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serves platinum right for wasting their talent on shitty licensed games
Why would Platinum waste their time on this? Is this a B team full of Platinum interns?
Pretty much yes. The more experienced teams are working on Scalebound (which could be good maybe? doesn't look like my thing) and Neir.
this is a GREAT popcorn game, its fun with your friends, cool attacks, the turtles! are fun
cons, its retardedly easy, just smash everything, no depth in combat, but its pretty good for what it is
source: i pirated the game, had fun 8/10 first time you beat it
>fun with your friends
so it's shit, got it
Can platinum even make games anymore?
>this is a GREAT popcorn game
who the fuck eats popcorn while playing games?
Maybe now people will admit Platinum is overrated.
i mean its a game about 4 turtles made for multiplayer... why would you solo a turtles game...again 4four
4 (you need 3 more friends)
A wizard is never late or early!
He arrives precisely when he means to!
its like saying a popcorn movie.. a blockbuster hit... etc
You guys are retarded.
90% of the games platinum makes are trash
You guys are just holding on to some of their employees past games.
>its like saying a popcorn movie.
Yes exactly, you don't apply that shit to games you faggot fuck
It's another one of their rushed-out budget games that they have their younger employees work on. Not coincidentally, they were all published by Activision. The veterans are busy on Scalebound and (maybe) Bayonetta 3.
I think he means its a party game.
>people outraged that TMNT has shit level design
>people outraged that TMNT is 3-4 hours long
Umm.. have these idiots never fucking played another P* game? All their games are like this. Very short, very linear, shit level design, braindead writing and story, and repetitive shallow buttonmashing for gameplay.
Only exception being Vanquish which is due to Mikami (who then went to make the underrated classic The Evil Within, one of the best games of this gen)
>popcorn game
I've heard of "dew & doritos shooter" but popcorn game? Come on.
>Bayonetta 3
Oh I can't wait for the monumental butthurt that's going to cause when it's NX exclusive.
Im worried about Nier Automata guys. What if the gameplay sucks even more than Nier 1 gameplay
Maybe if it didn't cost 40$ and was 3 hours you would have a point.
Much cheaper and better popcorn coop games cost less than 10$.
What in the fuck is "popcorn game" even supposed to mean?
>It was designed by their (x)team
>(x) was only a bad game because their A-Team didn't work on it
Those console jumping bastards are finally being seen for what they truly are. I love it when a plan comes together.
>They said they took out local coop so it would be able to run at 60fps
>still 30fps anyway
its fun if you got competent members
tryin to run through on hard, already beat super shredder last ngiht on hard with randoms who knew what the fuck to do
but then you got level 10s doing hardmode. you definitely have to do some farming. you upgrade charms and definitely need to upgrade a charm with strength % for more damage
some missions require you to take down a huge damage sponge monster in 3 minutes and its fucking hell with retards
teamwork is definitely needed.
bosses are fun, but the missions hit or miss depending on your team
Someone make a crying slanty eye'd Wojack that looks like Kamiya
There's a reason why their top guy was fired.
Even if this game bombs hard it'll probably still make platinum more money than a bayonetta 3 or vanquish 2 ever could hope to.
>Bayonetta 2 exclusive
>few cherrypicked fanboys and falseflaggers upset on Sup Forums and twitter
>Bloodborne exclusive
>Literally a petition with 50,000 (FIFTY THOUSAND) signatures to bring it to PC (the Bayonetta 2 petition had
>lost points for shitting on the legacy of the classic TMNT beat-em-ups
Good for them. What would otherwise be an "alright" B-team P* game is now a piece of shit for being in the same series as Turtles in Time.
>make 4 player TMNT beat em up
>no local
What's the point?
>no local
Why is it always one or the other? Give me both holy shit.
They had to remove local co-op to meet their 60fps goal according to the dev
the game is locked to 30fps even on PC
It's more like they literally can't STOP making games. These dev cycles are insanely short.
These are the same guys who made that Legend of Korra game.
What are you even on about. Bayo and MGR had pretty decent level design, it wasn't boring at least. And they sure weren't 3-4 hours long
This is the first time I'm hearing about this game
Is Smash Up worth getting?
>make 4 player TMNT beat em up
>unwanted RPG elements
>shitty open world gameplay
What's the point?
the problem is that those game camera system don't work well on 4 player mode, or even 2. They'd need to make a specific mode for it, no budget.
How the fuck did this game turn out so great when the other two licensed games under Platinum's belt wound up being either terrible or mediocre?
Yep, fuck platinum, I hope Scalebound flops and they get fucked, nobody needs studios that crap shit games no matter their track record.
If they didn't have the budget time they shouldn't have accepted the job or have a shitty B team to begin with.
It should cost 15 like Korra
It should be 60fps since it looks worse than Transformers with less shit going on
And it should have local coop even if it has to be 30fps
>its fun with your friends
>No splitscreen co-op
The thing that is drawing devs to the NX in the first place is that porting games to it is supposedly as easy as dragging and dropping code and it runs with minimal tweaking.
he's referencing a retarded movie director, the one that made independence day and godzila 2000 , among other pieces of shit
Transformers Devastation was far better than it had any right to be
I was willing to forgive Korra being kinda lame because it was dirt cheap
From everything I've seen this is in a bad middle ground where it's not much better than Korra but it costs $40 which means it loses that forgiveness for being just kinda okayish.
Autismo - The Post
>IDW's run is the best TMNT iteration in years
>gets awarded with a shit game
Even that CGI film had a great gba game
I feel that is more recent, Bayo games are pretty lengthy, it's just the licensed stuff like Korra, TF, and this that feel like with just a bit more dev time and polish, they could actually be substantial classics. They nail different visual styles and adapt completely different IPs to their personal action game formula pretty decently every time.
Revengeance was damn solid considering its tortured development, and that's Platinum's efficiency that saved it. They get shit done on schedule
>platinum game is subpar
I thought Yoko Taro games had terrible gameplay on purpose
>food analogy
>It's ok to eat shit because I am a retard and it's the only thing that counts. That I'm a retard.
yeah this is such a deep, meaningful argument.
it's the same thing as these two, same short campaign and shit, the only difference being you probably really like transformers so the nostalgia inducing graphics worked on you
for someone nostalgic for turtles i imagine this game would be fun since visually and audibly it's just turtles concentrated into 3 or 4 hours
same with korra as well
Not him but it's not bad, but it's not as good their best stuff either.
It's a middle-ground kind of game, that's good for fans of the IP, and if you're willing to get at a lower price. I found it alright, and was a big Turtles fan. It can be better.
God tier
Low Tier
>fun with friends
Shit Tier
can people stop pretending that platinum games are good now?
They are good. The issue is that they are not very long, and SF Zero was getting slammed for the same reason. People want a game with actual meat to it.
64 wasn't that fucking long either and people keep replaying it
why is it such a fuckin big deal now?
Because it's easy money. It's a no budget title they likely spent like three months on. Activision doesn't give a single shit about how good the game is because they're trying to sell it to twelve year olds, so they're likely fine with it too and probably paid well.
it's $50
did anyone actually think this would be good?
Can this “Platinum is good” meme stop now?
it isn't great it's just nostalgia
>only on xbone, 20fps
>Windows 10, 30fps locked
Who the fuck thought that locking a fast paced action game to 30 fps was a good idea?
SF64 is like 20 years old, dude. And was, itself, just a remake of the first SF. So maybe people would like more games with substance to them?
>overwatch has zero single player
>SFV launches with sixteen characters and bare minimum content other than online play
>SF Zero is 3-4 hours long and meant to be played over and over
>Hitman releases with like one level and a tutorial
>TMNT is also a handful of hours to play through
why do you think people keep praising witcher 3, because it is a massive game, the DLCs alone have been several times the length of many other games released this year.
>TMNT full-blown shit
>SFZ flopped
hey user, rethinking about that F-Zero platinum game you've always wanted?
those are all different genres.
of course an rpg is going to be massive. of course an arcadey fighter shooter has replay value
of course fighting games have immense replay value
of course a multiplayer shooter has no single player
of course tmnt follows what all the platinum games have been, lots of replay value. not every fucking game needs to be a 40 hour adventure.
are we even on opposite sides on this
yeah. Kamiya took the people he likes to work on Scalebound while the MGR team is busy with Nier Automata. Everyone else is left doing side projects to keep the company afloat, which currently means Activision shovelware rushed out in 3 - 6 months
Because their games sell like shit and nobody wants to fund them anymore. They have no other choice than to make shovelware titles to stay afloat.
Why don't they just make it like the GBA or Gamecube TMNT games and then make it 4 player co-op on the same big screen (AKA no splitscreen)? Is there a problem with how the GBA and Gamecube games played or something?
No one seriously wants platinum to work on F-Zero since they couldn't handle a racing game.
HD Hardware demands more. Keep in mind, this game is on 5 different platforms. The PS3 and 360 versions being the weakest.
>its a Z team platinum game
Well it's not going to happen considering Nintendrones didn't even buy 2.
How does this surprise anyone? If platinum games were good, they'd sell. All they can make is shitty beat 'em ups. I knew from the beginning that they were all just overrated garbage I only ever saw praised on Sup Forums.
I'm sure they could manage something with cel-shaded graphics that played like the Gamecube game at least.
The way I see it, they're like Treasure in the Mega Drive days
They'd make a few shitty McDonalds games to keep their dosh up
Then bang out a corker one in a while
Do people like GCN TMNT games? Or that generation of TMNT games in general?
the answer is that in the last 10 years, the idea of a game being shorter than 10 hours is seen as not delivering your money's worth, regardless of whether it has replay value or not (apart from primarily multiplayer focused games)
It isn't shit compared to the Cybertron games.
>Tfw we'll never get another one
i'm saying that 2016 has been a pretty shit year for games of any real substance, and 2015 wasn't exactly bursting with it either, open world didn't really give any depth to MGSV or FO4.
Atleast transformers was good!
that looks like shit user
i was thinkin of this while i just took a shit
why am i paying the same amount for a movie ticket, on a movie that has a lower budget than others
why am i payin the same price for a movie that is shorter than others
i think its going to get worse now because they can get away with it.
i'm more upset that they have this on last gen consoles because now everyones so fuckin scattered
>not loving that kickass opening on the GBA game
Also, both GBA games and the GCN game were solid.
Sup Forums please, crash this thread with no survivors
she looks infinitely better without glasses
fight me
I hope Scalebound is good. I need my dragon vidyer.
all these fucking normies
>complaining about local co-op
>even caring about this shit game at all
what the fucking nigger-hell is wrong with you all?
as there ever been a good tmnt game?
you really can't consider this a mainline platinum game
it's just like the korra game, a b-team side deal
I take it that you never played the game
Man that show was good. That's one thing that's been consistent. The 80's show, TMNT 2003, and TMNT 2012 are all awesome.