I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything
Mettoid is a pretty cool guy. I think he should stop letting his girlfriend wear his armor though since they're pretty bad drivers.
is this the start of a new meme?
i think metal gear solid is a pretty cool guy. he is unfinished and doesn't meet anyones expectations
>new meme
Is this the start of an epic new poster on Sup Forums.com?
>stone age memes are now new
Man they fucked up on halo 4 menu...
343 fucked literally everything up.
Welcome to nuChan enjoy your stay!
kill yourself
the halo 4 main menu had incredible music
Move aside junior.
wow, sorry I missed the thread last month I guess...
Just stop posting. Go back to lurking.
It's not funny dude.
I'm laughing
GTFO with that lame HALO ripoff lmao. He doesnt even have space weapon rofl he uses that duck hunting gun xDDD
Hey guys. Look at this new meme I found!
I really hope this is bait. If this isn't bait then you are quite possibly the most fucking stupid shit in the world. How fucking new are you.
Lmao the fuck is that halo rip off?
a digiman?
I dont get it???
Can you chill the fuck out? Even if he's new you should just accept that instead of being an unbearable piece of shit. You're not worth more than him just because you've been here longer.
Yes he is, fuck off newfag
Spotted the redditard.
You don't have to tell me twice
>assblasted this hard because he realized his time spent on Sup Forums was wasted
I think that suits you more
Stone age was pre Newgrounds
Newgrounds was bronze age
SA was Iron and Dark Age
2003-2004 was the Medieval era
2005-2007 was the renaissance
2008-2011 was the second Dark Age
2012 - 2014 was the barbarian invasion
2015 onward is the reclamation of civilisation
>>>trash can
I think that suits you more
>he actually thinks time spent crafting dank memes is wasted
Bet you think the statue of david is a waste of good marble too.
>can't even link properly
Pick one, faggot
Did your parents not teach you to respect your elders you sack of shit?
lurk more faggot
>talks about respecting elders
>calls what he thinks is a kid a "sack of shit"
Where'd you learn your manners? Autism school?
Halo 4 has the loudest fucking menu theme out of any game I have ever played. And sorry, but it's not at all incredible.
I can't tell who's baiting who here or if this is all one big meta ironic post chain
Literally everything about 343 halo games is bad relevant to Halo.
>too fast/less strategic
>lore is just retarded
>dialog campy
>enemy design is okay
If they made a similar game and called it come thing else it would have been better but no, they had to fuck it all up.
I think Uncharted is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills Suoth Africans and doesnt afraid of anything
kek, time to trick some people with this
lol thats indian jone!
This mentality is why the site turned to shit
How many itt has been here for 10 years? I just realized I've spent a decade hanging here on and off.
Who is baiting who?
I'm a year off, been here 9
Lol looks like a dumb Tomb Raider ripoff
11 years for me
Nah the GamerGate saga was the nail in the coffin.
I mean it was heading down for a long time before that, but the speed of Sup Forums's demise was sped up a ridiculous amount by GamerGate.
And that was preceeded by chanology which started bringing in the faggots who didnt want to integrate by the masses
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Hi, Sup Forums.
How's the glass house treating you?