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>tfw platforming will be great again
I can't contain my hype.

At E3 I won't mind if they don't show any gameplay.

I'd settle for just another Kirkthorpe or Wise track.


Please live up to the hype





You made my day with the last thread Sup Forums. I'm happy I could feel excitement again in my life.

Thanks you fucking faggots


>Kickstarter just last year
>Already this far

Fucking MN9 was kickstarted in 2013 and STILL isn't out. Playtonic can have all the time in the world if that means I'm getting a good 3D platformer


All we need are breasts and it is without a doubt 100% rareware





Will grant ever top isle of hags?


Oh shit


Get the fuck out of here twitch fag


>reptile protag

Bat Ship Crazy.

I can't hate anything these guys are doing, it's all just great.

Don't you have an Overwatch thread to be in?

Is this game getting a physical release?



And to think they started of with a really small team in a tiny office at the start and despite that they look to have some really good progress.

Confirmed a while ago

Shit looks pretty good.

Last I heard they decided against it, but things can change.

this makes me feel comfortable for some reason

oh shit, wait. I just read that. Pulled that off google. Where's that other link someone had confirming it?

I doubt Playtonic's progress is despite the fact that the team size is small, I actually think they've been progressing nicely _because_ of the small team size. It's all about iteration cycles. If you can make an iteration cycle as small as possible you can iterate the creative progress a lot of times over a small time frame.

this is what a game looks like when competent devs are behind it.

Everyone who backed a hat in time and ruined kickstarter collectathons is an idiot

mfw I listen to all the released music again

Dude, chill. I would rather games have 4 - 5 year dev cycles and be masterpieces.

In fact, this game could potentially be like the 90s and release with no discernable bugs or glitches that crash/break the game completely. Which is an excellent thing in my book.

I know that an interview at an SGDQ saw talking about missing those days and Grant Kirkhope agreed and explained often rushed dev times from publishers are to blame now with patching being so easy. The old dev team back together with no worries on that front seems like they are eager to build a complete experience that's not in any way tarnished by rushed development. This could be a next "Greatest game of all time".

>someone out there backed a hat in time looking for a banjo-tier experience

Bush my ass, that's a fucking Triffid

>These screens
>This progress
>That final stretch goal

Feels good to have supported a good team. These guys and the OG Insomniac guys, I would put all my faith in every time.

Holy shit I didn't think about this.

Old team means old design values which means no, 'Oh, well we can patch it if it fucks up.' Absolutely fucking brilliant. 10/10. It's going to ship in complete status but include obscure speedrunning-friendly glitches and it will be glorious.


Reminder to link to this version with all the variations.

Hell, I've been saying games needed 5 year development cycles for years. Games have gotten too complex for the ridiculous yearly release cycle or even 2 years.

Even Souls games have proven that 2 years isn't enough. They always release unfinished at best and often have a lot of unused/unfinished content that ends up being charged as DLC extra shit instead of being the complete game it should have been.

Fuck the modern 1 - 2 year cycle. Bring in the 5 year cycle now.

huh i wonder if they are developing for the NX now, they definitely seem like the kind of people that could grab a dev kit and having that kind of game on Nintendo's platform would bode well for both parties


so what character will he be a garble for?


New David Wise music when???

Also if these guys make a Perfect Dark successor after Yooka Laylee is a hit, my dick will melt.

Suddenly all the worries about Grant and Wise together have faded away.

This track now seems like it fits very well for some oddly sentimental challenge missions

It had potential, alright?


Yeah right enough. I THINK remember them saying something like they want to keep the team small like they did in the Rareware days and eventually maybe get a second team.

Think it was in that small documentary from last year?

>mfw I backed both


It's definitely not a terrible criticism to be like a 90s game. The best of those were finished, mostly bug free, and complete games with tons replayability.

The only time it's really seen as bad is if you're talking about graphics.

Even then I actually kind of like some of the blocky visuals back then on N64. It actually feels unique and sometimes charming compared to this hyper realized, over-bloomed, "realistic" only modern game era. Playing RE2 again and seeing graphics that allowed for all kinds of dismemberment and had cool effects (that tried to be real despite not being) was quite refreshing.

Kind of would like to see some dev try and make some stylized N64 era games.

Why are ice levels always the comfiest levels in any game?

>they did this in 3 months before even launching the kickstarter

meanwhile with mighty no 9...

They want money.

Also 5 year development cycles are really long, and really risky.

And 1-2 years isn't modern, see FFVII to FFX, or the first few Ratchet and Clanks, or OOT and MM, etc.

I don't agree with the trend of broken releases, half finished games and uninspired sequels, but I don't think 5 years is a legitimate solution.

See:This game seems to be coming along fine.

>meanwhile with mighty no 9...

>4 - 5 year dev cycle

Dev cycles don't need to be that long, not for most games. As long as you have a team that knows what the fuck they're doing, you're golden.

Everything has potential. The thing about potential is that you should never go looking for it in nobody's that have to resort to begging for money. Unfortunately, when it comes to kickstarter/crowd funding you need to look up almost literally all information about these developers just to know you're not throwing your money away.

>Jinjos will now hide, run, attack, etc. from you depending on who it is

what the fuck is up with all the zootopia memes



These look awful.


>2.1 million
This is going to blow out of the water on how overpriced budgets are in games today for how little content they provide.

If anything, if this game is excellent, it will prove that games (still to this day) don't need anymore than the typical late 90s $10 - 12 million budget to make excellent games.

And I hope it does. Because you don't need DLC (not that they ever did), microtransactions, nor $60 price tags with this kind of budget.

>That nice comfy lighting

>literally ok when it's any other disney movie

One of the Stretch goals were an N64 shader.

I want to see what that looks like.

I want to be hype, but I really don't like the look of the main two characters.

This guy looks awesome though


no you don't get it.
I like it

The Jinjos and Pacman ghosts all in one.

That's sick. Despite the game not being that great, I loved the RE6 N64 skins.

it's the satisfying feeling of entering something comfy like an igloo with a warm fire in the middle after traversing some of dangerous icy shit

I didn't get the impression that the ghosts were Jinjo analogues. Like they give rewards individually when you catch them, not something once you catch them all in a level.

Or did I misread that part?

>GK Rap + Video

Underwater is comfy too.

But you need big budgets for big cinematic trailers and marketing campaigns.

I sure this game is going to be good (it's my most anticipated), but I don't expect it to sway the Ubisoft/EA crowd away from their games.


You had worries?

>dat shrug


Laylee is cute!

>toony platformer
grow up manchildren

I read somewhere we're getting a gameplay video soon with new grant music soon.

i think this game will be bad
banjo wasnt even that good to begin with

Post the best NPCs.

I smash this guys stomach every time.

>Longnosed business man holding a gold hexagon at the end of his stick

Mighty No 9 backers detected

nvm I just can't read

So because it's not Banjo tier it's not worth it? The game looks and plays very good anyway.

>backing ANY kickstarter

I always felt like this guy was a total bro, and I never had a problem with this jiggy like most people did.

In fact I really liked the Tip Tups in the turtle too. Bubblegoop swamp is underrated senpai.