I want to play a Disgaea game, I've never played one before but they look fun. Which one do I start with...

I want to play a Disgaea game, I've never played one before but they look fun. Which one do I start with? Note the only platform I have available is Vita atm.

Also general Disgaea thread I guess.

You're in luck, as a Vita will get you all but two of the games. By personal preference, get the first two, then go for the fourth. Play the third one at anu point you feel like.

i'd start at the beginning, game mechanics get better as the series goes on so it might be harder to get back into the older ones

pretty sure 1-4 are available on vita

just start with the 1st cause it's cheap. then if you can stand the grind in that, then you can stnad the grind of the rest.

>I have available is Vita atm.
Play the Disgaea 4 demo to see if you like how it plays. I did that and bought Disgaea 4 as my first game. But if you start at 4 it'll be harder going back to the old games.

Play them in order, skip 2 and 3 if you want.

>skipping 2
Why? I can understand skipping 3 but 2 isn't that offensive.

>Play them in order
>But you can skip 2 and 3 if you want
Why even tell him to eve play it in order then?

Play them in order. 1 is a masterpiece, though a bit dated by today's standards.

I bought the first manga at the flee market, never played the games though

Disgaea 2 for the psp, emulate it

>Love the art for the game
>wanna play it
>Don't really understand SRPG's
Is it worth it Sup Forums? The only SRPG I've played was Fire Emblem Awakening, and I was shit at it


1 is too barebones for me
disgaea 2 dark hero days (the psp version, so don't emulate the ps2 one) is amazing
3 is meh and if you played 2dhd then it's not worth bothering with anyway
then play 4

what do you mean with "don't really understand srpg's"?
there's not much to understand
it's a strategy game
you move your dudes around and kill other dudes
it's not exactly a 4x and disgaea is anything but complex

go emulate 2dhd

2 is the best and also a good entryway i think
But there's also little reason to skip 1 so I'd just go in release order if I were you

It's pretty easy and your bad gameplay can be made up for by grinding every time you take a shit so it's not a big deal

Any idea of what is Nis current situation? before D5 and D1 PC they were close to bankrupt iirc, and possibly discussing of Nisa taking over.
Any news? Do they publish their results and shit like Capcom and Nintendo?

I just can't think tactically like other Anons with these kinda games
I'll just buy it off Amazon and see if I like it. If not, I still got a cool looking box cover to put on my shelf

Wasn't the "if D5 fails we go bankrupt" a joke by one of the guys in charge that people took as gospel?
D5 was pretty damn good, so I hope we're getting a D6 sometime in the future. The pattern says we'll get a new game three years after the previous one, but the pattern also said we'd get DD2 on Vita.

Definitely start with the first.

start with the first as it does the best job of easing you into the series the PS2 version is outdated so you're gonna have to go with PSP or PC version.

don't buy it you cunty fuck
ppsspp runs on smartphones for christ's sake
download it and disgaea 2
always try before you buy you stupid shit

you can beat the game without having to go into the item world.getting into the more deeper mechanics according to the game itself.

I saw it at my local swap meet for like $7-$12 though. It's not that expensive

Why spend money at all, though? It's not like it'll get back to NIS.

because playing it on your phone is awful and im not just saying that
theres no way i could ever bring myself to play a game for more than 4 minutes at a time like that