How can I do a lot of damage early on in the game? I tried the Asotra Straight sword + Raw gem, but it's not cutting it. Also, what is a good weapon
How can I do a lot of damage early on in the game? I tried the Asotra Straight sword + Raw gem, but it's not cutting it...
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Grab the uchi and level up luck. The base stats aren't good but depending on the luck the bleed stacks more than make up for it.
I aint no weeb cuck
Astora Straight Sword + Raw + Resin + Lloyd's Sword Ring
Rapier + Sharp + Resin + Flynn Ring + Lloyd's Sword Ring + Fire Clutch Ring (no armor)
Flamberge + Raw + Resin
Right now im using the Great Club + Heavy gem +5 and it's doing alright. Is there a better option for a pure Str build.
Raw Great Club + Fire Resin + Sword Ring.
>Raw Great Clubg
But heavy gem gives A scaling for a Str build
In one swing?
Also, how early are we talking? Everything before Farron Keep?
Well I just beat Yhorm the Giant. Here are my stats
He's next on my list but whenever I start the game I just PVP instead
>How can I do a lot of damage early on in the game?
Sounds like you want to invade some noobs.
Great Machete + Raw + Resin + Sword Ring
Storyteller's Staff is also good for early on and even later on.
>Raw Astora SS isn't cutting it
sounds like you're awful
>what is a good weapon
The astora straight sword, you cuck
astora straight sword is only good early game.
OP is asking specifically about the early game
>I tried the Asotra Straight sword + Raw gem, but it's not cutting it.
it's literally the highest dps you can get early game
Dark Sword + unupgraded + whatever build
The Large Club is a little bit faster, lighter, and lower requirements compared to the Great Club with only a slight reduction in damage.
Greataxe. I was death incarnate during the first half of the game. It was still good for the second half also.
Great Axe + Heavy + Resin + Sword Ring has higher AR than GC, but not by a great amount so it becomes a matter of which feels better to use.
All you need is 24 ponits into strength and use a butcher knife. that simple.
sage's rapier is it good?
i made it +2 and my first axe +0 deals more dmg... wtf?
can i make it good?
Stick with the default longsword and get good at it. It's literally all you need. Upgrade to Refined.
Otherwise just use Heavy Greatsword.
sages rapier is for int builds right?
also making it +2 fucked your matchmaking
Split damage is garbage. Sage's rapier is only good for the item find.
i dont care about matchmaking... and yes its on int char about 24lvl, but other then speed it offers nothing.
>infinity knot thangka in the background
bruh, do you even know?
bad, and how fucked is my matchmaking? its like +4 or something?
+4 is equal to a +8 range for match making, that means you can only match with players in the +6 to +10 weapon range.
Raw ASS is the best low level weapon by far. Not sure how it "couldn't cut it" for you in regards to DPS.
this dude is full of shit +2 is the standard for twinks to reack 0's and 2's
its +2 but is it +5 max?
are you sure this is right?
I thought the tiers were 1-3 4-6 & 7-10
Sage's Rapier is a unique weapon that only goes up to +5 so the level matching at +2 is actually at +4 so his range will be +2 to +6.
i stay at +2 to hit the 0's, still get summoned to wolf keep, and is viable up to irythll/anor londo. it's more troll potent to hit low level assassins and clerics and cleave groups of 3 on high wall who have not raised SL.
Plus if cheese dancer you can get a strength and basically only spend only one point to use a butcher knife from 16 to 17 as a warrior, use a ring, min max with life ring and pontiff right eye and basically 3-4 hit a group with stunlock up to level 30.
I'm a butcher knife nerd on low level twinks.
If its a unique or boss weapon it only upgrades to +5, but that doesn't match up with +5 regular weapons, instead the matching is multiplied by two.
The range is +2/-2 until you reach +5 which it becomes -2/+3 up to +10.
idk if you replied to me to tell me, or add information for op, but i'm talking about titanite shard upgrade weapons exclusively.
Who cares? It's the easiest souls gane.
I like the Flamberge for twink runs.
end your miserable existence immediately
>How can I do a lot of damage early on in the game?
why is STR/DEX scaling so bad in almost all the weapons? Most of the time I'm better off infusing fire or deep and I deal >100dmg. When does scaling pay off in this game?
Usually around +7 on whatever quality weapon you are using and around +30 in STR/DEX.
all that fashion not enough smashin'
Deep Axe, Claymore, Zwei are all good early options. Large Club is okay too.
>tfw every boss in this game is made of paper
implying they don't one shot you, sounds like you OVERLEVED CASUL
Not that early, and nearing end-game level.
you could have done that at soul level 20
for real, though; more than anything else, they should've at least taken the super-beefy bosses from bloodborne. ds3 bosses just have no hp
I just can't fucking kill the twin princes they are kicking my ass so fucking hard holy shit what do i even do, i beat all bosses so far in less than 4-5 tries, most of them on the second or first, dancer took about 6...
but this shit is just unfair holy cunt literally can't dodge both the magic and melee at the same time sometimes i die on their first attack as phase 2 starts
i deal decent dmg and shit but they rek me in 3 hits, fuck this game
lol i'm playing BB after I platinumed DS3.
The challenge on a BB boss is like 5x more than DS3's entire campaign. I only legit died on aldrich's magic arrow's and NK's chainlighting, wall of wind attacks.
git gud
yeah, a huge segment of Sup Forums loves to write off bloodborne because it's a sony exclusive, but it's legitimately the best of the series, and a step forward in every way except for the online, which they fucked completely
i just don't know why they'd give ds3 bosses so little hp; it was clearly a conscious choice, but i can't imagine why they made it
Just roll like a madman when Lothric does anything, then close into Lorian and just proceed as usual like in phase one. Lothric doesn't do much stuff if you're close
lol nvm got it just now it wasn't that bad once i got the rollings
was on my last ember though out of 14
I think what the DS3 bosses lack in hp they make up in dmg, makes the fights faster and more intense for me.
i just finished the Twin Princes fight (), they literally killed me in 2-3 hits if I didn't dodge well. Same for Dancer, Yhorm, Pontiff etc.
less mindless beating, more dodging and strategic blocking than in previous games, at least in my experience
so you can grind your dorkmoons, play overconfidently, get to NG+++++ and finally start to feel the dark soul pain, but also have enough thours developed to not trash your character and restat new styles every new NG.
I'm lvl 150 because the 120 meta is so boring when you maxing out on all +10 weapons you realize how much more viable a wolf curved sword is over a 60 faith dorkmoon twin anything.
My 120 quality shits all over my buff build where i'm starting to question the lure of the gimmick build to begin with.
embed weapon with fire
yhorm is the most underwhelming boss in all history
obviously didn't play demon's souls with dragon god
lmao, I'll one up you and raise you a bed of chaos
>trying to play as pyro
>find myself doing nothing most of the time but using melee anyways except with gimped stats for it
It just takes too fucking long to level up two damage stats in addition to everything else. This was the same problem I had with my quality build. Leveling feels a lot slower in this game.
there was no build up to her unlike yhorm/dragon god so there is nothing to be underwhelming, just a shitty boss
run a gank train on anor londo/irythll and watch the souls pile up in 3 gauntlets.
Just started playing the game, going with Raw Axe for now.
Is my impression misguided or this game is more challenging that DS1? I'm suffering as much here as I was there, but on DS1 I was a scrub while today I know how to play these things.
ds1 is infinitly more challenging than 3
Go with more vit this time around. Enemies hit hard.
the start of DaS3 was harder for me, I started with the shitty cleric set
after I got a 100% defense shield, the game was piss easy. It's the second easiest souls IMO next to DaS2, I died at most 5 times on a single boss (aldrich because I was impatient). The "super" boss took me 3 tries
difficulty wise for me, I'd say its
BB (mainly TOH + defiled chalices) > DaS1 = DeS >>>>>>>>>>> DaS3 > DaS2
I personally found some normal enemies harder than most of the bosses for some reason. It gets easier as you go along though.
those skeletons in smoulding lake with the twin sickles were legitimately more difficult than 85% of the bosses in the game
early on in game even A scaling isn't worth compared to raw and pumping stats into Vig+End
Just started my first play through and this is my first DS game, I want to use only fist weapons but I'm not sure what stats they scale with does anyone have any advice?
Fist weapons suck.
I found DS1 to be quite easy. I got rekt until I beat the gargoyles. From that point on, I had already understood how the game worked and never had trouble again. Not even with the snipers on Anor Londo that people complain so much about (Though I'm not sure how exactly I went through them, so I must have lucked out a bit). Beat both Manus and Artorias on the second try.
Which is why I'm a bit scared with how much trouble I'm having with DS3.
I don't think DaS1 is hard once you get used to it either, but 3 is noticeably easier
I remember getting fucked by 4 kangz and O&S day 1 on ps3 so I thought they were hard, turns out the lock on mechanics were fucking garbage and once they were fixed the battles weren't a problem anymore
there are bosses that have bloodborne boss speed. Maybe that's why.
The early ones are all asylum demon tier though.
I only got one or two bosses on my first try, the majority fucked me up more than 3 times.
It's been this way in every souls game
I suffered quite a bit on that... Something something valley. The knight on all fours with a mace.
Not because of the boss himself, but because the enemies on the path to him landed some hits and made me use my estus, which fucked me up when it came time to fight the boss itself.
I'm getting the game tomorrow, I played pyro in the first dark souls but don't care much for it.
I heard the Sorcerer and Knight are pretty good, and from what I've read, I can pretty much complete the game with the Uchigatana.
Any beginners tips?
i just started DaS2 a couple days ago and so far it's pushing my shit in and i just beat DaS before starting it where I maybe beat most bosses in 4-5 tries
how the hell are you dying to DaS2 bosses
>The early ones are all asylum demon tier though.
Even still, all of them except Gundyr have one or two attacks that can easily fuck you over.
>Vordt's frost breath
>Greatwood's grab
>Crystal Sages' Farron Dart spam
>Deacons' curse Spirit Bomb and curse aura
i haven't got to one yet i made it to dragonslayer? and had no estus left so i just let him kill me its the damn giant knights in tower of flames and those weird ass giants with the little tails that fuck me up something good
All stats into VIG until you have at least 30. Get a raw Astora Straight Sword. You can now complete 3/4 of the game without much effort.
>i just don't know why they'd give ds3 bosses so little hp
>bosses normally have noticeably low hp
>with 1 phantom it's more the expected amount based on previous entries
>with 2 phantoms it's a little high but no big deal
>with 3 phantoms it's some NG+7 shit
Holy shit it gets ridiculous fast, but it can actually be really fun when everyone's semi-competent. Not being able to cheese the boss and burn him down instantly is cool, and the few times you have people who are all different from one another it feels like an entirely different game but just as fun. It legit feels like some actually interesting action MMO.
>the first time I did Oceiros was as a Sunbro
>host was a lol2kat with the invis ring, one summon was doing some Pharis Cosplay bow shit and another was a full mage
>I was on my Faithadin and after the first time I used it everyone actually grouped up on me so I could Great Heal us all at once
>going through heide's first
should i kill the dancer early game or late?
Doesn't matter really, but she's definitely meant to be fought late game.
I went the whole game with the starting Longsword, I used a Refined gem on it.
hes a noob that can't even beat noobs and he's already got the highest dps weapon early game too.
>Doing a bow only run
>Figure I still need a melee weapon to kill trash and conserve arrows
>Don't like katanas but pick up uchikatana does decent damage unupgraded and scales with dex
>I love uchikatana now and might even stop this bow only nonsense
I never asked for this