


Fuck you. Also sage.

I hate this picture, that dog shouldn't have chocolate as it could die.


That's gonna kill that dog wtf

So players are poisonous to Battleborn?

fucking yuros

Some dogs can eat chocolate

That's a beaver you fuck.


>Fucking Cookie
Kill yourself holy shit

Fucking hell, it's been ages since I've seen this meme.




What? Dogs can't digest chocolate, its basically toxic to them.



This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen circulating on Sup Forums

I mean how do you look at that and not think it was just made by a bitter faggot who was bullied for being a beta autist? Nobody makes fun of anyone for playing videogames, unless you're actually a fucking loser who would get bullied no matter what. If you honestly think you were ever bullied solely as a result of liking vidya then it's no wonder you were a target. You're a fucking idiot.

I really thought this image would be mocked when it was made but I see it posted over and over and now I realise just how fucking sad and deluded lots of people on Sup Forums really are. I mean are you fucking serious? Did you REALLY have girls laughing at you for playing videogames? Where does this happen? They laughed at you because you were ugly, not because you played videogames

And even if you DID grow up in some kind of bizarre alternate universe shithole where there was a girl actually fucking idiotic enough to laugh at you for playing videogames when you were 10 years old, maybe it's time you fucking got over it? Or better yet, hold onto that bitterness forever and ever and save images from memecenter 15 years later making fun of girls because you're STILL not over it.

Found the women

I feel like Ive seen this before


>chocolate kills dogs

LOL @ believing this meme. My dog ate a whole bag of M&Ms and was fine.

What kills dogs is caffeine. The amount of caffeine to kill depends on the dog size.

People who own normal or large dogs usually get cheaper milk chocolate, which doesn't have caffeine. Their dogs eat their chocolate and throw up.

People who own those tiny, yappy dogs? Older women who only eat dark chocolate cause they're pretentious. Their dog eats their chocolate and dies.

How the flying fuck is that a cookie?

>actually putting this much thought into some fucking pixels on your screen

haha dude what are you AUTISTIC or something? lmaoing hard @ this post =)