ITT: Walmart Vidya Stories

>Go to Walmart on Overwatch's launch day to get popper clops
>Walk through the vidya aisle and notice PC Overwatch isn't shrink wrapped (like all other PC games)
>Buy it (paid in cash)
>Take it home
>Hair dry the bottom sticker sealing the game
>Peel it up
>Open the case
>Use the game's key and Noire skin
>Reseal it
>Return it the next day and get a refund
So that's how I got Overwatch for free. What's your best vidya Walmart story, Sup Forums?

>Skyrim launch
>Have no idea what it was about but heard it had parks like in Fallout
>Flirted with the guy in front of me as we waited in line
>Got my copy for free for giving him on of my fake numbers
>launch game
>bugs everywhere

>IIT theft stories

You are such a cool guy.

Walmart has billions of dollars, he had it coming.

>See a game I want to purchase, surrounded by games from half a decade ago, going for $59.99
>Clerk sees me at the case and tries going to the back
>"I'd like to buy this game"
>Clerk tells me just a minute
>Never returns
>The clerks always try this until I stop them or bring attention to a nearby manager
I hate my local Walmart.

my walmart has madden 2000 for ps1 for 30 dollars

>Bugs everywhere
Just like your ass, Gayboi.

justifying burglary on the wealth of the burglarized is some child tier thinking.

the fuck is a popper clop

frozen treat

You take whatever you can get on Shekelstein.

Tell that to the guy buying it after you who is not going to get a refund.

>Spelling Supercenter wrong


ok porky-san

At least he didn't pirate it.
I mean.
That would have been way worse.

Frank Walmart is an honest, hard working American you degenerate leech

>see Lightning Returns for $20 when it was still $40 everywhere else
>go to buy it
>"that'll be $40"
>tell him the sticker says $20
>he goes over to the game case and sees that it says $20
>goes back to the register and fucks around for a few minutes cause he doesn't know what to do
>calls a manager over
>he looks at the sticker too
>tells me that the $20 version of the game is the standard version and that the "special edition with the DLC" is $40(aka the launch edition with the Cloud DLC)
>ends up selling it to me for $20 anyways cause he knows Walmart is fucking retarded and knows nothing about video games

I swear Walmart always tries to sell launch editions of games for 2x as much as they are actually worth because they're too fucking stupid to understand what a launch edition is.

>PS2 breaks
>Buy a new one from Walmart
>Swapped the top half of the console because that is where the bar code was
>give them the broken one.
>get my money back

So that's how I got my PS2 repaired for free.

I havent been to wal mart in like 10 years because I am not a faggot like the OP


>at Wal-Mart
>see game
>ask for employee to get game
>they let me buy it right away
>leave with game
>go home and play game I bought from Wal-Mart


>Going to buy Dark Souls
>Front register won't let me buy it
>Bring it back to electronics
>Based register at electronics clears it for me

By the way, that Walmart was closed.

>By the way, that Walmart was closed.


It closed later, I mean.
There were too many Walmarts in my town, so they shut that one down to cut costs.

Sad, really. I also bought Far Cry 3 and Spec Ops from there.