Alliance or Horde, user?

Alliance or Horde, user?

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Alliance because I'm not 12

Why isn't there a third faction?

Alliance because I played Nelf in WC3.

Neither, Alliance is for faggots and Horde is for edgy 12 year olds.

Alliance. Horde are edgy faggots

You ever notice that if you layer the horde symbol over the alliance symbol, you don't have to look at the stupid alliance symbol anymore?

Bunch of faggots.

Horde because I liked the races and starting zones more.

A choice between a faction filled with fairy gay ass Elves, midgets and boring fucking humans. Or Injun Minotaurs, dindu Orcs, voodoo Trolls, and edgy undead.

The choice is obvious.

What did you play in the old warcrafts. Just know that if you started with WoW you no longer get an opinion and can promptly leave the thread.


Clear as «day
Whcihever has the BIGGEST AHAMER



Played dabus cause of that sexy blade master.



Fucking BM. He single handedly forced every race to learn building arrangements on every popular map because he's such a turbo cunt.


_Noes really
Horder= russains
Alcanice ) brazzilans

Eihter sawy you canont wihn

Horde, because I'm sympathetic to the orcs.

The Sith Empire

yiou're giglyn liek dem??????????????

>Before Wrath
Alliance are for kids and Horde is for adults.
>After Wrath
Alliance is for adults, Horde is for kids.

Pretty much this. Horde went to shit the second they added Blood elves.

Only Alliance


As an Alliance player i feel bad for my Horde buddies, since they are forced to play with soccer moms, little kids, annoying gamer gurls and dude weed lmaos

My child, I have seen you post in multiple threads. Stop or get b& for spam

Horde was good back in the old days because of a significantly lower population due to kids preferring elves and humans. When Horde was given elves the factions stopped being different in regards to the playerbase.

Alliance human because i'm a boring fuck

You aren't funny.

Don't feel bad about being a human especially as a healer
>Dat versatility bonus
>Dat Rep bonus
>Armor usually looks really good on them

Fucking love playing human

Armor does not look really good on them.

shoulderpads fag detected

What year is this?

I want a Pandaren wife

What Warcraft race would you fuck?

Dwarves and Blood Elves swap factions for reasons.

Does this influence the faction you would choose?

I like the horde for not being as edgy as the alliance is.

Orcs and Draeni

Human Warrior representing.
It doesn't get more boring than this.

Post Draenor Undead Spiritually risen, not plague so she can still have a sexy voice

It was always bullshit to have Orcs and Humans become enemies again after WC3.

I said this in 2006, I say it now.

Gnome or Dwarf


All the races looked a shit ton cooler

I played Undead back in vanilla because I was an edgelord teen back then, so I was Horde from the beginning.

But I've grown to love both sides. Elwynn Forest is still the best starting area in the game

Besides, the Alliance and Horde have been pretty diplomatic during the past few expansions' storylines

this, alliance races are so boring

>smaller man
>smallest man

no thanks

You forgot the furry races

Alliance human the bess

I normally dislike playing humans in almost any setting, but not in Warcraft because they are just that cool. I've loved them since I played the WC2 demo on one of those discs that came with pc gaming magazines. The heroic music and badass unit quotes really were something else.

I like both.



I don't disagree. However, I've felt Horde zones were a lot uglier and less enjoyable so I've always preferred Alliance.


Exalted one?


>Come in with groups of guys
>land on roof of inn in Goldshire
>Kill everyone, they can't stop us
>Go into Stormwind, kill the king
>They can't stop us
>So we go to Ironforge
>do the same
>they still can't fucking stop us

>started playing with a dwarf hunter in TBC, didn't like it
>friend tells me that this rogue class is fun
>try it, it's actually fun and I get a Nelf rogue to level 70
>realize Nelf are gay and that the best objective race for rogue is UD
>move to horde and start a UD rogue, been playing with it ever since
Even now that PvP had bored me, I still play my UD rogue in raid, and I do 'hardcore' mythic progress.

>short humans
>tiny humans
>le hippy elves, now in blue

>green humans
>Jamaican shamans
>nomadic minotaurs
I mean there was no contest

>green humans
>undead humans
>Jamaican humans
>Minotaur humans

blunt elf

i'll agree with you for the most part, but Nelf are still the only reason I would make an alliance character. I just love their lore, and quite frankly even tho all my main characters are horde, i'll do a DH Nelf female to RP as Illidan's cumbucket trainee

>green humans
>spooky humans
>dude weed lmao humans
>cow humans
and lets not forget that horde is currently 50% knife ear humans


Alliance because I don't like how the Horde Moonkin Form looks. That's literally the only reason.

Alliance, because I love the abuse.
And really, who doesn't love getting teleported to a new expansion zone with no intro scene and then doing a poop quest.

you forgetting the new ones

>short humans
>tiny humans
>forest elf
>goat humans
>wolf humans
>panda humans


>dead humans
>green humans
>cow humans
>voodoo humans
>small capitalist green humans
>magic pink elf
>panda humans

They should all be destroyed

I bet Tauren breath smells horrible.
Animals are stinky.

Alliance. I like my hippy tree elves. Plus, everyone was chill as fuck. I tried the horde for a while but the daily 'horde r bettr' circlejerks were really off putting.

> playing since may 2005
For the horde, faggot.

Draenei, but only if they actually do have futa horse-cocks.

Draenei, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Trolls, Orcs, and Undead (specifically Sylvanas)


Ebon Blade

Horde becomes even better

I like how the movie looks nothing like the first game design-wise when the series was more grounded


>Doing anything important

Why is he fighting worgens?

Bunch of wannabe edgy faggots

Bunch of wannabe edgy faggots who claim since they aren't Horde, that they aren't wannabe edgy faggots

alliance of course, horde is for kids who likes le epic monsters XD

The movie looks nothing like the first game because is not really about it.

He will make the alliance great again wasting precious resources like he did in stormheim?

what the fuck are you talking about, warcraft was always goofy as fuck
before genn became a furfag he would go innawoods with his buddies to do pest control since the worgen were spreading the curse all over gilneas

Prewotlk = undead warlock, postwotlk=human dk

the movie doesn't look "goofy" it looks bad. is not the same thing.

It'd be better if he put aside his justifiable hatred of the undead and focused on the invading Legion.

heres uncle Lothar in wc1 days, not very far from what we have today

he said design wise, doesn't matter if it looks good or not

the dwarves look great though, magni imo looks amazing

blizzard shills leave

>the dwarves look great though, magni imo looks amazing

Not really.

Those shoulders are nowhere near big enough

bigger shoulderpads and no shield

you don't touch the other elves like that

Alliance: Dwarf main
Horde: Troll main

debate me

tell me whats wrong with him

He's going to build another wall, and the Forsaken are going to pay for it.

What exactly is the Warcraft movie about? I don't remember elves being a thing in the first game.