Wow it's awfoo how da robots are treated here

>wow it's awfoo how da robots are treated here
>Lucio the robots killed like hundreds of thousands of millions of people, these people probably lost their familly to these very robis
>yeah well it din't affect me so lol FIGHT THE OPPRESSOR

Why do people like this character again?

Other urls found in this thread:


What, does every black man have to be a positive role model?

People like him because he's OP, not because of his personality

people like him because h's really useful in the game

I think his design and backstory are both retarded but he's a great character as far as gameplay is concerned.

yeh see deese

>Medic pocket a Reinhardt
>While his shield is up
If you're a Mercy that pockets him while he is full health, kill yourself.

Niggers don't even like EDM

looks fucking retarded skating around lol

If you care about lore in a multiplayer game then you need to kill yourself immediately

He's my favourite character, good damage potential and best healer by far. Plus, knocking people off the map with his sound blast ability is satisfying as hell


>caring about the backstory

>Why do people like this character again?

because I don't give a rat fuck about the story and just wanna play as some DJ Professor K lookin motherfucker.

>blaming the robots

ids dey culcha

The cause of the omnic uprising was stopped, there were a whole lot of innocent, self aware omnics being preyed upon by humans looking for someone to blame.
Omnics are human made, so really, they played themselves.


>tfw 15k healing in one of my previous games as Lucio

wish i had a smug lucio right about now

People are used to the medic + heavy combo and since paladin guy is a big tank nigger healers initially go him, problem is, unlike heavy he does no dmg unless he is up close

This woman gets it
Kill all the robots.

Robots must be like CIS white males in this universe

But I like robots

No they are mostly like brasilians or tibetan monks.

>what we'll do is
>we'll make robots that don't obey us
the lore is worthless

The exact opposite, actually.

Other way around, they're the dindus.

casual game for failed normies

wow i cant believe blizzard aped fallout 4 wow

if you kill your enemies, they win

>Why do people like this character again?
he's fun to play.

His fault was not voting

>everybody hates Germany still
Listen Sup Forumslack the only reason you're shitting on him is because he's brbrbr

bravo blizzard

Would you hold her hand, Sup Forums?

Germans are the cancer of europe

Disgusting niggers in every fucking game, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

There's a story?

>Lucio and Symmetra hate each other

even more reason to play based Light Goddess

No one wants to play Poo in Loo turret Queen, Rajesh

>SJW Character turns out to be the most Anti-SJW character

feels mildly refreshing

Where do you guys read about the lore? I want to know more but can't find anything on their site.

This is what manual inserts used to be for dammit.

>everyone immediately assumes Zarya is a tumblr bait character
>actually worked hard to get swole as fuck, not some fat acceptance character
>and is anti-omnic, fuck the dindus
>only "SJW" quality is random pink hair

Zarya did nothing wrong

>wow it's awfoo how da robots are treated here
>Lucio the robots killed like hundreds of thousands of millions of people, these people probably lost their familly to these very robis

I don't hate her continued existence I just don't like her dumb hair or find her fun to play as

I like his design philosophy.


I like him because playing him is fun.

my favorite heroes are reaper and 76. should I kill myself?

Why does everyone think Lucio is OP?

Honestly he's the only balanced healer.

that's probably why, because he's not utterly worthless like zenyatta or mercy.

I'll freely admit I'm a shitter but even I can tell Lucio's squishy as fuck if someone tries to chase him down, and he does fuckall damage with his weapons.


Zenyatta isn't a healer, he's more of a ranged support with the best debuff in the game. His off-heal really isn't good and his damage is pretty meh.

Mercy is far from worthless, stick her on a good Roadhog, Pharah or Bastion and she's set.

If I recall Lucio hates DA MAN and Symmetra works for DA MAN

Seems logical

Its to show she has a feminine side user.
I want to hug you like big, fuzzy Siberian bear.

>Play Reindhart
>Two soldier 76s on my team, one gay cowboy, one blueberry, one mercy
>Use cover to get ahead of everyone
>Medic pockets me for some reason
>Pop my shield on a chokepoint
>Rather than use it as an opportunity to advance everyone except the fucking medic just sits back and uses it to try to snipe
>this goes on for the entire round
Whats the point of even trying when you are just going to watch everyone else be a fuck?

When you consider how much passive healing goes on, it only seems fair that the tickleblaster isn't the most potent weapon.

He's neither as squishy or as powerful offensively as Zenyatta, and lacks on-demand focused single-target healing or damage boosting like Mercy. But, he can pretty constantly have a stream of healing going out to the entire team nearby, while also being able to constantly use his weapon to chip away at and displace enemies.

He feels like he's in a pretty good place right now, really. I just wish Zenyatta had 25 more HP so he could take a bodyshot from a sniper and at least limp away, rather than explode.

I find the tumblr art style triggering and I say this as a proud collector of ten of thousands of images I will never see again

I didn't say Lucio's weapon needed to be stronger or anything. Like you said he does a shitload of passive healing, I think he's balanced just fine.

>I just wish Zenyatta had 25 more HP

that'd be good yeah

>Why do people like this character again?
Magical transitive properties of "Jet set radio was cool" to "this character is a ripoff of that so it's cool despite having no thematic relation with it"

Nigga you have to be the one to move forward

Was all I really had that fit the qoute

I FUCKING HATE HIS DESIGN. Why do all brazilian characters in vidya have the same fucking design?

I was
Its hilarious moving forward with your entire team behind you while you see them ducking behind a car and popping up for potshots
I've seen people try to snipe with Reaper.


This is now a Zarya appreciation thread.

>mfw when reaching 100% particle power

whalecock zarya a best

>Trying to kill Lucio on Weekend Brawl

>100% power.
>Majority of the other team are close together.
>ult is up.



nigger you dont even know what its like pushing the payload against 3 mei's with no cooldown ice block. Id take a team of lucio before a single mei on this weeks brawl shit.


Best ship

>First round I played with on weeks brawl was an entire team of Meis
>Ended up trapping Enemy team inside their spawn the entire match

>Let's not kid ourselves we just needed an excuse to put a black guy in

because he's banging D. Va

he's not black you retard

the comics and videos are on the media page

>Demoman from TF2

>you'll never have a racist muscled gf