Blood & Wine

Holy shit, did they update the engine? Game's look superb, at least on PC

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It's just more colourful.

so is that a man or is it a shop?

>same shitty lighting
>same shitty, flat foliage
>same shitty water
No. It still looks worse than E3 build.

No it doesn't.

Inquisition and W3 have some strange similarities regarding graphics. Everything as a "clay" look to it.


He's still spotting that 5'o clock shade so I'm calling it a degenerate tranny.

it's just a slighty masculine jawline and she hasn't the beard, it's just the make-up. stop with this stupid meme

Case in point. Those muddy textures on the walls are horrible. And even the vibrance cranked up to 110 and the weird instagram filter don't really help. I just hope STLM gets the update soon.

That's pretty over-saturated.

for you

makes me wish I was in Italy

>Newfags trying to banepost


Kid, I've been here sine you were still in your diapers


Yeah, they updated it, but it only affects that region. Hopefully they'll rework the rest of the game with the Enhanced Edition.

So since today

You're still in your diapers?

Also, samefag.

he sank the ship he was on, just to kill the captain

>Pirate W3 after hearing shitloads of praise
>Get to the second part, holy shit huge place
>Shitload of fetch this do that quests, with horrible level scaling problems

I imagine perfectionists love that, but can I just follow the main quest, and be ok on the 'Normal' diificulty?

Not quite, newfag

Only newfag here is (You)

>Calls samefag
>Gets BTFO
>N-No you're the newfag
Like clockwork

Just stop playing

If you don't like the game filled with quests then it's not for you

and yes you can just do the main quests

>n-no youre the newfag

What's with the Super Mario colours?


Had a good chuckle

Playing it on normal will zap all the fun out of it, becomes a cakewalk.

Also you'll lose out on some things by not doing some side quests.

>what are separate networks?


97.3% of Americans will get this wrong.

Blood and Wine takes place on Isle Delfino

I don't get it.

is it out yet lads?

>Y-You're just on a seperate network
You're getting desperate

Well are there any non-bullshot images from games that look better than this?

Whats there to get? Its the standard 'I want to suck your cock' tranny look.


Really not memeing, im actually into trannies but it does fucking look like she shaves...

This, it looks really bad.
Peoples who think Witcher 3 has good graphics are literal casual who think having no aliasing and good textures is the only thing a game needs.
Witcher 3's rendering is incredibly simple and will look dated really quick.

Bear in mind most of Sup Forums is underage so now they are horribly confused and think everything is a tranny.

Okay, newfag.

So what she has a strong jawline, do all chicks have to look the same?

That looks really mediocre

Pretty awful lighting.


>literal casual
I'm a PC gamer and I think it looks good. I mean, it works doesn't it? What are some better looking games?

He's still doing it


Okay, hardcore-graphicsfag fampai
Your life must be fucking hell the last time you could enjoy your enthusiast graphicsfaggotry was in 2007

>im actually into trannies

They are cuter than you are so really the choice is obvious....


So are you newfag

2D stops being that good if you get older and actually keep your sanity

Make sure you lose yours before its too late

thanks dad

>no Geralt and Anna Henrietta romance
>no Duke Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde at the end

its okay son

> spot the azn

it really does look fantastic. My biggest issue though is in a lot of the videos theres a bit of a lagging issue with the framerate

witcher graphics always reminded me of dreamworks



Overreaching, its a fucking witcher, not into the idea of getting involved to that level.

>Anna Henrietta

bro code and all, she may be the only women Dandelion would actually be mad about if Geralt banged her

shit dude

what the fuck

I'm playing on Xbone and it looks good even there. How the fuck did these guys do it?

It's still the best looking game in my pc collection. What games look better?

that starwars game that stopped being relevant after 1 week

They actually work hard and not leave it all up to marketing and anti-piracy measures to get all the day 1 dosh.

>not open world

what is it

Sup Forums hates jawlines

the division, far cry primal

Thats a silly ass excuse
Battlefront is technically better - but really making super real looking
>generic snow level
>generic jungle level
>generic rocky desert level

And all style coming from the movies makes it a very very irrelevant and minor accomplishment.

Witcher built a world in its own style and atmosphere and made it look fucking great too.

It looked pretty good. I guess there's a lot of games whose graphics are about on par with witcher 3, but the background details (like how the trees are always blowing in the wind and stuff) always impress me, especially if I haven't played it in awhile.

They did a lot of optimizations to the grass, so in the new areas they can show a lot more on screen with the same performance as vanilla game areas.

objectively false

why does she have stubble

What did Alvin mean by this?

testosterone does that.


Looks the same to me desu senpai.

Based CD Projekt.

Nothing sane.
CDPR first pulled the entire ciri-setup onto Alvin in the first game, but then they backpedalled and pulled instead the entire sorcerers/thanedd thing onto the kings in 2, then did ciri again - for real this time.

So the prophecy makes no sense whatsoever.

The contrast is hurting my eyes. Why are CDPR such huge amateurs?

This is proof that CDPR can make decent looking female faces but fuck OP pic looks like a straight up RuPaul.

Even looks like it has five o'clock shadow.

Women already have testosterone, you dumbass. All humans do, else you wont grow muscles.

You can't stop the ice age, user.


it's a good thing im in to traps, at least

maybe she's hispanic


Thats because the OP is shopped, mong.

I actually liked him and Olgierd.
I couldn't let O'Dimm take his soul in good conscience. Too bad the riddle was so easy.

Is that shit in the Holy Bible? No? Then fuck off with your science magic shit.

She looks fine you autist.

Joke's on you, actual genuine creationists have dulled my senses on the matter, so I am not at all baited.

In that pic, from the side, in entirely different lighting, sure.

>Too bad the riddle was so easy.

This, I liked them too, I'd have been fine with O'dimm neutrally fucking off to but he deserves whatever the fuck I gave him just for being such a bad boss battle.

>2 words into riddle

I mean really...the the earlier games had legit puzzles I considered too out there but this was just a few steps ahead of
>that card

>beat the game and its expansion
>less than half achievements unlocked

Loads of shit tied to Gwent and difficulty, never going to bother unlocking that.

Except the answer to the riddle was "mirror".
Old people don't look at water and frown, young women dont spin in front of water, etc.

So if you guessed "water", you are a fucking idiot.

>In that pic, from the side, in entirely different lighting, sure.

Your point? The whole B&W has traps is one big meme

My point is OP's pic looks like a fucking man.