How did we go from this

How did we go from this... this?


Blame the consoles.


im the only one who thinks second is better? first one looks edgy and "wickedsickdark xD" as fuck
something a literal 12 year old would design

not only that, it also doesn't fit the theme of dark souls at all

Is radiohead a meme now?

yeah you are this?

The series wouldn't exist if it wasn't for consoles, idiot

Something about a possible lawsuit with the original mask being too close to some anime trash

Anime studio Bones from Japan gave Bandai and From a cease and desist

The series wouldn't exist if the PC version didn't make it explode in popularity


most of Dark Souls II doesn't "fit the theme of Dark Souls" so fuck you

Now I Lost It...

edgy naruto shit doesn't really fit the Dark Souls aesthetic

I like that they changed it to be weirder

>the theme of dark souls

I agree. Was thinking it belongs in a circus more than feeling it's edgy though.

>not only that, it also doesn't fit the theme of dark souls at all

But this does?

*rasengans you*

don't bad mouth naruto

That hits too fucking hard.

i love this meme. i truly, truly love this meme and hope Sup Forums never stops with this meme because it's such a good meme. please, meme it up some more my man.

Because 'muh chinese electric batman'

I hate when faggots do this

repeating random shit they heard as if it were fact

I love the irony of posting as one of the Gallagher brothers and talking about decent music.

Hey, as long as it's creepy...

Wasnt it because of Hei's mask from Darker then Black?


Dark Souls II is shit and you should deal with it better.
Besides some mechanical improvements, the entire thing is a step down.


That's not how the rasengan works you fucking autist

do you have a source for any of this?

or are you just making shit up


this is you right now

kek, fair point

how does it work then? evidently it must work since i landed a clean hit on you

It's really not considering how I'm not spazzing out like you are. Move on. I've accepted it's shit. You should too.

For me it's more of a "if I had never seen the first thing I would be fine with the replacement" kinda thing

yes it would because it would still be plenty popular with console players.

even more, the series would both exist and be better, because we wouldn't have the shitton of cancerous memes, the bigger part of the "git gud" people, and if it was less popular they wouldn't have felt the need to milk the franchise, resulting maybe in more wait between games in exchange for games that would probably be better overall.

>can't counter or refute his point
He could've said literally anything and your posts would've been just as meaningless.

I really, really like this pic

No one has ever found a source for this, it's been a rumor since the beginning. But what else could explain the sudden change of the mask that was spammed in all the promotional material?


>But what else could explain the sudden change of the mask that was spammed in all the promotional material?
somebody wanted to change it?

DS2 development period was a mess, and the initial cgi teaser wasn't made by From. The studio probably just based it off concept art.

Top kek, I forgot how stupid it looks.
Like an fat guy with a surprised expression.
Pretty sure theres a mod that fix the mask though.

over the years I've interpreted this mask as someone laughing, going
>ohohoho you spent $60 on this shit

that's probably it
I can definitely see it
"you'll buy Dark Souls III as well ohohohohoho"

>yes it would because it would still be plenty popular with console players.
Dank meme Souls only became popular after PC release
without pc memesters there would be no DaS2/DaS3/Bloodborne

Besides Bloodborne, I don't see that as a bad thing
II wasn't good and III just feels like B-team used A-team's assets and rejected Bloodborne ideas

work on BB started shortly after the Artorias DLC. DS1's PC port was trash, and the DLC would've happened regardless of the PC port.

Only DS2 and 3 wouldn't have been made. Therefore, a no PC souls community would've been the best case scenario.