This has to be one of the worst trailers of all time.
This has to be one of the worst trailers of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
I was hyped for this game
Just kill me
>Shitting on anime fans
>While promoting a weeaboo game
The gameplay looks pretty good
what's with the dead fucking eyes on every one of these characters
tight budget :^)
What? It just generic as fuck and the game is beyond ugly, it insults your eyes.
They have shat on that audience day 1 by hiring a feminist whore as CM.
Cringy as fuck.
reminds me of sonic fan trailers made by 10 year olds.
>Well it can't be that bad
>It really is that bad
God, was this narrator trying to make this shit sound as if it was the best thing since sliced bread. Why couldn't it have been at least just gameplay trailer? Let the game speak for itself, goddamn it.
And even the game itself doesn't look like good shit either, it seems awfully bland which makes the narrative sound even worse than it already is.
Screw the haters. I am buying this game
>Reading the archived threads from three years ago
Eh still not as many dislikes as FedForce.
The main reason it gotten alot of dislikes are the "cringe voice of 90s COOL AWESOMENESS".
The main reason it has a lot of dislikes is because the game looks like shit
>make bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night
>Nintendo tries to do at least something with the Metroid series even if just a spin-off because the series never stranded off from Samus herself and this was their chance to experiment a bit
>Fans go apeshit over one fucking lousy spin-off enough to make their dislike as loud as it can be
>Chances are, they probably have something else on the works but are merely releasing this for the time being
Metroid's fanbase will be Metroid's own demise, mark my fucking words.
I say this as someone who had at least enjoyed the GBA titles because I never really had a Gamecube or a Wii.
Samus was Metroid's own demise.
It's an understandable reaction given the piss poor treatment of the series.
It looks like trash, it honestly could've been a different game unrelated to Metroid but just like Star Fox Adventures I'm sure some higher up saw it and said "why isn't this Metroid?" Just because it was an FPS.
I don't get how you faggots can spend years shitting on games like DmC but when Nintendo does the same thing, it's the whiny fanbases fault and the game looks fine
Pretty much this. That skank fucked her way into the company and when people called them out for it, they got banned. I hope this game crashes and burns worse than TOR
>People got payed for this.
>how dare people dislike a shitty looking shovelware after a disgrace of a game and 6 years of nothing!
And they even confirmed nothing else is in the works.
Kill yourself.
Dumb frogposter
This reminded me of that retarded SOLAR FREAKIN' ROADWAYS kickstarter video.
>immediately cuts to anime-as-fuck Call
Yeah, I agree. The voice is pretty similar, also it's both a fucking jewish hoax.
>>>like a MALE anime fan
dumb fucks should have pushed Red Ash first
It's literally a DSi concept that was dusted off and set to release for 3DS
>like an anime fan on prom night
>piss poor treatment of the series
Just because Retro didn't want be Metroid slave workers, doesn't mean the series got piss poor treatment. It's not even a main Nintendo franchise. The treatment it got during the 6th gen was the exception, not the rule.
Have you even heard HAL complaining about being Kirby's slave workers?
Fuck off with that shit, studios aren't the ones that decide what to work on, producers and higher ups to.
>Tfw I don't even like Mega Man games and I backed this shit up because I felt sorry for Mega Man fans and hoped this succeeding would lead other devs to revive dead franchises through kickstarting spiritual successors
I for one wanted a Gallactic Federation game since the Prime series showed off the bad boys, but the artstyle and gameplay look fucking horrible.
>Tfw you will never explore a system as a stranded Echoes era GalFed squad in a Republic Commando style game
Man, the level design in this game looks like shit. If you're going to make a 2.5D platformer then you can't just throw random decoration into the background. Random boxes, spinning lights, doors, and other shit that look like they have zero purpose other than to fill empty space.
DKC TF is one of the very few 2.5D platformers that got this right.
>you guys are haters ruining metroid for not liking this game that I don't give a fuck either
every time with federation force
>Deep Silver
Wait, what?
Well sadly it did.
>All this money could have gone to the Shantae kickstarter instead.
Yooka Laylee, Shantae and Bloodstained all look good at least. Mighty No. 9's the only one that fucked up so badly.