So since all the games and everything outside the movies is pretty much undone and non-cannon now...

So since all the games and everything outside the movies is pretty much undone and non-cannon now, will we never get to see these two again? I just think they are too cool to leave on the sidelines and not put in more games.

Other urls found in this thread:

>finished replaying KotOR2 yesterday
>remember that it will never get a proper sequel

Just play Mass Effect as a biotic.
Pretend you're a Jedi.

>it was a broken and unfinished glitchfuckfest but I still loved it
Hold me

>Disney buys Star Wars
>EA gets exclusive results to Star Wars games

I've been dead, right? This is hell?

Mass Effect is shit and it's part of the reason there will never be a game like KOTOR 2 again because every major RPG has to have dialogue wheels and focus all it's budget on graphics and voice acting over anything else

It's the reason we got TOR instead of a proper sequel

>Mass Effect is shit
Into the trash your opinion goes.

>Revan was almost back in the canon
So close. I still believe that the Old Republic will make a comeback in the future, at least it's canon again.

This, Mass Effect was BioWare's attempt at making KOTOR with their own IP.

Did you read the rest of what I wrote? ME is literally the reason that the KOTOR franchise turned to shit

Unless you're going to defend TOR, in which case, stop viral marketing for Bioshit

>ME is literally the reason that the KOTOR franchise turned to shit
Good, now actually back up that statement instead of blaming one game for the failure of another.

Look at TOR, then look at ME. If you can't see the similarities you're blind or an idiot. TOR is literally a combination of ME and WoW. Too much focus oh expensive voice acting, dialogue wheels, and waifus

In the first KOTOR there was only one character you could romance as each gender, and it was a huge pain in the ass the took the entire game.

In KOTOR 2 the romances aren't treated as an escapist fantasy-- they pretty much all fail to work out because the characters are in a complex situation that realistically prevents them from being together. It isn't a Saturday morning cartoon version of Starship Troopers minus the satire like ME is. You could argue that the first KOTOR is, but the second is anything but

How do you viral market for a game that is 5 years old and free to play, exactly? You really think ME was the creation of voice acting or a dialogue wheel?

Everyone knows they are desperate for players. ME popularized dialogue wheels and made them mandatory for mainstream RPGs because it appealed to a broader audience (lowest common denominator) and that audience doesn't have the attention span to read more than 2 words

>KotOR2 Nar Shaddaa was originally meant to have a plot with the Genoharadan from KotOR1 hunting the exile
>that lair behind the JekkJekk Tarr cantina was supposed to be their base
>their leader would selfdestruct their base with the exile still in it, leading to everyone thinking him dead
>the entire plot gets replaced by some evil plan of yet another squid-face Exchange boss
>Genoharadan agents get repurposed as Ubese bounty hunters
I love KotOR2 but Nar Shaddaa will never not make me angry

I'm sorry, dialouge trees have been around in games for decades now. Just because they were put onto a wheel doesn't change that, they could have easily laid them out in a 1,2,3,4 line. You can't blame ME for the way all RPGs have gone.

Dialogue trees are fine. Dialogue wheels are dumbed down shit. ME isn't solely to blame, but it's popularity led other games to adopt it, and similar dumbing down and diluted RPG elements. Hell it's more of an interactive movie shooter than a true RPG. It's an attempt to give the illusion of choice often, as your character will say the same thing regardless of what you pick often times. This is a mod that replaces a dialogue wheel with a tree and you can see how stupid the choices are

I always end up getting stuck on that planet because I miss some tiny thing to get the attention of the Exchange. I like Obsidian, but they aren't really good at creating a sense of urgency, though I think that's due to the limitation of the game engines they use

Like, in KOTOR 2 and New Vegas people keep talking about how 'a storm's brewing' etc and things are really starting to get crazy but all the NPCs sit around doing nothing and you can take as long as you want dicking around. I guess I'm just bad at getting immersed in that kind of thing

>at least it's canon again

Disney is slowly reintroducing EU stuff into the canon. I'm sure we will see Revan, but he will be different and it may not be soon. They're going to give the Old Republic era a more ancient aesthetic instead of making it look like normal Star Wars (pic related).

I am pretty sure we will get a KotOR 3 from BioWare since EA has several Star Wars games planned/in development. It would be weird to go from the style of KotOR 1/2 into a 3rd with the new Disney style, so I expect them to approach it in a way that won't be a straight up sequel. No matter what they, it's hard to be excited because it's EA/BioWare. If Andromeda is good I'll be optimistic.

>At EA right now, we have multiple studios building a variety of great Star Wars games spanning different genres.

Nobody cares about the garbage MMO so I don't think that will hinder the new Old Republic canon.

Star Wars Clone Wars, S06E12/13

>I am pretty sure we will get a KotOR 3 from BioWare

Please no. It's going to be like Fallout 4. Bethesda and Bioware need to just let Obsidian make their games

Is it the Malachor episode? Because if it is, it means nothing. They literally took an idea from the EU and just repurposed it for their new canon

>letting BioWare near the Star Wars IP again

they'd have to be stupid
They thought Star Wars would bring them in World of Warcraft money. Instead it hogged up an insanely huge budget for a game that was mandated into going free2play within a single year. The only difference between TOR and Wildstar, from the corporate publisher merchant's perspective, was at least you had a few hundred fat autismal whales willing to drop thousands of dollars into a cash shop so they could run around that ugly-ass game wearing Revan's Pants and Darth Vader's helmet.

Reminder that both Revan and the Exile were killed off in TOR

Reminder that TOR was a fucking purge.

Not it's not. Just play the agent storyline as a solo rpg