Diamond League Pro player

>Diamond League Pro player
>Could go Challenger if I had a proper team
>Parents want me to go to college and get a degree instead
>Tell them I want to become a pro LoL player instead
>Force me to start taking classes or they say they will kick me out of the house

Should I get a programming degree?
Does being good at LoL or videogames in general translate into programming skills?
I understand the complexity of video games, I just don't really know how the 1's and 0's work.
I just want a degree that does not require a lot of studying so I can keep practicing LoL.

You should go kill yourself

>not even master
>thinks he can get challenger because he's diamond

lmao senpai the gap between diamond and challenger is probably bigger than the gap between bronze and diamond, get real.

Ya dude, go pro in video games that'll be a successful career with lots of opportunities

Get a degree in video game design instead

Programming degree is a meme, just ask Sup Forums


Pick one

>Does being good at LoL or videogames in general translate into programming skills?

lmao yeah totally man. Does listening to music all day long make you any good at actually playing instruments? Does watching TV shows and watching movies make you any good at filming or directing?

Please be a troll.

First post best post

this tbfh

Even pro athletes are encouraged to finish school at some point. Your dumb ass probably won't make it in pro anyway.

Become a Dota 2 pro, they make a lot more money than LoL pros do.

Sumail or whatever the fuck that paki's name is made a million dollars playing Dota at the age of 16

>>Could go Challenger if I had a proper team
This sounds like a complete load of bullshit.

>Does watching TV shows and watching movies make you any good at filming or directing?

Worked for Tarantino.

>Could go Challenger if I had a proper team

Stopped reading there.

Bjergsen makes about 60-80k a year, and that includes his 20-50k he makes from Twitch alone, and any prize money he may win in the LCS.

And he is easily the most expensive player. You're not fucking Bjergsen.

So maybe go to school.

I can make it to masters if I didn't get noobs on my team feeding
What's the difference?
I don't like dota

LoL is for wannabe pros

> Does watching TV shows and watching movies make you any good at filming or directing?
Actually it does

> Does listening to music all day long make you any good at actually playing instruments?
To a lesser extend; while it doesn't teach you the mechanical skill, it trains your pitch and musical theory understanding

Your comparison is shit, as expected of a marginal, uneducated Sup Forumsermin,

> Does watching TV shows and watching movies make you any good at filming or directing
If you take the time to truly understand them, it actually would help alot.

Have you ever been 90% sure a thread was just bait

But then

That other 10% starts gnawing at your conscience, like it's possible that someone might really exist in the world who's that much of a dumb faggot and you are reading his totally honest and sincere opinion?

What about Faker?

Go to school then. You will never make any good money out of LoL esports in comparison to Dota.

All the fucking time. I always assume that shit I read on Sup Forums is just a see of shitty bait. I am 98% sure it's the case.

The remaining 2% leaves me in abject terror.

>Programming degree

Is this really what the world has come to

>Become a LoL pro
>Make barely enough money to move out of parents house after taxes and cuts
>Esports scene dries up a decade from now
>Now in your 30's with no job or school experience

TIL watching TV shows and films make you good at operating cameras and making scripts and storyboards. Thank you user.

What in the fuck kind of thread is this? Go to fucking school, OP, or you're gonna be out on your ass with no means to even play your shit game for fun, much less for pay. Jesus Christ, did you turn 18 yesterday?

>there's nothing more to expertise in a complex field than technical skill in performing menial tasks, often left to assistants or outsourced
Spoken like a true brainless retard

Toby Fox can't read music but composed the greatest vidya OST known to man.

>filming, scripts & storyboards are left to assistants or outsourced.
>camera operators don't operate cameras & directors don't direct movies.
Ok user you win this one.

I could go gold if people knew how to play, but I'm stuck at B5 and have been there for two years after nearly getting out of B1 before that. I placed B1 and it took me three months of bouncing around B1 and B2 to fall so fucking hard.

Accept the fact that no one will want your ADHD riddled, beta ass and move to a different game.

Why the fuck would you want to be a pro LoL player? Most of the pros don't even want to be pros. If you're not total shit at being social and you're actually challenger just start up a twitch stream as whoever and rake in the dosh WHILE staying in school.

That only works ideally for the common man if you go to CC or stay undecided for the first year and a half.


You are the cancer in gaming.