ITT: games only you haven't played

ITT: games only you haven't played

never even touched a franchise

Overrated games general?

never played a single Zelda game.
should i try? i have some free time this week.

I never played any Metroid.

Final Fantasy.

You really should, the first MGS is fantastic


Chrono Trigger

Start with alttP,It's pretty much the base formula they try and follow along the franchise.

The first one Is too cryptic and the second one Is pretty challenging,they are both worth playing,however.

I say go alttP,then OOT then you have free ground to go wherever,but I would recommend MM as It Is somewhat a sequel to OOT.

I've noticed that Wind Waker seems to be a good entry point into the series

Nintendo games

Never touched Mario, Yoshi, Zelda, Spyro, DK, anything

Maybe except Fire Emblem

But I really regret it since Smash looks fucking awesome

imo it's mostly shit with a few okay moments and one noteworthy level

not worth most people's time nowadays, also because the core gameplay is not very fun

the ending level is also abysmal in its design

You can't be that much into video games if you haven't played any of those, just emulate the games and have a good time.
Some suggested entry points:

Mario: Super Mario World (SNES)
Yoshi: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
Zelda: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Spyro: Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
DK: Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
also Metroid: Super Metroid (SNES)

In other words, get Snes9X or Bsnes and download some ROMs

I've only played the Twin Snakes version. Did I fuck up, Sup Forums?

Same here
The last one looks very good though, but I feel like I can't fully enjoy it not knowing shit about the rest

It's not too late to set things right
Play the PS1 version asap, trust me it's better

ok, i'll try them out, thanks

Beyond Good and Evil

Zelda OoT and Metroid Prime are better than those, though.

Nintendo games post N64
Mass Effect
Gears of War


People always gave Toon Link shit, but the best games have him. Windwaker and Minish Cap are the best games in the whole franchise.

Half Life Series
Maybe 2020 with a good VR system then.

Souls series
Witcher series
Deus Ex series

OOT or ATTP if you want a good start. MM if you want a Nintendo game that is surprisingly avant garde.

I recommend WW after OOT because of a lot of story elements of OOT go into WW and WW honestly has a very excellently done story that should be enjoyed to the fullest.

TP is good, but lacks replay value. A really slow start hinders some very excellent bits in the game and an engaging story.

Skyward Sword has a slow start and the tutorials and forced exposition at times is really hard to endure, but it also has some superb dungeons and the motion control is done very intuitively.

Minish Cap is a great top down Zelda, but can't compare to ALTTP.

Never touched a Persona game before.

I have never played anything but Blizzard games, Pokemon, and Valve games

What's the biggest thing I'm missing out on?

None of the souls games. I own a PS4 and i haven't played Bloodborne. That proves PS4 has games. Suck it, Ninty.

Anything Souls. Never touched Uncharted either.

You should check out half life 1+ 2, Deus ex and dark souls.

You could have a really fun month of quality vidya

Dark souls, I've played a couple of hours but left it alone until I have free time to waste on it
Deus ex series, own 1 and HR for a couple years and never got to play them

>Gears of War
I only played the first one and that was enough for me

That one was fun to play coop matches on the PS2, but it probably holds up like garbage today

Don't worry, no one Sup Forums seems to have played it either.

never played any of these
and also skyrim

League of Legends. I kind of get the appeal, but I have no interest in that kind of game. I'm fine with Starcraft, though.

Counter Strike

> Snes9X or Bsnes

I tought znes was the go-to SNES emulator.