Do you like League of legends?

Do you like League of legends?

No but I like the fapmaterial

League of Legends is like Overwatch, only good for porn.

Is that a LoL character? if yes, i'm installing it right now.

I like the porn of the characters, but would never touch the game with a ten foot pole.

no but my dick does


First reply is the most accurate, as always.


thats Nidalee in her french maid skin, shes literally a cougar and transform into one

I fucking love the game

>she's a cougar

shit, does liking her makes me a furfag?

Only if you like her cat-form. She's not a furry, just a human that can transform.

I've masturbated to Soma a few times

Yea and that's one of her official splash arts fir the French maid skin in the upcoming patch


It's infinitely worse than Dota.
However, Nidalee is indeed mai waifu and I have a huge collection of art of her.

Too bad most of it is this French maid shit.

>literal Amazon
>badass tribal markings
>delicious brown
>turn her into your standard fare animu French maid shit



Post yfw your Waifu Nidalee loves the Troll Dick

reminder this is who develops league of legends


No, it's shallow garbage fanboid by lazy idiots who just want to feel good at games without being good at them. Like console shooter with autoaim.

It's still kinda enjoyable with the right group of friends but fuck anyone who gets autistic enough about it to reply to this post to defend the dumbshit game.

Are you guys kidding? LoL has some of the worst porn I've seen. It's like every 1/100 picture is decent, most seem to be drawn by 12 year olds.

>not posting the hottest league char

That's because the good artists are only interested in the same couple of league girls

Ahri and Sona mostly hog all the attention and get the best porn

>Black Adder skit about the nazis with the skull insignia coming to realize they're the bad guys
>Black Adder skit
>Black Adder even having skits

Holy shit, that's significantly more egregious than anything else in there. Self important twat needs a good slap.

Don't worry, I already go on reddit

>Sorceress Lux splash art
>Safari Caitlyn splash art

Is he being ironic?

I fall to understand that tweet

They can't even make attractive women anymore
I haven't played this shit in two years but the new one looks like a tumblr Kebab


Kangs nid mhh fuknig dick.

No. Team based games that can run for ~30 minutes is suffering.
I like the mechanics of LoL a lot though, the characters got some pretty cool abilities to them, and I generally like how early/mid/late game work.

I just really hate the fact that a single player can fuck your team so hard. In higher level play this is less of an issue, but getting there is such a fucking journey filled with utter autism.
I'd rather waste my time shitposting here.

Much appreciated user. I needed that.

The new champ looks pretty cute in her release skin but her default is disgusting

that is a repellent tumblr face if i've ever seen one

Wow she sure doesn't look like Crystal Maiden. Nope, not at all. Not even a little.


post more vidya feet

She's from League Egypt

There is no India equivalent in the league universe

also this fuck is when I decided I was done for good

says you

Lulu fags, please go

yes, but is there really anything wrong with that?

Once per few weeks, when I feel like it, one or three random games. Then not playing for another few weeks.

This way I can enjoy the game without any frustration whatsoever. Been playing since spring of '10, had to quit around summer of '12, since the "community" went just toxic. Got back by '14, now playing just for fun few casual games once in a while.
It's fun this way.

It's also probably the only way it can be fun at this point. The meta is literally killing the fun out of it, while community makes worst Russian team nightmare look like a nice company

Without wishing to make this a shitflinging match, I really hate their art style.

Say what you will about dota2, but at least it is somewhat consistent with how it looks. LoL seems to be throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.


what's wrong with lulu?

They are totally NOT ripping Yue from Avatar.
Not at all.

I don't mind


Well, maybe because for first... three years? They didn't have contracted people to do the art for them. It was just random picks from people willing to work for them. They've hired specific people around late 2012...
... only to drop them by next year and rehire different people to try integrate the art style.

Sounds like you need to git gud

yes, but is there really anything wrong with that?

I hate the game and everyone who plays it that I know is an obnoxious faggot but I know all the females characters by name simply by masturbating furiously to them

Emmm, link to a LoL nude thread?

Hes not even that bad, Zed's worse.
If you can't beat him then your just shit at the game.
I'm glad your gone, never come back.

No but I still play it every day to fill the void. I'm already Diamond 2 and I don't plan to quit until my eventual suicide

it's not even from black adder, it's from a sketch show called 'that mitchell & webb look'

guy clearly has no idea what he's talking about in any field

just go to the usual place

I don't care what she is, she is fucking ugly
Oh shit i forgot about this one
Good faps where had that night

Not really. I'd rather play something like Melee, but then I'd have to leave the house and socialize. I feel like League's the least fun game in the universe or something when you behind. Because the game is so linear and simple that one small mistake can cost you an entire lane, which can cost you the game. So it's only fun if you're winning or even. But yeah. It's a terrible game.

>her costume design is fucking ugly
Here, FTFY

Yes, when I feel like playing an ASSFAGGOT I play LoL, but I can see why people hate it with how grindy it is. I wouldnt bother playing it if I didnt have nearly everything unlocked already.

Her face is the worst part about her

Looks like an androgynous Ron Weasley

I like the game and hate people who play it.

what's an ASSFAGGOTS i only know about the SHITSFAGGOTS

>I like men
The post

I guess we just have different taste and preferences. And you are seriously exaggerating for no other reason than cheap drama.


I occasionally play ranked, but more often than not I just do aram or urf when it's up

most of my friends play it, so it's usually a good time


riot actually did something based for once

Zed gets nerfed to shit then rebuffed every 6 months though

I don't even mean how actually powerful he is, he's just stupid on a design level

>no mana
>important damage ability gets lower CD with a damage stat
>gets 2 passives
>gets a shield for walking
>wind wall in general

It also doesn't help his playerbase is divided up into 80% shitters, 10% people running scripts and 10% people that are actually good

More like "I prefer boyish chicks", but what you gonna do about it? Complain? Shitpost? Tomboys are always the best. The real tomboys, not she-males.

She looks like Bert from Sesame Street

But user... that's forbidden...

>he thinks that's a tomboy
I don't think I have to shit up the thread anymore
You are doing a way better job then i ever could

>the characters got some pretty cool abilities to them

They gave Irelia a barefoot skin not too long ago and released a barefoot ghost girl

Riot loves feet

Different user, but his entire point was how it's just masochistic to do so.
And there is no fun in the end of the line either.

All of my league foot collection is 2lewd4blue except for this image.

I have had fun but also wasted tons of time with bullshit and queueing and bad games

I would only continue playing it if I were a poorfag or 3rd worlder

I feel my time is better spent in almost any other game

I was diamond 2 in season 4 and stopped playing. I came back about 2 months ago and I feel like doing ranked again. Wish me luck.


I haven't been playing very long and just got to level 30.want/ need more people to help/train me. I want to get good and am even thinking about a twitch account. CannibalisticCum is my name league is the current game. Add n chat?

What server are you on?


Usa sorry clicked wrong post

Looks more like Kya from LoK than Yue
But that's just nitpicking

I'll add you when I get off work

My ign is Ulexz

I was plat 5 last season and currently gold 5. I can help you out mostly with mid lane and bot lane.

Actually when you brought it... yeah, you are right.
Still ripping off Avatar

Still don't mind

Thank you!!! You're literally my hero! I'll be on in four or so hours as well to practice and be on for the rest of the day for the most part.

Well she is a literal earth bender

And I was wondering what's so familiar about her

Well if youre gonna steal, might as well use good material

Here are 5 facts about Jinx:
1.She's cute!
2.She's pure!
3.She's innocent!
4.She's best LoL girl!

>1.She's cute!
>2.She's pure!
>3.She's innocent!

How can one man be so so wrong

Avatar didn't invent earth magic you retards.

She is pure though. Her evil is 100% concentrated and flawless.

They are both stolen from the Jaina Proudmoore wc3 model

I fucking hate you ASSFAGGOTS playing retards

I used to like LoL too. Then it got invaded by normies and the r34 of Annie went almost extinct.

For Dota, that makes sense. It's not trying to be much other than a rip of the original.

LoL has no excuse.

>its okay to steal copyrighted material


Not even once