for his Zanzibar offices, so you die without no one ever knowing you made the world a better place.

its good better than 4 but it plays very similar to a bunch of other games out there feels less like metal gear and more like generic open world game 800
you still get decent ranks for not being stealthy and killing everyone so there is honestly nothing that sets it appart from every other open world game out there aside from the fact you're playing as snake

>Real fag, coming through!

Because im not an easy to impress retard

I literally played GZ for 70 hours because the game was that tightly designed

TPP is like its retarded brother with downgraded graphics, bigger and emptier map, more boring/ less varied missions and tons of useless clutter instead of true substance

Id rather have had a 20 hour game with camp omega styled maps, the each of them giving you a leader/his army to add to mother base

Also fuck the "Buddies", just make venom snake become gradually more cyborg so he gets more abilities, and by the end of the game youre gray fox with the scrapped MGSR mechanics slapped on

>not ambitious

this game had my #1 mission in game of all time

Gameplay is perfect but there's no excuse for such a shit story.

MGSV disappointed everyone BECAUSE it was ambitious

Everyone wants video games to try new things but nobody wants to accept the fact that there's a chance it won't pay off, which is exactly what happened with V

>that last paragraph
christ I'm glad you're not in charge of metal gear

considering that metal gear is the worst/ most casual stealth franchise made to pander to dudebros and anime neckbeards, that doesnt sound like a bad change at all

>made to pander to two polar opposites
that's not really pandering then, is it

your idea of a solution is to make it literal coldsteel-tier, so I can only assume you believe the middleground between "dudebro" and "anime neckbeard" is "12-year olds"