What internet do you use for playing video games?
What internet do you use for playing video games?
Looks like a shit offer desu
>Data caps
This needs to stop. There's so much fucking bandwidth floating around data caps shouldn't even be a thing anymore.
> limited amount of data usage
Why the fuck would you use your phone to play over the internet?
>data limit
No there's not
Pick one.
sucks to be you
>Shitty 10mb/s for $60 dollary doos
>With a 50GB cap on top of it
Jesus christ no wonder these companies make so much money
>No there's not
Found the jew.
>free basic installation
With a "low one time $99 activation fee."
>no equipment to buy
But you're renting it for 2 years
Is this Australia or some shitty US town?
Could be either.
That's not even phone. That was a home offer from somewhere, judging from the mention of installation and "no equipment to buy".
It's got to be something of an old ad, though, because 10mbps is the absolute minimum allowed now in the US, if you want to call it high-speed/broadband, and the price for that bottom tier is usually way lower.
If it's actually a current ad, OP must be living so far in the hillbilly mountains that he's used to having his ass reamed out anyway.
>data cap
this meme needs to die
>data caps
>garbage speed
thank the free market we're given such opportunities!
>For the first 3 months of 2 year contract
>$99 'low' activation fee - which is likely what they lost those 3 months
>But you don't have to buy equipment :^)
What a scam
Yes there fucking is. Why cap one person to 50GB a month when your nexdoor neighbour is probably downloading 500GB a month because he's a worthless NEET who watches Netflix all day.
Fios best internet. Fuck Time Warner Cable, that slow piece of shit.
>data cap
Even in my shitty latin american country we don't have this kind of scam here.
Canadian here. Just got new upgraded internet for $80/month. Jelly?
Seems like pretty standard Canadian pricing around 5 years ago.
I'm paying $65 for 25/1 and unlimited bandwidth. The current equivalent plan they offer is like 15/10 and 300GB.
Even worse
They're just trying to trick old people
>1Gb/s included in rent
feels REALLY good man
that doesn't mean data caps aren't real
here it's just for mobile internet, 4G or whatever you call itl. My dad has it.
Bitch I just got a flyer in the mail this isn't my plan.
i might live in a shithole but at least we dont have data caps
why the fuck do they exist?
>this shit
>for $80/month
Is this bait
That's 80 Canadian loonies
That's like 20 USD
>60$ for only 10mbps and 50gb datacaps
wew lad
>this shit
>for $20
For wired network bandwidth is literally unlimited
>wow i need more data, just plug a new cable
get a tripcode so I can filter you
he never implied he thought it WAS your plan. calm down, nigger
>tfw paying 9 euros a month for unlimited 100 Mbps internet
What can we do about these greedy fucks deliberately scamming people and holding back technological progress?
I recall reading an article a few years back about how it was cheaper to pay americans to download shit for you and then mail it on an external HDD.
The internet here is literally that bad.
This offer is circa mid 00's right?
150 Mb/s
No cap
£65 a month
Includes TV shit and landline.
More like 2011 Canada.
>tv license
Don't vote for Trump.
i am livin a shithole 3rd world country and my internet is 16 mbps with 75 gb of data cap for 20$.
is it "so called" dream land america?
>tfw free unlimited 100/100Mbps in a dorm
>tfw unlimited 1000Mbps (yes, gigabit) for the equivalent of $12
God bless Romania.
>technological progress
The only progress they're interested in is bringing shitskin mudslimes in to rape white women
what country?
3rd world country reporting in ;-)
I can upgrade to 300 mbps too but i'm happy with this.
Bitch, Shillary wants to ban video games
I live on a farm and use MCSnet in east Alberta. It's surprisingly stable with online games, but I have to spend a night downloading if the file is larger than 10 gigs.
Time Warner cable. Pretty solid in my area.
I used to have verizon, and good god was that shit.
>unsteady 150Kb/s
>tended to fall to 50Kb/s
That's why throttling exists at peak times, retard.
It can be worse.
TWC is actually half-decent in my area, surprisingly. I think Google Fiber coming to Austin scared them into getting their shit together.
here's a filter: Sup Forums.org
Shitty ass country reporting in
>We are running out of internet
What did he mean by this?
No really.
>third world
>50gb cap
>sixty fucking dollars
I used to have fios 50mbps but now that Frontier came in I'm stuck with those fucking scumbags because Verizon sold my contract to them. They have already throttled my Internet once.
Just fuck my life up senpai
Americans have much worse Internet but we pay more.
>Getting a fiber connection on monday with unlimited downloads
The one you get all excited when Steam is download at an absolute crazy speed of 1MB/s because that's all there is in your shitty village.
>50GB data cap
I have HDDs slower than this
>Canadian internet.
>Live out in the country and have to use 4G.
>used to be capped at 15 mbps, then they dropped it to 10.
>10 mbps turns to 1 mbps or even 0.10 mbps sometimes in the evenings.
>Internet provider gets super hostile when you ask them to actually provide a service instead of just taking peoples money.
Canadian internet providers in the west are probably the scummiest pieces of shit on the planet. If a tower is overloaded then that's a sign to build another tower you fucking penny pinching jews.
>people posting bandwidth instead of jitter
Games use barely any bandwidth, one of the most important things you can do to ensure your game runs well online is to request and send as little information as possible. Even games with very high or custom update/tick/command rates cranked way up only use maybe 15 KB down and 5KB up.
What matters is your distance from the server and your connection's stability (packet loss and jitter)
Costs the equivalent of $15 per month, with no caps or other shenanigans
I'm paying 20eur a month for 100/10mbs unlimited (obviously this is not africa) Why does your country suck so much murricans
Really, America?
>15 down TWO up
>700GB cap
i wouldnt be so pissed if it wasnt for the shitty upload. cant even stream overmeme for my friends to laugh at me.
Throttling exists because ISP's don't want to upgrade infrastructure to handle the demand, so they throttle everyone because they're fucking jews. Everyone in that area pays hundreds of dollars every month of an ISP to just sit around say fuck off.
Hillary was part of the media circus around violence in video games almost ten years ago
You can't say Hillary is a two-faced opportunist who'll say anything to get voters and then say something she said to parents 8 years ago is part of her current presidential platform. You can't have it both ways.
>all these people using speedtest
You guys know that companies make sure their speedtest results are always good by prioritzing their servers. That's why they personally recommend you use it yourself.
Use fast.com if you're ISP is american.
Same here. I lived in rural BC and got around 0.08Mbps. They kept saying it was the trees. Moved to the city and have that sweet sweet fiber
From what I heard is the american goverment actually paid for these companies to upgrade their infrastructure but they decided to use the money for whatever else and no upgrades were made.
>Australian Shitposting Family makes a mean post
Nigger, nobody is jittering JAV ok?
>I read one news article: the show
Sure thing mang
>live in rural area
>too far from civilized ISPs
>have to use shitty satellite internet
>started at 40 gigs a month
>now at 100 gigs a month
>costs around $100+ a month with $5 for overage fees
>play games like Dota 2 with 700-750 Ping
>download games at 1.1mb/s somehow
this is truly hell, you can't do fuck all with 100 gigs and my god damn MMR went from 2.9k to 1.6k since i fucking moved here.
I live in Washington an I get 175 for $60 (an no cap of course)
>powered by pic related
Shitty neighbour wifi since 2012
ill die before i get to play multiplayer games again
>tfw paying 5 euros per month with a data limit of 100mb
Fucking Telekom. Fuck Germany.
It gave me the same result you nigger. Stop being a hipster.
My Steam downloads go just as fast though
Different nodes will often provide different results, that's why you can select any server you want to test with
In the late 90's the government gave out huge grants so that people could spread the internet coverage across america
This really did work as by 2005, almost half of america had internet service compared to in 1999 when merely 5% did.
But yes you're right, today the ISP's just pocket the money, upgrade to stuff like DOCSIS 3.0 but don't actually increase your bandwidth, fucking cap or anything
He's a retard who knows nothing about networking. Someone told him about the need for IPv6, he misunderstood it, and made that video.
It's not a question of bandwidth or carrier capacity, IPv4 uses a 32-bit address and there are only so many you can have operating at once. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses and thus has vastly more addresses to assign. As more and more countries and areas get internet access it's very possible we might someday reach the limit of IPv4 addresses, which is why IPv6 exists. That's it.
>100 MB
>You can't say Hillary is a two-faced opportunist who'll say anything to get voters and then say something she said to parents 8 years ago is part of her current presidential platform. You can't have it both ways.
yes you can because fuck her
I remember my friend was complaining origin was downloading slower than steam and he couldn't figure it out.
Apparently his origin download folder was on his HDD and that was capping out before his internet did.
>says my internet is slightly faster than the Speedtest measurement
TWC in my area is crap
>On shitty BT non fibre-optic system
>Other provider say they have fibre-optics in the area, let's change to them
>Shop even checked on their computer, confirming we have it
>On the day of the changeover, net/phone goes down, net/phone does not go up.
>This continues into the next day, call them
>Apparently the fucking box at the top of the road didn't have enough attachment points for the fucking cable, and they didn't even tell us shit until we get bounced around all the fucking place
>They eventually fit another box at the road, 1 month later
>One month no internet, no phoneline.
Wew lad