Okay, time to play some Overwatch
>Sit down at 10 pm
>Play for 5 minutes
>Look at the clock
>3 am
It's been like this all week.
Send help
Okay, time to play some Overwatch
Other urls found in this thread:
I have this with Shit of Legends for like 3 years.
Its never gonna leave you
You obviously didn't play for 5 minutes you played for 6 hours can you even do math?
It's dead lol. You need to lay down crack for a moment famalam.
wow its almost like time flies when youre having fun! impossible right?
fuck off blogposter retard, this thread is both unnecessary and shitty
>"Just one more win, then I'll go to bed"
>Lose for the next 4 games
>Finally win
>"Meh that wasn't a good win, I want an AWESOME win."
>Get that awesome win
>...But you're almost leveled up
Repeat until 4am.
hey man 5 minutes, 6 hours, what's the difference? It's an easy mistake to make.
Cause all these people are playing it.
playing mobas is akin to eating faeces
that means fuck all kid. People are probanly, yknow, PALAYING THE GAME not watching some faggot play it. Retard.
Help me understand how people watching shitty livestream makes the game dead. Plus it has 50k plus losers watching, wasn't memecraft the best game.
usually at that point I'll take a good loss
or at least a control that makes it to round 3
It's bait meant to fish for Sup Forums upvotes.
Oh boy another overwatch thread. Good job OP. keep it going
Post your skins
>Get Stonehardt
>Have been wearing Paragon for a while
If I'd gotten Lionhardt or whatever it's called i'd wear that instead but for now i'm sticking with Porcelain Gold man
pretty much this. send help
Played 4 hours and probably done forever with this game. 20% of matches are cose maybe while the other 80% is one team faceroll the other.
>you pretty much need a tank and support
>no one ever wants to play these classes
>people are content with losing horribly because they get to play their offense characters
then play the role yourself faggot
>no one ever wants to play these classes
i like making up random nonsense too
K see ya, No one will miss you. Probably brought the team down anywy
Told my friends id buy OW
>bought doom instead
Maybe i'll buy ow too and eat veggies and rice for a while, being poor is suffering.
Also doom so far has been pretty great.
That's what i play, 95% of all matches. It gets dull.
>play overwatch
>play for 5 minutes
>quit because i cant win with these unironic 2 sniper 3 mccree teams
>go Reinhardt
>enemy team has two tracers
>watch in horror as they kill your Mercy and then you because all your offense character teammates went off alone
I don't know why I play a character with a shield if nobody is going to stand behind it.
>>no one ever wants to play these classes
there's been a fucking lucio, mercy, reinhardt or roadhog on almost every team i've fought/fought with, what are you talking about?
>Join match
>Team is picking characters
>One person goes Symmetra
>Rest of team picks
>Except one guy picks Symmetra as well
>I just sit there staring at my screen in disbelief waiting for one of them to realize what they've done
>They don't
>We have no other supports
>The match starts
>I just leave
>hear about people having so much fun and losing track of OW like OP
>tfw I struggled to get level 20 in the beta even spending some days not even playing a game
>when I did the game was very cut and dry but the mode where you played random heroes was fun and taught me how to play well
>No excitement when they extended the beta
Is it more fun with friends or was I just not feeling it? The most memorable part was the dicking around at the start of the game and sexually harassing widowmaker,tracer,symmetra,mercy and mei players and spamming melee on friendly bastion players.
>Played first 6 man premade yesterday with bros
>Win all 3 games we played
>2/3 of them we pulled off clutch pushes/ults at the very end
It's so satisfying to win a well-fought game with your friends.
Eh, that's just how videogames are. Sometimes you just aren't feelin' it because its just not for you.
I'm sorry, I have to much fun with McCree. There's nothing more satisfying than WOAH THEREing someone and fanning them down.
Only happens when I play grand strategy games.
>start with group of 6 people
>play until everyone goes to bed but me
>keep playing
>look at clock
>6 AM
>Have to work at 9 AM
The game is rigged so matches always stall at the end and almost always require teamwipes to complete.
>dem Japanese va's
> Implying grand
> Implying strategy
I bet you like Warhammer and D&D as well, fucking nerd.
Pathetic senpai
>people are content with losing horribly because they get to play their offense characters
FUCK these people. Do you think someone enjoys supporting you for ten matches? Yeah, probably. It's a fun game. Sometimes I want to play Widomaker, too.
Have you played Stellaris? Seems like its much easier than others. Feels more like Civ.
I can barely run DS3 at 720 with all settings on low
Can I run overwatch?
yup got about 40 hours into stellaris, pretty easy to blob the entire galaxy spamming colony ships.
I just got Explorer Winston out of a box last night, first time getting a legendary for a character I actually like using
I have Siberian Front Zarya too but I can't play her for shit
>$0.25 has been deposited into your PayPal account.
Overwatch became a containment game for LoL fags?
>containment game
there's no less than 10 threads about overwatch on Sup Forums at all times. yes I actually counted
Probably, this shit is well optimized
With a 970 I get 130 FPS on max settings
is the fps a solid 30 or 60? then maybe...
I honestly don't care if I win or lose, I just like trolling the other team and getting kills.
Also get POTG half the time from some stupid ult
>junkrat main
THIS. You should pick like 5-6 characters from dps, support, tank, and defensive to pick from to deal with teammates.
around 30 usually. some areas can dip to 15, the beginning area with water for example.
Is it worth attempting to get a refund?
Release feels awful. No one works together and it turns into an assfaggot blame game. Everyone was fairly chill in the beta.
I don't really want to be RU's healslut to get close to a win in this game and I get the feeling it's just going to get worse from here on for solo/one to two friend players.
>around 17 boxes
>legendary for reaper and zenyatta, both characters i don't give a shit about
>3 bastions skins, 2 of which are rare
>absolutely nothing for tracer, lucio, or mccree, the only 3 characters I play frequently
At least I have a decent supply of coins.
reminder that if you don't switch your language to Portuguese while playing Lucio you don't know shit about video games.
There's only one man who can help you.
>junkrat main
and McCREE
>Been getting 3 hours of sleep a day with 10 hour work shifts
I'm going to die this weekend.
But I'll die happy.
I just did. Goddam shills got the best of me this time but not all is lost yet
>when you see yourself die in potg
>More people are leaving Twitch so they can play the game
Just wait until they add Comp
>level 3 box
>punk tracer
>tracer makes me meh although i do play high dps roles
trade u for the reaper skin senpai
When it's an enemy PotG I just mute it and alt-tab.
I can't stand watching that shit it makes my blood boil.
I haven't had this issue with a game in a long time, but last night was ridiculous. I got home at 10 pm, watch some stuff while i eat then play overwatch. Next thing I know it's like 4:30
It's not even particularly fun, I just have no fucking clue where the time goes.
>PotG where an enemy Junkrat threw a mine behind me (was playing Rein) and shot me in midair for the kill
I was way too impressed to be mad
>finally have 1000 for devil mercy skin
>not sure if I should wait for new skins in case its better
true suffering.
Do I get XP and shit if I leave before PotG?
>friend only plays Tracer
>goes "WOOOOOOW everything kills me in one hit" constantly
>he plays her like soldier 76
Save me from this hell.
I wish I got this angry over video games.
no, you have to get to the post-match summary
They wont be out till atleast the end of june so you have ttime
I only get shit for dva and I couldn't care less about her
Its not solid then. I really wish more people with low specs played the beta. I heard good things. If you're on PC with a budget x40 or xx40 card with a decent processor I see it being possible but you want that 60 when you play a FPS game or any shooter at that.
Gotta get that next loot box, man, it's like crack.
How did you go about getting a refund?
Fix your clock dumb dumb.
Not true. I've gotten the achievement for hitting level 10 right as the match ends, so it clearly counts the XP before anything else happens.
That or Blizzard was actually retarded enough to program it so it'd still give you level milestone achievements without actually hitting the level.
>x character pops ultra
>chain grab and insta kill the nigga
literally no more satisfying feeling.
LoL! Let me get this straight; a F2P card game is more succesful than a premium priced team shooter? (MOBA as devs put) And both are made by same company?
>Are you serious?
>Are you really questioning my reasoning?
Submit a support ticket, I had a digital 40$ version bought directly from battlenet
How is this game? Looking for something new to play, what's it similar to?
TF2 with CSGO/league 6v6 matchmaking.
Jeff Kaplan
>As soon as you see "Victory/Defeat" it's safe to leave. You won't receive a leaver penalty and you'll receive full EXP/Loot Boxes etc.
>You can also leave during "Assemble Your Heroes" (but not "setup" or later).
Is this game RPG-ish? And is there any openworld type play? I loved Destiny (I know), for all the farming and loot plus being able to just patrol with my friends.
Is that a thing in this? Or is it basically all match making?
>tfw playing overwatch nonstop and level 36
>only play genji
>still no sparrow genji
fucking soon hopefully
No. It's all match based pvp.
>go winston to counter enemy widow
>drop from the sky and give her the hot monkey dick
>she tries to grapple away
>leap after
>she dies
>this happens 5 more times
>she never switches class
>they lose
>games popularity is measured in how many people watch other people play it
Is there any way to earn coins ingame?
What fucking cave were you living in for the last 6 months?
>play overwatch
>ok, i'm not going too play reinhardt, lets learn new heroes
>pick reinhardt before rest of my team chooses
Is there custom games?
>Leaver Penalty
>For a game where teammates can join after a round has started
>Where there's no real issue when a teammate leaves because everyone can change comp on the fly
All the replies to this post
>Twitch popularity only matters if the game I'm defending is the most popular
At least you're not maining some useless character. Unless I play with friends, I'm always forced into picking tank or support.
>the full on panic mode bastion players go into when you hook them out of turret form.
So fun.
No. Fuck off.
You're a godsend. You, and Mercy.
I draw the lines at assfaggots. ARPGs and cookie clickers I can be sucked into at any moment though. You think you're having fun, and then it abruptly ends, sometimes with no visible trigger at all.