This is so fucking good, got it for 2 euros
I'm sorry for doubting you Sup Forums
Playing Extraction Point after finishing main game, they really got better at horror with this expansion

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Played FEAR 3 the other day

I really regretted it, stick with 1

Hey, at least it's short.

FEAR is the only game I know of with satanic black magic AI. No other game has matched nor surpassed it since. Re-installing now, thanks OP.

Yeah, and score actually mattered. It was neat that whoever was the better player at the end actually affected the ending. Really miss TECHNOLOGY though.

What's so good about the AI?

try to flank you and create cover

Not fucking short enough.
I dont know why people shit on Fear 2, but FEAR 3 is shockingly bad, like, how did WB think that was ok?

I heard that the AI isn't actually that advanced, they just have really good animations.

I remeber when this released on 360, loves it

Nobody cares, nigga.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

I remeber when anons cared

Alma was squit inducing to say the least

It's stellar compared to the crap we get these days.

It's mostly that they have voice lines for what they are doing, and what is happening, and what you are doing.

It's just lively. They try to flank you. They communicate a lot. They get scared and retreat.

It's basically a ton of clever scripting, radio chatter and really good use of the environment. As far as technology goes, there's nothing impressive or innovative about it, but the end result is fantastic and ultimately that's what matters.

because FEAR 3 didn't matter after the embarassment that was 2

2 was made by the original team, and it absolutely demolished the high standards and expectations that 1 built up for it

after experiencing 2 - which I don't recommend - no one in their right mind should give an iota of a flying fuck about this franchise

They were LIVING


Fuck Paxton

As a FEAR game it's terrible but I still had fun playing as Fettel doing coop with a friend. Love the force powers.

Oh get over yourself. Yes, 2 was a step down from 1, but it was not the train wreck everyone makes it out to be.

The AI actually IS pretty good.
I've seen them try to flank me, coming from downstairs towards the upstairs I was in, at which point I jumped down, crouch-walked after them, and saw one of the survivors waiting behind a box, aiming towards the entrance one would expect to descent down to the lower level.

They also pretend to be DEAD.

I can't believe there are people that have not played F.E.A.R.

Get off your asses and buy that shit.

>As a FEAR game it's terrible but I still had fun
This is basically my experience with FEAR 3. I was half torn between enjoying it and wanting to berate the people who slapped the FEAR name on it.

I don't know if it's because I was playing a ton of shit FPS around that time or because it was genuinely a decent game, but I remember enjoying it nonetheless.

no, fuck you

it was a boring af game that lacked any punch of the original and looked and played like a lame-ass run of the mill shooter

I never saw that


It is pretty good, but user is right about the dialogue being a huge force behind why it appears much better than it is. In my opinion the AI's mobility is another reason why it seems so good.

I once was in one of the early parts of the game at the water treatment plant and I came up to that part where you're on a catwalk with a room to your right, there's a soldier in the room, and farther down the catwalk. I killed the soldier farther down and went into the room to kill the other one, only to get killed from behind. It turns out that as I was opening the door, the soldier jumped out of the window, onto the catwalk, and ran up behind me and blew my fucking brains out.

Shit like that plus knocking shit over to make cover, jumping over things, etc all really makes it seem like there's more behind the scenes that there really is.


Hey, Fucking Run was pretty fun.

I've not played that for years.

Considering you can sum up FEAR as
>shoot out in an office
that's not a very compelling argument.

Considering modern shooter AI crouches behind the nearest chest high wall and then fires small bursts at you that will never outdamage your regenerating HP until you get around to shooting their head off it's pretty amazing.

Same here, but I remember seeing a YouTube video that shows a Replica soldier on the ground, then he gets up a bit, looks around, and starts patrolling.

Shit's scary. So if you want to see it, then don't spray them with a ton of bullets.

you can sum any game up like a fucking retard, it's not hard

I think he means how sometimes your shots knock them down for a couple of seconds. You can be fooled into thinking he's dead.

When you think about it, the AI makes sense, since Paxton is controlling them.

They are controlled by an AI commander.

I only played project origin or something like that and it was godlike.
>That school level full of ghosts

>2 was made by the original team
In name only. IIRC a lot of the original team left at some point between FEAR and FEAR 2.

But I agree with you, FEAR 2 was garbage. 3 at least did some things right making the weapons not fucking peashooters for one thing but 2 was a mess that people only remember because of that ending.