Zero Escape 3 Thread

New famitsu info

>Phi will flip out at Diana and call her a murderer if Sigma dies
>Letting Phi die will give both characters a calm and even heartwarming goodbye
>Carlos is driven by a deep sense of justice
>Junpei infiltrated a secret society in his desperation to find Akane after the events of 999.
>Carlos constantly finds himself in the middle of arguments between Junpei (who has become unhinged and more ruthless) and Akane (Who si still cunning and deceitful)
>Junpei advocates pressing the button to kill all other participants, to ensure their safety
>Zero speaks over holograms

Other urls found in this thread:

>Junpei infiltrated a secret society in his desperation to find Akane after the events of 999
Tenmyouji. Junpei Tenmyouji.

Between him becoming a secret spy, the secret society shit, and him turning into this ruthless "fuck everyone else", I wonder if he was found out and brainwashed.

>Phi will flip out at Diana and call her a murderer if Sigma dies
Why is she obsessed Sigma surviving?

He's her father

She wants the dick but is too tsun to admit it.

Something that confused me at the end of Virtue's Last Reward

Sigma has to have his mind return to his 22 year old body so he can get old, become Zero, and do the Nonary Game in the future so he can go back in time to change the past right?

So, in the game, it's the Old Man Sigma in Young Sigma's body? So if he changes the future, where does Old Sigma's mind go when the time limit he has is up?

I guess it goes back to his own timeline. Remember, ZE's universe runs on parallel universes/timelines, rather than there just being one 'real' timeline. Like Junpei's analogy about the bikers at the end.

Oh right, that's why Junpei is like 'Fuck this' at the VLR. It's not going to undo that timeline.

although, Clover and Alice mention that Akane has a way to 'return them' after they talk about being stuck in the dystopian future

Wait, so let's say Sigma A goes to the Bad Future. Then he's sent back to set up the Bad Future so he can go back in time to change the past.

In this changed timeline, supposing it changes, gets sent back to that body? A Sigma that went to a bad future in another universe and doesn't have to become Zero?

> Phi will flip out at Diana and call her a murderer if Sigma dies
> Mad at Diana because she followed Sigma's rational orders and hoped

Like, I knew it would happen, but it's still a little annoying.

Yeah, I mean, I get that Phi would be insanely pissed after seeing Sigma getting offed right in front of her, but Diana did the only thing that had a chance of getting both of them out alive.

What's the best song and why is it Senary Game?


why is everyone in Team C slanted

That's the big twist. The test site was built lop-sided, but everyone had a disease that affected their balance so they didn't notice.

They're the most dramatic team

>the site that translated the Famitsu scans repeatedly writes Phi as "Fi" and keeps the Dicision Game typo as is

you can really tell it was written by someone who hasn't touched the series

What do you think we'll see at Aksys's Momocon panel tomorrow?




this thread is awfully dead considering we just got a crop of new info

the full(ish?) translation is here:




People might be afraid of spoilers after the trophies were mentioned in the last couple of threads.

Probably people just filtering threads to avoid spoilers.

>Carlos is driven by a deep sense of justice
He is the evil guy

>Junpei advocates pressing the button to kill all other participants, to ensure their safety
He just mad he is an inter-dimensional cuck

>Junpei so desperate to be with his waifu, he'd kill all participants to protect her.

He went full Yandere.

To be fair she's basically the most important person there, logically. Her esper powers make her indispensable, especially since she's dedicated to using them to save humanity.

I'm replaying VLR, on route to Luna's ending, and noticed something.

K decides to ally with Phi because he sense that she, somehow is "the same as him".

What if VLR Phi is actually a clone of the original Phi from ZTD? Remember, we never actually see Phi in the End or Beginning section. What if ZTD Phi dies in the "Going to VLR" ending?


We both know that's not the reason he'd sacrifice everyone to save her though.


Hopefully they'll anounce a demo for eShop and PSN.

I got a Vita today to play the better looking version (I can't play it on PC).
How badly did I fuck up?

It's alright.

Who replaying?

I'm watching the stream™ in two days.

played through it the first time about two months ago.
also Duke Bilgewater's going through 999 right now so I could just watch that.

There has never been a more relevant time for this image here.

Replayed both 999 and VLR earlier this year. Waiting on the stream.


Free The Soul was founded by a descendant of the man behind the very first Nonary Game.

He is already dead, but his alias carries on to the following leaders. Snake and Clover's parents were members. Snake is the current "Brother". FtS' current tests with cloning tech have proven succesful, and the next step of their plan is to do what every other brother has tried, and failed to do: Live forever. He plans to back-up his own soul by sending it to the body of a clone, being able to always jump back into a younger version of himself upon death.

He had the help of two people tjar nr ame known as his left and right hands. One is the man they tested the cloning process in, left. The other is the brainwashed brother of the woman that can jump through realities.

Their final weapon against Akane is Junpei. A man tricked into doing their dirty work inside the repurposed NASA site, now used as a cloning test site.

I have a feeling that Junpei is just putting on an act, but if he isn't, it's going to be obvious what the conflict between Akane and Junpei is.

Akane is the logical one, obviously. She wants to make the best decision possible for everyone. Despite cynical methods, she's actually still idealistic.

Junpei, if he's not acting, has gone full batshit insane. He probably says instigating things and makes extremely emotional decisions, which makes sense for him. If he wants to kill the others, it's interesting that he's the nihilistic one. It's obviously completely in contrast with Akane though. Must pain her to see him like that.

Junpei has always been capable of being a complete dick when it comes to helping the people he loves. In 999, he could have screwed over two people just to take care of Akane while she was sick. In VLR, he consistently did what he had to to protect Quark, many times at the expense of others.

It was set up at the end of VLR. Akane can simply jump through realities, so she can discard the ones she doesn't like whiçe trying to create a perfect one. Junpei tough, is stuck in whichever reality that version of him exists, which means he'll probably do whatever it takes to ensure Akane's survival, because while she can just jump to a world where she's still alive, he'll live in the reality where that version of her is dead.

Yeah, this is a whole new level. Junpei was gruff and kinda ruthless before, but outright coldly murdering everyone? I can't see it.

Should we expect a Schrödinger Q?

Q is Qyle Qlim

It's not a Q. I's a 9.

Zero is Clover

He's just an edgy teen

When some store sells a copy early a few days before release.

Inferior 3DS pleb detected.

Can't wait for the delicious day 1 Vita.

I don't know.

They already did that with K, so part of me thinks they're not gonna pull the same thing.

>Junpei infiltrated a secret society
>is also a detective

Junpei confirmed for Batman

So... you're not expecting it.

junpei wouldn't think a second if he had to choose between saving humanity and saving akane

I wanna say he starts remembering shit from alternate timelines and it makes him jaded as fuck

I'll post some first-hand info about the gameplay systems that you probably didn't read in most previews. Ill try to keep spoilers to a minimum.

>I played both team C's and team D's first three Puzzle rooms. Team Q's were locked. Apparently this was for our demo only.
>Both follow the same pattern. Story scene-Puzle Room-Decision Game.
>Decision games are what's important. But the way you progress through them is kind of wasteful.
>If you shoot and kill Sigma, you'll get a scene with Phi, followed by Zero injecting both of you, and putting you to sleep.
>You'll unlock a part of the flowchart that follows that universe. It's a puzzle room that ends in a "bad end".
>You can then go back and either shoot him again (which always seemed to follow the "Kill, not kill" pattern), or let Phi die.
>Both of those unlocked two other branches of the flowchart.
>As you can probably guess, The one where Phi is dead, leads to a bad end
>But here's the kicker, at the end of the puzzle room where both characters are still alive, you'll find a puzzle that requires you to do a certain something in a certain particular pattern.
>You can only find what pattern is that, by getting to the end of the other two puzzle room, which will each reward you with a piece of the answer to that puzzle.
>I was told the pattern will be randomized to each player, so the chances of you just being able to look up the answer on the internet on release day are slim
>Team C is what caught me off guard.
>Basically, and without going into spoiler territory, both choices in the decision game fuck you up.
>I was told that there is a hidden third choice, that leads to the true path.

>Zero injecting you rather than the bracelets
>playing six fucking puzzle rooms in one demo
>nothing but vague "info"

ok sure

Where's punished.webm when you need it

Damn. There was a lot of VLR foreshadowing in 999.

Where? I thought 999 was meant to be a standalone title.

First thing that comes to mind is the Myrmidons/Free the Soul robe Snake wears at the end.

In the library during the true ending.
If you look around, some of the book titles deal with Teletemporation (sending one's conciousness through time) and Mindswap.
There's probably more, I'm just watching someone play through the true end atm.

I know she actually loves him, but was her whole personality in 999 an act just to make him fall in love with her again?

Replayed them last week. Beyond hype at the moment.

She does care about him (she tells Kyle she wanted to spend her life with him), but she was likely playing the part of the damsel in distress/ditzy girl to motivate him. Her real personality is probably much less light-hearted

I wonder if Junpei's whole ruthless and pissed off act in ZTD is because he feels like she's trying to put up an act and manipulate him again.

forgot to add "The Golden Rabbit and the Moon"

>tfw still no EU distributor confirmed

Can't blame him, I'd be sick of her time travelling bullshit as well if she'd drag me into a game of life and death against my wheel. Worst part is, Junpei hasn't even scored yet, despite all he has done.

Probably, from the scans it looks like she's still putting on her proper/cutesy act

She's even messing with him playfully again - here she's saying "Let's cut off Jumpy's arm"

What the fuck is this? The characters look like cheap cardboards compared to the 3d models in vlr.

that has to be the weirdest game of duck duck goose!

>Akane still calls him Jumpy

Jesus Christ, he must be confused as fuck over what her real self is like. I don't blame him for going mental.

>There anons who spoiled themselves watching 8 mins of gameplay

He hasn't really seen the 'real' her in this timeline. It's only in VLR does he realize that she's doesn't think on the same level of most people, turning herself into a monster in order to find the best possible outcome. Going to be a kick in the balls when he realizes just how truly cold hearted she is.

To be honest, judging by the way he's acting, I think he might know in some level.

My theory is that Old Junpei made the most of VLR having 5 psychics(6? K is a Sigma clone) and contacted Young Junpei which is why he's at the test site when he wasn't before.

I think it might be either that, or Kyle himself went to the past and said "Dude, I can help you save that girl you love who'll become a heartless timelord in the future"

Tenmyoldy and Clover's esper powers were being absorbed by Phi and Sigma, to give them enough power to jump

Clover mentions trying to transmit to Snake with no luck.

That's cause they were in the future. And can Clover even talk to people in the past like Junpei?

Replaying VLR, I just realized that every single path where Junpei turns into an asshole, is a path where he finds Akane's dead body.

Too late to complain about shit models, we're in the acceptance phase now.

I'm finishing up the true route of 999 right now. I really thought I hated 999, but I ended up liking it a lot more this time through. The safe end actually managed to make me tear up a bit. Would've been a better game if they twisted things around to make that the true ending, but oh well. Can't have Brother dying, I guess.
Really looking to starting VLR again in June. Unlike 999, I can't think of single major problem I had with it, so I hope that still holds up.

There is also Ace talking about cryogenic sleep in one of the endings.

As much as I don't want Snake to be Brother, just no goddamn way that Light being the same as "Right" in Japanese is a coincidence, especially since Left is such a bizarre name on its own

I'm not sure what you're saying.

Snake is Brother. He killed Santa after Akane kidnapped Clover.

Junpei is a double agent, pretending to work for FtS, but actually being part of a third party set up by Lotus and Seven to investigate Akane's and Brother's activities.

Zero is Kyle inside the body of a left clone. He's wearing ful gear because he looks just like Carlos, who is a clone with fake memories.

Junpei is the actual Zero, and he wears the classic robes and gas maks in the true ending.

If anyone is a double agent, I'm guessing it's Akane. Why else would she have the free the soul robes in VLR's ending?

Radical-6 makes no sense as a disease. How the fuck does it even exist and why does it feel like it exists solely to make the nonary game on Rhizome 9 possible?

She was wearing that when she kidnapped Clover. Snake found out the truth after he got Santa and brainwashed him to tell the truth.

How different are the 3DS and Vita versions of VLR? I had the 3DS version before (and the original print of 999) before my vidya got stolen so to replay them I'd need to buy them again

Vita version is higher res and has a less convenient way of taking notes.

Hm. how "less conveinent"?
and do they still fade or get scrambled with each jump you make?

Well, since this is post vlr, she knows that she can jump, which means that she's not worried about being stuck in a bad timeline, so that means she must want his dick
this is still my favorite. Comes into my mind whenever I think about 999.
>tfw you'll never be able to wipe your mind and play 999 for the first time again