Tfw you lived long enough to see Platinum going to shit

>tfw you lived long enough to see Platinum going to shit

>no local multiplayer
Who the fuck has the time to go to someone elses house and playi fucking videogame nowadays? Do they expect everyone to be a fucking neet?

why do websites insist on using scores? Is it because they can stir shit up on social media and get clicks?

Only when they work on Western properties for Western companies

If you have time to play video games, you have time to go over to a friend's place to play video games.

Transformers Devastation was pretty good though.

Platinum has always been shit.
Their games are just overrated garbage.

>Platinum going to shit
They work via contract, if the publisher doesn't give them enough money and/or time, they won't be able to make a good game.

The director of MGR worked on it but it was obviously rushed because publishers don't have time anymore to breath

>implying I have friends

Most of platinums games are shit

I got memed by Sup Forums into trying w101 and dropped it during the tutorial because it felt so horrible to play.

what kind of autist doesn't play video games with close friends?

do you not have friends? They're great man, you should get some.

This isn't Facebook, go brag somewhere else

Platinum was never good

just think of the drawing shit as fighting game inputs that take practice to pull off consistently

What a fucking loser.

Kys bro.

korra was even worser.

Yeah but Korra was like $15, TMNT is a $60 game.

korra atleast ran at 60 fps


>TMNT is a $60 game
well that's just false.

>No local MP
So what's the point? Who plays these multiplayer beat-em-ups by themselves?

what alternative would you suggest? thumbs up/thumbs down doesn't work because there's no middle ground for mediocre games

it's really not hard at all using the analog stick

so what about the controls did you hate? that's usually people's biggest gripe with the game

remember when people said "I wish platinum made tmnt, kill la kill, korra game"? fuck that shit. keep platinum away from cartoon/anime.

The actual content of the review only, no superficial cheat-sheet at the end.

It's not you faggot, the game is $40 on last gen and PC but on PS4 and Xbox One it costs $60. Go inform yourself.

since when does Sup Forums give a shit about ign reviews?

the first poster wasn't me

w101 controlled great

Mediocre games aren't worth playing though, so thumbs down.

When they want to shitpost.
Thats the only time anyone that isn't a retard should care about review scores.

Good games get bad scores and bad games get great scores, its been common knowledge that reviewers are paid off and generally know nothing about games since the 80s

>no local
>doesn't look like the 90s cartoon (the only version worth giving a shit about, duck yer comics)
Waiting for the price drop.

>Activision is the publisher

Based Platinum. They literally didn't care. Fuck Activision.

>shit reviews
>matter for hater
>good reviews
>matter for fanboys

>3 pages of political commentary
>no mention of gameplay

And why would I want that?

ummm literally everybody except wagecucks?

A TMNT game without local-multiplayer is the ultimate sin, it should warrant an instant 3.0 score.


That would work if the content of the review wasn't "I'm offended by something so this game is bad" half the time.

>super excited since trans was fun as hell
>get this
>start with tutorial just so i can adjust everything and get a feel for the game
>literally half way through the fucking tutorial and i can't go on
>finish tutorial and decide to not even try the game
>think to myself "hey neighbor user (who is 7 years old) loves the turtles so i'll let him play tomorrow when he comes to wake me up like every fucking morning so that i can continue my sleep while he plays"
>got to the bomb diffuse mission literally 10 minutes into the game
>he can't beat it so he asks me to help him
>start diffusing the bomb and suddenly a pack of enemies appears out of nowhere
>ok i'll just kill em and diffuse the bomb
>start diffusing
>more enemies appear
>kill them
>start diffusing
>more enemies appear
>kill them
>start diffusing
>more enemies appear
>kill them
>start diffusing
>more enemies appear
>kill them
>time runs out
>we both get bored and go out to kick the ball

how are you even supposed to do it, they never stop fucking coming?

Well no. You're half right but that means you're still wrong. But that's fine. We are all wrong sometimes.


defeatist fags

Even platinum has to job.

>literally playing with the little boy next door


Uh huh.

you're either a parent or working way too hard for your own good if you don't have any time to play with your friends

>not giving a smile a day so that they don't end up like you

>if the publisher doesn't give them enough money and/or time, they won't be able to make a good game.
That's not how budget works kid.

Sorry I'm not 12 anymore

My friends and I are all 9 to 5 wagecucks and even we find time to play games together. Weekends exist. Time after 5 oclock exists. Why are so many people so bad at utilizing their time that 40 hours week is so crippling to their schedule that they can't find time to enjoy themselves? Quit sulking about how tired you are after work and fucking do something. Getting out and doing things can be just as energizing as sitting around not doing anything productive sometimes.


Who's the girl who produced Bayonetta 2?

I want more games from her