Blizzard shutting down SFM porn of Overwatch after Kotaku article


(Kotaku article)

>SFM Porn makers getting shutdown

>use porn to market
>when the game is out, delete it

Sup Forums got played like a fiddle again, will they even learn?

>that video

>Sup Forums got played like a fiddle again, will they even learn?

Overwatch thread = shill

Shutting down degenerate porn is good

Then it was a good idea saving those futa animations.

>This think they can ban porn
How powerhungry are you when you're this stupid

Good fucking riddance, sick and tried of all SFM threads being flooded with that garbage.

And nothing of value was lost

How much are people going to start making more overwatch porn?

The SFM videos are rarely ever any good anyway.
They weren't what Gaben intended.

Why the fuck would they do this? Do they not know this stuff is made and enjoyed by the people that bought the game? This is going to piss off so many fans.

what did the Kotaku article have to do with anything?
Are Blizzard taking orders from Kotaku now?

>Why the fuck would they do this?
why the fuck would they censor Tracer first taunt?

It's not like they can actually stop anyone from making it and posting it.

That's what happens when the mighty fall. Hubris really lends gravity a hand.

It affects the brand image they're trying to build. They want Overwatch to be the next big franchise. Can't have the first result in google be "check out all this porn!"

Oh good. I've been wanting to see some good old fashioned Streisand Effect.

>blizzard thinks they can stop porn
fucking lel

yeah because porn has hurt so many other franchises

yet another overwatch thread

yet more posters that don't know they are in a shill thread

Blizzard MADE THE SFM PORN, how do you not know when you are being advertised to

Media related blackmail in action son.

>hey blizz give us a bunch of free/exclusive buzz about overwatch
>shame if this embarrassing article about overwatch porn came out
Its not like you can link sexual deviation with overwatch, there is futa of everything!
>wanna bet?

The he should have made an engine that allows more than 6 polygons and doesn't have a lighting system from 1979.

>create slutty characters
>surprised when people make porn of it

They could spend a billion dollars to stop porn and they would fail.

How does a shitty publication posting a blog affect blizzard's reputation?

Since when did Blizzard start giving a shit what Kotaku said?

Isn't porn technically a parody? Far as I am concerned parody is perfectly legal

Well, there goes the one decent thing about Overwatch.

How many franchises have had their porn written about by a mainstream outlet?

good luck

If Blizzard didn't want Overwatch porn they shouldnt have made the characters so hot

> baseless claim about how kotaku blackmailed blizzard with no evidence

Oh shut up gamergator.

He really has nothing to worry about huh, he will get a lot of publicity and continue to make porn of anything else.


you and blizzard are both retarded if you think it effects anything. if anything it's good for the series

Obviously it's a continuation of the "oh God I am so offended by sexy characters" viral marketing.

Like always...

And you base this on what?

Isn't Kotaku being shut down after Hulkamania?

Will Blizzard try shutting down Paheal?

>t-t-there is no evidence
>ura gator

Go home Nick. Your drunk.

Gawker needs to die faster

Kotaku won't be around much longer

>can't back up his claim
>ad homs and deflects


>at first, overwatch fags praised porn and didnt even care the huge marketing it made
>now that blizzard is shutting porn down, they say it was never good anyway

jesus christ

Nintendo got soo salty they forced to change the the pokemon tag to porkymon.

>all these porn models will be lost forever
Fuck everything

Es Jay double u

nah, streisand effect.

Does Kotaku just not have editors or something

any dickhead "journalist" can post whatever he wants regardless of how stupid a topic it is or the consequences

everything about this is really stupid

SJWs have nothing to do with this. Fuck off.

>We need a president that is afraid to speak his mind!

who cares? It's mostly futa shit anyways. Someone needs to make some tasteful sfm porn.

Why the fuck do you guys always post these archive cuck links? Just post the actual link. Jesus Christ kill yourselves.

clickbait gets more hits and views than actual articles my man

No one wants to be sued especially by americans

We aren't kotakuinaction
we don't care if our clicks support kotaku or not
we aren't retards

fuck off nathan

I don't know what is funnier
The fact that they think they can stop it now after all the SFM's have gotten their hands on the modles
Or the fact that they actually think they can stop the Japs and Koreans form drawing porn

Get fucked.

Kotaku is a SJW site. It's also a dying SJW site LOL. Stay mad, faggot.

>kotaku this desperate they even need Sup Forums clicks

Take your own advice my man

Fuck off we have been pastebinning shitaku since forever. Atleast archive makes it to where we don't have to copy paste everything

fuck off retard

this what the fuck are you faggots even shitting your pants over?

Read the article dude.

>mentions there is nothing wrong with porn, but then goes on demeaning content creators
>talks about how overblown the reaction to tracers ass was, fails to mention their own articles critical of the female form in video games

Sometimes the lie is in what they are not telling you.

Because telling people to stop worked so well with Bioshock Infinite right

You know how these places make money right?
It's pretty much a way to read the article without actually supporting it by giving it more clicks.

Just like how nintendo stopped pokeporn.

kys famalam

>Im retarded
>I want everyone to know

>implying you can shut down the internet

>Trump isn't a little bitch who'd be shut up by people with hurt feelings

Good. It's about time America has a manly president again.

Good. The internet is oversaturated with Overwatch porn as is.

keep pretending like rainbow haired activists are going to somehow affect your stupid hobby

It's a PR stunt really



>they actually did it

I love how Blizzard just manipulates gamers with these non-stories and turns it into millions of dollars worth of free ads across the Internet.

Maybe they should model the overwatch girls from scratch instead of modding the existing official models.

They wouldn't get removed then.

Fuck off retard.

This is great. Fap(slang for masturbation) to something normal like anime faggots.

>Anyone shutting down porn
You sure can try, good luck.

>We're going to ban the porn
What the fuck are they going to do?

No really, what? It's like trying to ban fan art.


It would be retarded to give it clicks for disagreeing.
Its like saying
>I hate this amiibo so much I'm going to buy out all the stock so no one else gets it.
This is a real life example

You are a blizzard shill falseflagging about anti blizzard shilling while secretly making fun of Sup Forums so Sup Forums thinks your a complete retard to try to get everybody to have a differing opinion about you so they end up liking overwatch.

I call you...the reverse Anti-anti-shill psychology


>they honestly believe their lawyers can defeat a forest of raging boners

Let me stop you so I can laugh harder

Need links to all the models now. I will preserve this for everyone


>Thinks this will be true when people inevitably move onto windows 10 and beyond

Enjoy those last freedoms while you can kid.

thanks mr skeletal

This guy gets it

streamfags getting BTFO
>hurr why would i download my porn i can just look at it any time online

get fucked

Source film maker

Isn't Kotaku going to get shut down soon thanks to Hulkamania running wild?

I really can't tell if people on here are being serious anymore.