Kauyon > Mont'Ka

Kauyon > Mont'Ka

Humans > Filthy Xenos


Kroot only faction when?

Well yeah, it's the absolute best grinding strategy in the game against a stacked AI. Nothing like an army consisting entirely of fire warriors and a single pathfinder team, with so much range that the units in the back can focus fire on enemies in the front before their lasguns can even reach the front of the blob.

Chaos > A Rotten Corpse

Orkz is better dan 'umiez


first post best post

>Fire Warrior Bodyguard

Came here to post this.

Being human > Being an abomination

>Year of our lord 40,000
>Being anything but Space Marines or Imperial Guard


>Forgetting the Bolter Bitches

Why are you such a sexist pig Sup Forums

>Year of our lord 40,000
42nd millennium actshually.

>being a mon'keigh

>Space Elves

What do you even do besides cancer tactics with the webways?

Fallen Angels a best. Prove me right.

Unfortunately. Crisis suits fucking sucked compared to how they should have been because some idiot at relic thought they were just Dreadnaughts with jetpacks

That depends. Is Cypher a fallen or is he really a loyalist?

Don't know, what does [faction I don't like] do besides [crude oversimplification of their fighting style]?

fallen angels are simply dark angels who are out of the closet.

Seconding this grot

Who has more firepower? The Tau and their robots or the Imperial Guard with their tanks?

Imperial Guard can bring deathstrike missiles to the table, so I'm tempted to hand it over to them.

They're based. None of that "muh emperor" with minimal chaos.

>there are people IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW who wouldn't turn everything into a cratered hell hole

>The Kommandos set out in a looted Tau transport ship, using captured codes to approach the Vor’sanar dockyard under the pretence of having been damaged in an Ork raid and seeking safe harbour. The Tau were initially suspicious of the lone vessel limping into their station, but every demand for identification was met with a satisfactory response, and the idea that Orks could undertake such a ruse was unthinkable to the Tau. It was a horrific surprise then when the vacuum seals opened and Ork Kommandos poured out into the station. By the time the Tau had mustered to repel the invaders, the Kommandos had reached the station’s reactors. Smashing them to scrap, they set off a chain reaction, dooming the station and allowing Waaagh! Grog to ransack Vor’sanar and ultimately the entire sector.

Tau have what I think is the most deadliest flyers in the game

What does [faction you like] besides sucking dick?

By using "you", you make it about him, and insult his taste specifically.

I don't play the Eldar or fight against them much. Besides cloaked webways what can they do?

'Umies is pink and soft, not tough and green like da Boyz. They'z all the same size too, so they'z always arguing about who's in charge, 'cos no way of telling 'cept fer badges an' ooniforms and fings. When one of them wants to lord it over the uvvers, 'e says "I'm very speshul so'z you gotta worship me", or "I know summink wot you lot don't know so yer better lissen good". Da funny fing is, arf of 'em believe it and da over arf don't, so 'e 'as to hit 'em all anyway or run fer it. Wot a lot of mukkin' about if yer asks me. An' while they'z all arguing wiv each other over who's da boss, da Orks can clobber da lot

They shoot a lot of poison that's somehow effective even against nonliving things and send genetical engineered monsters to fight in the front. Aside from that they fly around a lot and try to not get hit, because DEldar are even squishier than craftworld eldar.

I fuck with the Dark Eldar, just the Craftworld Eldar seem boring as fuck

>uses pheromone to mind control their own race
>gives vespid leaders helmets to control them
>uses money to pay kroot they dont even believe in the greater good
>human soldiers are only in the tau empire cause of commander farsight a renegade tau that seen through the empires mindcontrol bullshit and defected
>otherwise the Tau would just kill them all off
>human soldiers are held hostage die or serve them
>literally slaves out of fear of death
purge when?

Seeing orks do crazy trickery is always fun.

I'm going to love siccing Riptides on people in the inevitable Tau expansion-DLC for DoW3. If they let me play around with ballistic suits, I will be a very very happy man.

>purge when?
They've already killed space pope and are apparently amassing a force for a major crusade into tau space, so never because GW doesn't like advancing plot, just shuffling it around.

I wouldn't consider this a true Ork victory because it relied on the unorky tactics of the unorky Blood Axes

>tfw no warboss game where you roam around stomping planets and looting gear for your waagh dressing up nobs in terminator armor and shit

why live

>tfw no warboss game where you roam around stomping planets and looting gear for your waagh
Dark crusade/soulstorm?

you left out the last and best part
I want to actually loot stuff

We live so we may one day see our dreams come true

Hope is a cruel mistress

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."

>implying you even fucking play the tabletop
>implying you have even a fraction of an idea how cancerous the Smurf playerbase is


I want a Kaptin Bluddflagg solo game.

JJ needs to make a new game. The last time he did, just for shits and giggles, he created Blood Bowl and was hailed as a genius by everyone except GW.

>by everyone except GW.
That's not his fault. GW pretends that anything that wasn't instantly profitable to them never existed, no matter how popular it is.

That figurine is is badass but at the same time way too symmetrical to be orky

Now, see, my complain is that there isn't enough dakka on it