Get brainwashed by the shilling and the hype into preordering overmeme

>get brainwashed by the shilling and the hype into preordering overmeme
>play the game and its fucking garbage
>go to Blizzard support and create a Live Chat ticket with one of their support agents for a refund
>he says ok no problem I will get the refund
>today go check on the support ticket page how it is progressing
>see that the ticket created alongside my refund request has been cancelled by them an hour after i talked in chat with their support guy

way to go Blizzard.
fuck you.
i hope you choke on that fucking money you cancerous jew shilling rats.
dont buy shit from Blizzard guys.
its a shady backstabbing liar company.

why not open another ticket or make a post about it in thier forum or try to contact them about it you fucking retard.


>its a shady backstabbing liar company

Welcome to almost 2 decades ago dude.

I did.
just wanting to share the experience and let people know how they treat whoever asks for refunds because people deserve to know.

Surely this has totally happened. Yeah. Blizzard are such jews!! Haha lol

>refunding a great fun game like OVerwatch

ayyy, gitgut mongrel or kys irl asap.

Give us fucking evidence or else you'll be seen as a bullshitter.

It's ok when blizzard does it

Your full of shit, just got a refund for overwatch myself and it was all instant.

I'm sorry you hate fun OP

Live Chat guy said
>'yeah sure no problem you'll get your refund'
>meanwhile they immediately cancelled the ticket without any kind of response whatsoever

they clearly are waiting for me to either forget about it or give up.
well they got the wrong person because I will go as far as charging back the transaction if necessary.

Make another ticket

Make another ticket and say it doesn't run well on your computer and that you want to spend the money on Hearthstone.

>Still preordering games from Blizzard
>Still preordering games at all
you have no one to blame but yourself


Sorry you felt for the meme user. I was starting to have my doubts during the beta.

>I didn't like it give me a refund
sorry mate it doesn't work that way

>look ma! I'm posting another anti-Overwatch thread!

Their ui mayve just been simple enough that the guy hit the wrong option by mistake. Do know I'm not saying this definitely isn't a Jewish trick, I'm just saying it mayve been more than an outright shit action.



Newfag here are all the characters unlocked from the start or is it like Dirty Bomb?

there's a weekly "free" rotation and you have to buy/grind for the rest.

>implying blizzcucks don't spam the boards with shill threads 100 times a day.

What being newfag has to do with using a google
Goddamn you fags are retarded

Oh ok so exactly like Dirty Bomb.

I want to play it but its not on Steam. And Dirty Bomb is dead since everyone is playing Overwatch.

Characters are $9.99 a piece. There are 21 current characters and 40 more planned characters. You get a 25% discount on character purchases with the season pass which is $40. Maps are $25 a piece.

Why would you lie on the internet?

Because he deserves it

Thats exactly how it works. If you don't like something, return it. Stop being a cuck.

this guy is lying: they are all available to play as soon as you install.

Oh thats better than. Still wish it would come to Steam.
No steam.
No buy.

WAIT they sell the game and then make you grind or pay for unlocking characters on top of that? Are you kidding me?

Are you shitting me? How are people paying this much when the game is 60$ to begin with

They are this stupid

Blizzdrones will eat up any shit blizzard tosses out

The same people bought a $25 pony in WoW and paid $15 a month for "server costs" which in reality cost about as much as breathing air.

You're both thundering faggots, it doesn't matter if you're only pretending.

People also spend 25$ for a pony in FF14.

You're a retard for even buying it in the first place. You deserved to have them rip you off.

Guys. Please. I get that you hate or love blizzard but you don't have to lie to prove yourself.


You should have given blizzard the middle finger a long time ago.

I'm seriously curious. My group of friends just picked it up and wanted me to play but when I saw the 60$ price tag I was hesitant. Now if there are really microtransactions like this than I'm not considering it at all

Why can't you do research yourself, fucking dipshit

>If you don't like something, return it.

Maybe if you're naive as fuck

If something appears shady, don't buy it in the first place.

Do you think Used Games grow on trees, user?

and they will defend Blizzard with claws and teeth

You also have to get blacked to even get a license to buy the game.

Funny thing is, as long as people are uncritical and just swallow everything it gets worse and worse. Devs like EA and Ubisoft get their fair share of shit when they mess up things but Blizzard is above all critisizm...

It's only $40(unless you buy the origins edition) and no you don't have to pay for the characters, they are all available from the start.

The only micro transaction is buying loot boxes that give you random cosmetic items like skins, voice taunts, ect. You get 1 loot box for free every time you level up.

Of course you could have asked your group of friends who already own the game this but you're too big of a retard and automatically believe any random shit poster on Sup Forums.

welcome to hell

Hes asking people who have played the game, moron.

He knows absolutely fucking nothing about the game, don't feed retards

I can't remember the name to this.

Fuck me

>Not playing the Beta to see if you actually like it first

The only microtransactions are for cosmetics. The game on pc is 40, the origins edition is 60, console versions are 60 but for some heroes it's harder to play. Also in the console versions there have been some balancing changes for things like tobjorns turret. You don't buy heroes or anything.

Well what did you expect? Blizzard no longer know how to make good games with meaningful and durable gameplay. All their shit have become ultra-diriged with that obsession to control the player's experience so he plays the game exactly as they intended to. It started with Diablo 3 and has been continuing since then. It make their game become boring incredibly fast, despite good and sleek graphics.

so your a weak minded idiot?

>I bought the game but I'm a shitter please give me my money back
lel git gud faget


Are you stupid or a kid?

Marketing is like a poison, they can manipulate even the strongest person.

This is Sup Forums, which means, that we (and you won't believe it) like games.

Everyone of us wants to play good game and Overshill was so hardcore shilled, that it is normal to get brainwashed.
The sad thing is, that Overwatch is a 55/100 game. Nothing special and will be dead in 1 month, because you can use your life time better than wasting it on Overwatch.

They have even reduced the drop rate to promote their very very very expensive cash shop. They gave their customers the middle finger and said:
"Now suck it and pay me more".

A disgusting kind of customer relations.

If you actually come to Sup Forums for actual real news and thoughts

You need to kill your self