Which ME is best ME, Sup Forumsee?
Which ME is best ME, Sup Forumsee?
1 > 2 >>> 3
I bought the first and loved it because it was an RPG, the further the series went on, the more like a straight up shooter it began to feel like.
1 by far, it's the only one that came close to being an actual RPG rather than a gears of war clone.
It's hard to pinpoint exactly which one I love the most, Mass Effect in general being my favorite franchise and favorite game. For me it goes like this:
ME1>ME3>ME2 in terms of pure enjoyment.
ME1 will always have that amazing space opera feel, you know the one I'm talking about, I'm talkin' dat Blade Runner, dat Ghost in the Shell my nigga.
ME2 will always have that seedy dark underbelly neon lights, western, Firefly feel to it and the connection to a team that I'll never forget.
ME3 will always have that sense of togetherness and all out war.
All three games mean something special to me, but if I had to pick just one to play for the rest of my life...it's ME1.
1 was the most promising. 2 was the Perfect Bioware Game: bullshit main plot, sidequests and party drama are 90% of the game.
they are all pretty alright, but as others have allready mentioned the further the series goes the more it becomes a shooter
None, cuz they all suck.
If you don't know that its one you are a fucking idiot.
1. Anyone who says 2 most likely thinks RE4 was the best Resident Evil as well despite both being the reason for the respective series plunge into the shit infested abyss.
>dat ruined potential.
do you think the employees realized what they havr done or was it all following orders for more profit?
i hope bioware canaduhs property taxes increase because of chinese canadians and they have to downsize
The first one dumbass
>tfw ME1 had the ability to land on planets
Sure, it was tedious and boring, but it sure did make the galaxy actually feel big.
I much preferred it to scanning planets.
Me1 was like gi joe trying to stop cobra commander
Me2 was the adventures of han solo/boba fett in the underbelly of the galaxy
Me3 was literally call of duty except for a russian invasion it was space squids
So im gonna go with me2
2 > 1 > 3
1,2 >>>>>>>>>>> 3
Extracting minerals in 1 was boring as fuck. Other than that it was fun.
1 > 2 > 3
2 because it works as a stand-alone game without the other games.
i love you user
2 was the best overall game.
1 had the best story and music
3 had the best combat and weapons.
>ME3 will always have that sense of togetherness and all out war.
This is thing that they really made well in Mass Effect 3.
I always had a strange feeling while traveling to the next planet because you knew that in the meanwhile million of people dying.
Also the Batarian in the Citadel was great.
No matter how much you like your ammo and inventory management, suicide mission, lair of the shadow broker, beep boop i am square root pull ME2 ahead of the first one
2 dont let anyone tell you otherwise
Shit taste
2 is universally agreed to be the best, let it go hipster dipster.
>ME3 will always have that sense of togetherness and all out war.
I think ME3's sense of camaraderie is underrated. It's the only Mass Effect where the crew really comes together with all their banter and mutual relationships.
I liked ME2's squad, but apart from a few arguments everyone feels pretty disconnected.
It's trash that makes thing up as it goes along. That's why the first game is best everything after just contradicts himself and ruins the world that first game set up. 3 game is where SJW infiltrated series and not only ruin that game but whole Bioware.
You are clearly girl who loves series only because of "social interaction" and "romance" part. Literally kill yourself
I'm superior to all of you.
I think we can all agree superior robowaifu > squishy meatbags
>mocking the idea of appreciating character interaction in a Bioware thread
1 just stands out to me a lot, Its visual design felt more sleek, less qte heavy compared to ME2 and 3.
The Citadel DLC by itself is better than the entire franchise.
just the opening with the vangelis-esque music says it all
inspired vidya making that played like a diamond in the rough, but with huge promises for the future
shame the series and company went to shit and sacrificed everything
1 for the overall experience and plot
2 for better gameplay; setting and characters at the cost of a pointless plot
3 for absolutely nothing. It was irredeemable .
This guy gets it.
story: me1
gameplay: me3
overall: me2
Best girls
where did the entitlement argument start? ME3 or swtor? i forget.
ME1 also was best at depicting the galaxy and the story was most coherent.
Loved reading all the lore crap and exploring every nook and cranny of the galaxy. Apparently the MAKO exploration was by far the shittiest part of the game, at least that's what most complaints were about, but instead of deleting it completely, they should've improved it with more shit on the planets and make the side quests more... fun. It gave scale to the galaxy. All the planets and the moons, all kinds of shit all around the universe.
mako was just worth it for the skyboxes