Recently quit drinking soda and eating fast food cause I'm trying to lose 10 pounds to make me feel better about myself

>Recently quit drinking soda and eating fast food cause I'm trying to lose 10 pounds to make me feel better about myself
>Playing vidya makes this immensely difficult for me

What does Sup Forums eat/drink when they play vidya?

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Water/V8 and steamed vegetables, I'm trying to get off of snacking too by making good sized lunches and dinners.

Pic related is my crack though.

Pretzels and water, or if I'm craving carbonation I go for Seltzer.

Get used to seltzer, OP. One of the best decisions I've ever made.

Water and celery is great when playing RPGs. Also black licorice is good too but I usually avoid eating when playing games or watching movies aside from the occasional popcorn.

what are you fucking retarded? manchild can't live without his mouth-pleasure WAAAAAHHHH im a little bitch waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Drink nothing but favorite soda you want to quit for a week. Hell, Brush your teeth with it, if you drink alcohol, needs to be strong enough to taste soda.
I got snowed in for a week with nothing to drink but root beer, melted snow water and one bottle of vodka. I can't even think about rootbeer without getting disgusted.

drink water you fat fuck, you don't even have to fucking exercise if you drop all soda/fatty foods for a month

Let me propose something for you:

>Drink and eat whatever the fuck you want

Get some tea. Not Lipton shit, but real quality tea.

>>Drink and eat whatever the fuck you want
This only works if you exercise in proportion to what you eat. Most people dont do that. Especially ones who are looking to lose weight.
Portion control is very important.

i drink water, milk, almond milk, sometimes tea. i eat whatever, mostly just cook some meat or something. if you drank soda regularly, stopping will definitely lose you a good chunk of pounds, even without exercise. hell, lots of fast food isn't too bad for you, but the soda often bought with it absolutely is.
it's hard because you've formed a habit around drinking it while playing games so it's just natural for you. but you've just got to be aware of that and when you have an urge, acknowledge it and consciously defy it. you just got to form good habits, basically, which is hard and might take a while. but don't let yourself slip and say "just one" or something like that. your bad habits have more "momentum", so doing that gives a lot more weight to the bad habits than consciously refusing gives to your good habits. good luck guy

I cut off soda awhile ago for similar reasons, was also just getting in better shape/health, blah blah. I drink carbonated water, or just water, or black coffee, sometimes iced coffee. No sugar or anything - I find that once i got out of the sugar habit as long as i stay away from super sweet stuff i don't crave it often. Never really snacked while playing vidya, so luckily at least didn't have that bad habit.

Damn snoop sure has diversified

what flavor is that Dew?

I just drink water its the healthiest.

its about eating healthy user
instead of soda I drink flavored seltzer water, you get the carbonation without any calories, tastes good too

here I'm having white meat chicken breast, which is better for you than dark meat and vegetables

While the overall goal is to stop, diet soda is a small step down that after a while make the real things taste like a sugary mess.

Are you eating your fries with mayonnaise?


>talk about eating healthy
>have deep fried potatoes


I used to be overweight and I know it can be challenging to quit bad habits. Just keep in mind that your body doesn't need that shit. You know it's bad for you, just grab a cup of water instead and get back to vydia gaming.

Coffee and Tea (not ice tea soda, actual tea) are good options on the long run. You may need to acquire the taste for them since they can be bitter.

I thought this was a picture of when I made fried chicken cutlets, not grilled chicken. I was trying to be be a jokester. it backfired and now everyone knows I put mayonnaise on my french fries

Or be like me and use a single or half splenda in your tea. I know I'll probably get shit for it, but I like my hot tea to be just a little sweet.

>What does Sup Forums eat/drink when they play vidya?

Tea is the answer you're looking for. If you've never had some before or don't liek the taste of tea, go to a loose leaf tea place and get a fancy flavor that's to your liking.

For the food, eat fruits.


And an extra tip: if you're the lazy kind like most of us around here, buy a bunch of 1L bottled water and keep them near your gaming station.

Sparkling water is also a nice substitute to soda.

Unsweetened Tea was a little hard to adapt to, but after I got over not having a sweet flavor I was able to notice the other flavors in it.

good shit my man

nothing besides water occasionally

inb4 someone gets butthurt about water like they always do I drink a lot of pitch black and eat a lot of pizza, I just don't wanna get that shit on my controllers.

Why do you even need food/drink while playing? Just take a break for food.

Sparkling water is the grossest shit

i too stopped drinking soda and now when I have it it seems super sweet to me, I still like it but it's very sweet
and I used to think unsweetened tea was bland but I got used to it and really enjoy it

tfw when youre addicted to vidya and you want to quickly hydrate yourself so you only drink water

>get empty 2L pop jug
>fill with water
>play some games
>every time there's an intermission or I die, take a sip
>mfw I have to pee every 10 minutes

I live with a guy like this. Everytime he wants to play a game he'll go out and buy like 3 energy drinks and a bunch of junk food.

It's like... You're only playing a game, why do you need all that shit?

>tfw getting a beer gut

The Germans do it, too. Just say you're appreciating the finer cuisine of a superior culture.

You shouldn't eat playing video games in general. Absent mindedly eating while playing games just leads to over eating each time. Especially with the sedentary nature of gaming. Try measuring out 1500-2000 calories and watch how quickly you hit the limit.

I'll get up to grab a glass of water once in a while. I only snack while playing vidya very irregularly, which will usually just be a bowl of cherries.

I keep my oral fixation satiated via vaping while playing.

>rye chips
>the worst part of Chex Mix bags considered crack

My nigger with a different figure.

Water. Eat at meals, no need to be fucking snacking all the time.

you should get bike and ride around, it'll get you out of the house, it's fun and you can listen to music or podcasts or whatever
when you get back you won't feel like such a piece of shit

That's funny, because I recently got back into videogames and it helped me lose weight just by keeping my hands busy. I can't watch a long show or movie without snacking.

sparkly water is a great substitute if you used to drink lots of soft drinks
try to find a couple brands wit the amount of carbonation you like

various juices