anyone else think the witcher 3 is overrated? ive played 13 hours so far and its just not that good.
Anyone else think the witcher 3 is overrated? ive played 13 hours so far and its just not that good
nope, its very good.
13 hours is just scratching the surface desu.
This type of game just isn't for you if you think 13 hours is a long time.
i actually liked it a lot; those 13 hours were over 3 days. but yesterday i started playing euro truck simulator and i played that for like 6 hours. now today when i tried to go back to witcher i just cant get into it. i'd rather drive a truck.
No i think it's good
Hearts of stone is leagues better than the main game just go play it
also i played witcher 2 before starting 3 and i think the combat and movement in 2 was better
its probably the most overrated game ever made.
mediocre at best, when talking to other npcs is the best part of the game, it tells a lot.
Really good. blood & wine comes out in 4 days. My butthole is ready for Geralts pp.
Everyone thinks it's shit except CDPR shills that won't shut the fuck up about it. Congrats. You fell for the shills.
Sup Forums here, literal patrician game which is weird since most games are pleb shit for retarded teenagers (yes this includes tlou, uncharted, and all those b tier "movie" games). The story, characters, setting and presentation are all 10/10, also no sjw shit shoved down your throat which lowers the artistic integrity of the game. If you can't appreciate this game then kill yourself, you're part of the problem why games have such low standards, because their audience is retards.
>tfw bought both Overwatch and TW Warhammer
>just keep playing Overwatch all day even though I'm trying to get into TW Warhammer too
The series is for and is praised by the easily impressed, you just "fell for the meme".
Did you rate Uncharted 4 10/10 by any chance?
TW3 is the Uncharted of RPGs so I don't see how you thought you were clever with that.
Dropped after 2 hours.
rip 25 euribor
I loved this game, every moment was encapsulating and I put maybe 200+ hours into it just looking in every nook and place I could find another story or quest to uncover
>played 13 hours of a 100 hour game
>it's not very good
that makes no sense, uncharted is like 10 hours long and witcher 3 is 200+ hours of content
the witcher 2 only took me 15 hours to beat but i like it better than witcher 3's first 13 hours.
They're both overpraised movie games, not even him
OP hasn't even fucked triss or yen yet
how could you play the one and the same "muh witcher sense/follow the breadcrumbs trail" quest for the 200th time?
Yup, I stopped at around 15-20 hours. The story was boring as fuck, the combat was garbage, the world was empty besides copy+pasted filler "quests", and the RPG mechanics like the perk based leveling and the inventory system sucked ass. Not a good game.
Goddamit, why is it that only after I fucked Yen and am suddenly bound to her for eternity do I realize that Triss was best girl all along?
when a game starts being fun only after 50 hours i would say that is a big fucking failure as a game.
Sup TheBull, you faggot
Magics gone
Play TW it's super fun desu. Overwatch is pretty dank too but it's a fallback game for when I don't have anything else to play.
It's okay to have opinions OP, don't let any faggots on this board tell you otherwise. It's certainly not a game for everyone.
It's one of the slowest games ever, and while I love the series people way more invested in it than me somehow think it's acceptable to lead a player on for 100+ hours with a literal crumb trail of a main story.
Of course everyone will tell you the game is literal perfection, which it's not.
It takes true fans to realize where their favorite game has flaws, you're all a bunch of bandwagoning assholes who shitpost nonstop.
do Side quests. Dont follow main quest only m8. And give it 10-20 more hours so it kicks in. Propably at keira metz / Swamp Witches quest
Do you like letting yourself get sucked into a neat fantasy world with actual characters, unlike Elder Scrolls? This is a game where you roleplay Geralt. If you don't like Geralt or the world he inhabits, you probably won't like the game.
>played 2 hours
>first map is tutorial to introduce the game and it lasts for 4 hours.
Fucking V opinions
No, it's a good game. The combat was never highly rated so what exactly is overrated about it?
It's extremely good for people who enjoy those kinds of RPGs, but I can see how some people may not like it
I haven't even played it yet.
I've got like 9 hours played or so on Witcher 2 and I haven't even gotten past that troll out in the forest in that first village you get to, I just got bored. Story is pretty good and the atmosphere and music is great but the combat just bores me to death.
I enjoy the combat in Skyrim way way more than the Witcher combat
>thinking anyone is going to go through a 4 hour tutorial
Anything longer than a screenshot of what the controls do is completely unnecessary.
I agree with you, but goddamn.
I replayed Skyrim after W3 and couldnt get into Skyrim combat anymore. W3 is 10x better than W2 so just try it for yourself and you will see. It's masterpiece game, but you have to give it like 20 hours cuz main story quests are shitty at the start of the game. But then, when you do monster hunting quests and meet some new characters it's on baby
By tutorial i ment that White orchand village is only to learn combat and basics of investiganting monster hunting. You can just leave it and go further. There is no level scaling so you can beat 30+ levels higher enemy only if you know how to fight m8.
W3 Vanila is decent, but Hearts of Stone addon is a fucking masterpiece.
Want to get into it but the frog is impossible
This is speaking from a guy that beat all the souls games
>15 hours
Did you skip literally all the side quests and cut scenes?what the fuck
Maybe its not your type of game OP
>muh souls games
Great game, in a very similar way to the elder scrolls games. In which the main story is just a way for you to explore the world and is not well written. However the quests are great.
I love TW3 and I must say that you are full of shit, level scaling IS present and it's the major thing that they've fucked up. I don't know about other difficulties, but on death march every red/skull level enemy 1-2 shots you while you do 2 digit damage which won't even move a pixel from their healthbar
i liked witcher 2, havent played 1
how fucking shit does the combat in third have to be that someone calls the combat in second better ?
maybe you're overrating your opinion
The bloody baron questline was great and is partly why I loved the game. The gameplay is ok, but the game is in the quests and their writings.
the fact is that there is a very big chance that if you started from the first one, you won't like the second one and won't even try the third one, and if you started from second one, you'll love the third one but will hate the first one, which is very weird if you ask me, and makes no sense whatsoever
Nigger use igni and bombs
25 cents have been deposited in your account
>since most games are pleb shit for retarded teenagers
you perfectly discribed the witcher 3
if you'd rather drive a truck, videogames aren't actually made for you (or at least, they weren't used to)
the witcher 3 is alright, but def a bit overrated
along with dark souls its one of the best rpgs of the past decade
yeah the story kinda never picks up. Gameplay is repetitive and combat is shit.
DLC was pretty good
it's really well made
you can argue about the gameplay being imperfect, but the overall production quality concerning everything else is impeccable
how vodka-drinking, slav-squatting fuckers are able to deliver something like this is beyond me, though
>Sup Forums here
op here i started with 2 and liked it.
It's overrated and offends in many of the same areas other recent WRPGs do.
Presentation was very nice but that's about all it does exceptionally well. The combat is rather shallow and repetitive, the skill trees aren't very deep and don't change up the combat all that much. Enemies aren't too smart and you're stuck using a rather limited set of weapons and gear as far as functionality goes. Too many of the quests boil down to "Fetch/kill [X]" with your idiot-proof Witcher-sense. The voiced protagonist is kind of limiting in terms of role-playing as well. The dialogue choices are varied enough but I never really felt like I was actually role-playing as I was always a gruff Geralt and, again, the combat roles aren't particularly deep or varied.
It just forgot to be a good game on top of having a well-presented story with nice visuals. The actual gameplay isn't much better than something like Skyrim or Dragon Age, unless you want to count dialogue choices as gameplay. But I'm sure I'll get half a dozen responses dismissing this completely legitimate criticism.
It's good if you enjoy roleplaying as a witcher. The fighting is ok but not great and the rest of the gameplay involves using witcher senses to find red things to click on and advance
I can see why people might not like it. but if you like roleplaying as that kind of character like I do then it's great
are you at the right level even? I found it alright, use igni on the gas clouds for some good dmage
I think it's underrated
people shit on it all the time but it's still a 7/10
don't you ever put a masterpiece like dark souls in the same tier with this garbadge
Driving a virtual truck is more gameplay than watching a movie.
did these losers at cdpr made this pic?
how fucking immature are they?
I'm having fun
I have not played it but compared to other games out there, and having played 1 and 2, It's unique and quite good in the end.
I am not very sure what people expected when they say that the game is overrated because it fits right in with the prior installments of the series and, in typical fashion of Eastern European developers from 2007-present, each installment got exponentially better or bigger in every area (graphics, sound, content size).
you are having fun by looking at trees?
What the hell is immature about it? They're just being grateful for the award. Do you consider people who win grammys and oscars and shit immature for saying thank you in their speeches you fucking autist?
It is good for what it is.
Not found of the Bioware/CDProjekt reliance on cutcenes and waifus but to each their own.
>enjoying that quest a lot
>think Baron is a really interesting character
>he hangs himself
I also reloaded a two hour old save because I changed my mind about the Dijkstra/Roche situation. It's been a while since a game had me thinking about the decisions I've made hours later, much less regretting them.
Nice Engrish, Pajeet.
And it's pretty fucking based, now kill yourself.
they made a pic with their character holding a virtual paid award....
jesus christ
Don't you dare fucking kill Roche you piece of shit.
The gameplay just isn't great, and since it's, you know, a video game, that's kind of important.
It's not a bad game by any means, well above average, just overrated and not 10/10 GOTY. Kind of odd how something like Fallout 4 gets blasted for not being an RPG when even it gives you more freedom to role-play with the PC than Witcher does. Role-playing doesn't just mean picking dialogue options, it applies to other aspects of the game, such as your combat role, as well.
>he actually likes it
you can't make this shit up
Over Rated? Yes.
Good game? Sure is.
>It's good if you enjoy roleplaying as a witcher.
>Halo is a good RPG if you enjoy roleplaying as John Halo
how can i make the combat system less shit?
is there a mod that disables horrible auto-lock-on?
is there a mod that disables horrible monster defense scaling if you're below recommended level to fight them?
is there a mod that introduces more abilities so you won't be forced to spend 130 hours mashing light attack?
In Russian gaming community games often judged by amount of "soul" they have.
You cannot measure "soul" but you can feel it.
There are games with big soul like Heroes 3 or STALKER.
There are soulless games like Final Fantasy, Halo and Overwatch.
And Witcher games definitely have soul.
I did the first time because I agreed with Dijkstra about Emhyr, but after those hours passed I realized what I'd done to Broche. The nigger that helped at Kaer Mohren with no hesitation, when Dijkstra told me to fuck off. I was ashamed. Dijkstra had to die - the South won the war because I couldn't let my bro down.
You could always have played it hard you pleb
Mmh yes the tears are flowing. Your greasy tears are literally fuel of the slav magic used to make this GAME OF THE YEAR 2015.
Now, try to define that to an autist.
Game of the year !
bravo witcher
>final fantasy
you take those words back my dear slav
It's actually my favorite game of all time lmao
Fuck the rest of the north. Even if the north wins, Temeria is still not Temeria. At least with the semi-sovereignty Emhyr gives them, they can have their own army and govern their own land.
>lost izalith
Passion about the project, basically. An obvious desire to tell the story and show the player a good time, rather than make money and move on.
i was being sarcatic
i was making fun of your stuborn behavior
a bad area doesn't make the whole game bad