Do you tip the girl at Gamestop?

Do you tip the girl at Gamestop?

I give her the tip.


Of course *tips liberal arts degree*

>gets complimented
>people are wierd

>Get an over 100% tip
>Feel the need to shitpost the person who gave you the tip instead of just silently accepting it.

Are you kidding me.

What is this feminism that these guys need so much of anyway? Far as I can tell feminism would just castrate any man they see.

Is he trying to say he wishes to not have a cock anymore???

>50$ tip


Modern women

Back in the day if someone gave you fifty bucks and a smile, you were forced to have sex with them or at least a blowjob. Feminists ruined everything

>50 dollar tip on a 20 dollar bill
>giving a shit what they wrote

Fuck they could've written anything on there. Who cares, they just gave you 50 dollars for free.

That's more math than feminism.

I don't think they ever had a thing called cock

There is nothing more useless on this planet than people with liberal arts degree.

Instead of focusing all their time and energy on trying to make the world one big hurt-feelings circlejerk of enforced "equality", they could be in a STEM field figuring out how to cure cancer.

They should all be shot, and fed to the homeless.

Why the hell does she have that much of a negative response? It's a damn 50 dollar tip and the message wasn't even something creepy like "call me later" + a number. Literally just a fucking smiley face. It makes me fucking pissed that you can't even make a nice gesture without being considered weird.

Its ok because shes a girl working at gamestop, she knows she isnt going anywhere in life.

>stem superiority
The entire economy can't function without people running businesses. You owe the money poured into research from people running businesses, big and small

Fucking stem autists I hate them

They serve pizza at Gamestop?

the fuck is that signature? it's literally just a couple of curvy lines with a loop.

Everything useful has already been invented, only thing stemfags do is scratch their balls for a thousand bucks a week and pretend clashing atoms will give us free energy or that alternate universes exist

Oh kek i was just going by ops post.
didnt look closely

>Being given free money because somebody thought she was cute

Women really have it hard in life guise, I swear.

You can. Just avoid being physically ugly.
Not pretty people will never understand the feeling of being considered attractive by a deformed asshole.
Similar to the whole "nice guys" discussion. Just things you'll never understand.

Yes, that's usually what signatures are.

>Why bother doing more research, we already have the wheel and horses

fuck off shitlord, tip rape is a serious issue in america

>be nice to her
ewwww what a creep
>ignore her
what an asshole!
>agree with her
nobody asked you!
>disagree with her
you are Hitler!

There's no winning.

Nobody signs with their names anymore, they just do a squiggle because cursive is completely useless.

>be gay
>enjoy companionship with someone capable of reason and logic

That's how you win.

I'd be really put off by a tip that large for doing literally nothing. At the same time though, I wouldn't have accepted it, so she probably deserves whatever stalking she gets for taking the money instead of taking a stand.

>itt: people who don't leave their houses talk about things that go on outside their houses

>get a big tip
>lol what a fucking creep i wish he would just die

Christ, you people are so deluded it hurts.
Go cry and jerk off to your waifus.

I think that was a joke.
I hope.

>capable of reason and logic

Philosophy MA here. I'm a chemist working for my state government. Once you graduate you'll understand the world is entirely about who you know and all degrees are meaningless.

That kind of thing is rarely ever done just out of the kindness of someone's heart - especially with a comment like that. That dude wants to get into her pants bad.

Hell, just having a girl character in a game gets you a ton of unwanted attention from people wanting to jump your bones. I can't imagine how shitty it must be deal with that shit in real life.

>Giving a tip

Lol, thanks OP.

>getting this assblasted about nerds not giving you the proper approval you deserve

going gay was the best choice i ever made in my life. women are fucking pathetic.

>be Rhonda
>wanting attention
>be woman and all have to do for attention is be alive
>write "youre beautiful" and a large tip on fake receipt
>share it on facebook for likes, become victim and to show people that im beautiful

t.buttmad roastie


How many question marks are you going to post you 3rd world piece of shit.
Fuck off of Sup Forums


>Hell, just having a girl character in a game gets you a ton of unwanted attention from people wanting to jump your bones

That fucking image.
>implying that some attention starved borderline fascist represents all women.
Sup Forums is cancer.

Have you never played an online game?

What if the guy really was a weirdo. I mean you wouldnt know she waited the guy.

It only works when you're a chad, otherwise you're a rapist.

While i agree about the lib arts thing, not everyone is cut out for le epin stem. Further, most peipe in stem dont actually do anything of note.

I'd give her my tip if you know what I mean

I mean I'd place my penis inside her(male) vagina

>50 dollar tip

she must have blew him at the table, at a wing house of all places, bro guys are such stone heads.

>hurr durr what is this ingrained, base need in my genetic makeup to want to be noticed and have companionship
Even the most withdrawn people from society probably have e-friends they interact with. Or they just come here to shitpost and talk to people.

I'm not a woman.
I'm also not socialy retarded and can treat people like human beings instead of holes you pay and ram your dick into.

We're talking liberal arts degree people here, not people who go to business school.
The Mexicans and them can take care of Starbux and factories.

last time i checked signatures were made of letters. be smug all you want, that is not something representing written language

I did and nobody assumed I was a girl just because my character was one

>"nice guy" retards will never learn that no amount of groveling will make them appear as anything but subhuman second class citizens in the eyes of women
You're either attractive or not, you can tip your philosophy degree all you want about how much deeper your GF/Wife/the girl you like is, and how she's not like the other women. But, hundreds of thousands of years of sexual selection (we descend from twice the number of women as we do men) beg to differ. Only social success can overcome the physical appearance barrier. No, not money, success. Ever seen lottery winners? Not even gold diggers stick with those. We equate money with success, because it's the easiest way to measure it.

This. Men, particularly the the ones you described (and the ones here) are so fucking thirsty.

You blew it
