>think of an online game
>see if it still exists

Other urls found in this thread:

You paid for HoN

>HoN still has tournaments
Huh, ok.

Evolve is deader than disco though.

new Unreal Tournament



I miss HoN

You realize you can just go play it at any time, right?


>mfw we'll never have HoN heroes in Dota 2
Fuck sake icefrog make a deal with those fucks already.

Also, disciple > razor

I rename my pics image.jpg just to collect more (you)s

HoN had, absolutely, the worst graphical style i've ever fucking seen.

everything blurs together with heaps of bloom.

then why is everyone saying its amazing and going to be huge? its ded already

The damn page as comic sans on it. Good lord this looks awful.

because its graphically very intensive and let alone the small sample of people who can play it

honestly I want my death message back. fuck the icons.

Epic shills their game here because they know it's one of the last "strongholds" of the Arena FPS community

its not really amazing. the old stuck in the mud ut movement is still in and the game has a massive preference to hitscan weapons.

Why haven't these fucks learned thier lesson by now?

>hurr lets show off our engine to where only 25% of PC users can run it
>fraction of people buy it
>miss the window

no walljumping
I prefer 2k4 movement

Still alive, but i´m scared to see what how much shit retail shards got now.

yea post HoN and not the game that the devs abandoned when they went to go make their shitty dota game

But HoN was good
and savage 2 was good too
you should blame maliken instead , who made countless promises to make savage 3

good thing savage 3 is in early access right now

This is the first I learn about that. Is it any good?




is this their last shot?
Strife failed miserably

Tribes Ascend

Pretty dead right?

> Evolve is the only game that had more tourneys before launch than after
holy fuck it's actually active
i found my new game

except that its just a savage 1 remake with promises of "community-driven" development so its just going to be a straight savage 1 remake but with lower player count because apparently old games can do what new games cant

stfu and go play tribes 2 before you ever call urself a tribes fan again

>No true scotman
First day here?





stfu ascend baby

I want to fuck a giant monkey.


it's actually pretty popular from what I've heard.

Dont remind me I love that game and it makes me sad that people stopped playing it

>Point out no true Scotsman then do the same thing

dark milenium

these games were shilled here for months and they still died after first few months


>I don't know what "no true scotman" means

This so much.
You can still get good games though but yeah, it deserved to be much bigger and do so much better, it's the perfect game for me, can't fault it on anything, devs are awesome, just modern players with the attention span of a rock aren't up for it.

Titanfall was the only thing to me that stuck out as particularly artificially hyped by the makers themselves

It's either that or you have the reading comprehension of an illiterate.

the worst thing about NS2 is that it killed NS1

>tfw I got guilted into buying evolve


you know savage 3 just came out?

Shin Megami Tensei online is a thing and I played it for a while with my friends a couple of years ago.


That one is kill

they shut it down

This game is terrible and I don't even know why they went with the Elder Scrolls universe when nothing in it felt remotely like the ES games.

Yes, but it's downgraded savage 1, not savage 3, and lacks a lot of the good things savage 2 brought to the table.

> fallout online is probably in development



It's pretty much Savage 1 HD. Framerate can get extremely bad on one of the maps. I'm liking it so far though.


So turn off the bloom.
The style was indeed a clusterfuck of concepts with 0 cohesion.

Hellgate was online?

Pretty sure Destiny is doing just fine

Not that I have a console


no shit no one plays it

>yfw remembering how hard shills were pushing the "Sup Forums just wants an another TORtanic" meme when everyone could tell this would be a trainwreck
>yfw the Scrollocaust was real
Where are you faggots now, telling us TESO will be good?

RIP hellgate london

It was satisfying to see it fall flat days after launch.

return of reckoning

>mfw the rabid shills on the steam forums necked themselves

I still play HoN. It's still plenty alive, just with more South Americans, like how Dota 2 is filled with Ruskies, Chinese, and BRs.

>remember when this was announced
>underage cancer screaming "fuck yeah skyrim with online!"

>It's actually great quality you guys!
>WoW could learn a few tricks from the new king of MMOS!


A-at least I can still play against the phenomenal AI

i wish it was 10 years ago and there were still games that werent cs or dota that had playerbases that lasted longer than a week

Godspeed you 8 deluded bastards

Dead but not forgotten. Also

>It got shut down like a week before I got really into the series

>let alone the small sample of people who can play it
my shitty 6870 can run it in medium.

actually, there are way more people playing the new UT than this, normally a few hundred at a time

see that menu at the top that says 'Hubs'? each 'hub' is a single instance of the UE4 server software than can be used to run multiple servers. each hub normally contains 1-3 servers running different gametypes. almost everyone in UE4 plays on hubs, not servers

image is pretty misleading



It was a primarily online game.

This. The value of multiplayer-only games have dropped significantly in my mind because of this.

Shotgun quake

its honestly one of the most popular mmos

even though it's really, really bad.

>tfw scrolls will be shut down this year
it was genuinely the only good thing mojang ever made, a card-based strategy game with actual fucking strategic depth
but it wasn't a youtube meme or a skinner box so nobody bought it

I still play it. It's actually not bad compared to the options we have today. Age of Camelot can't come soon enough tho.

it is dirty bomb now


Mah nigga. I was so excited to play this after Duel of Champions failed because of Ubisoft greed. I love lane based card games.


Yep its still fine.
Actually being actively updated too.

Not sure how the developers are making any money at all on it.

I don't have to check ;_;

star citizen

>but it wasn't a youtube meme or a skinner box so nobody bought it

I suspect its downfall was a result of launching with like 3 decks and not adding any more for years and years.
The strategy element was really fun, but it made development much slower since you now need animated characters for every card.

It could have worked with a far far bigger development studio.

8 is so low that you can probably chalk it up to people idling with the game open so they can get the card drops.

This was unfair on so many levels

>Runes of Magic
It is still exists. Remember playing it with some friends when we got bored of WoW.

This game would be great if it weren't a shameless cash grab with shit progression