What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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I sware on me mum

budget got dumped into borderlands instead


Does a single good Aliens game exist?

Would you guys like me to post original scans from my copy of GameInformer BEFORE Gearbox bought the rights.

AKA When it was GOOD.

Isolation is great


>Ever a good idea

Shifting development teams made the company realize the product they were making was shit, so instead of abandoning the product they decided to spend their last amount of cash on prerendered and scripted "gamplay" footage in hopes to falsely advertise to the public and make back a profit through preorders.

In like 2008 or 2009 they were making it sound like it would be Killing Floor in the Aliens universe. Years later after multiple delays, it finally comes out and its Call of Duty with aliens.

Yeah Isolation, top tier horror game too.

All I wanted was left 4 dead with an aliens skin and was still let down

Alien vs Predator, if that counts the one from like 2002, not 2010

Isloation was fucking great if you're into the series. It feels really slow otherwise.

It's pretty good, guys

I got your back buddy

I remember interviews in PC Gamer magazine or some shit where they talked about being able to weld doors and vents shut and all that type of shit. I really wish that was the game they made


What the fuck didn't?

Isolation, and the Aliens TC for Doom II if that counts.


Should I keep going?

Do it,m8







Fucking Gearbox

Does this bonus make you feel better?

Isolation needed more credit

it's fucking beautiful and atmospheric as fuck. You can tell a lot of love for the Alien franchise went into it

didnt mean to reply to

Isolation, Trilogy and Resurrection.


Why the fuck would anyone use an old tv as monitor?

It was inspired by Aliens and so it became an average by the numbers action cartoony videogame.

Isolation did the right thing and based the game in Alien...you know the superior horror film.

Aliens > Alien

remember that, pleb

Doesn't mean the formula for Alien isn't better for a video game

Is Alien Isolation really that good?

Yeah but it drags for too long.

game looks really pretty

alien is scary


I sure like shitty action flicks with no atmosphere!

I bet you also think Resident Evil 4 is a better game than REmake.

Alien is the patrician choice. Aliens is the pleb burger for little shits with no attention span.

Gearbox put their time and effort into Borderlands 2, while putting in minimum effort into this so meet contractual obligations with Sega.

If I were Sega I would've sued Gearbox for negligence.

They both good for different reasons.


Literally. They outsourced everything. Took money from it's funding to fund borderlands 2 and then fucked everything up with it's release

AVP2 and the gba metroidvania, extinction?

Oh yeah forgot the DS game and the AVP games.

I can never be un-mad but thanks

AVP99, AVP2, capcom's AvP, Avp for Jaguar, Alien 3 for snes, genesis and nes, Alien infestation, Predator 2 for genesis, Predator concrete jungle

Aliens and predator have a huge vidya history

you forgot while acting smug about it as well

Alien 3 for snes is grossly underrated. It's kinda like a souls game with each level being a giant map you have to navigate through blueprints and do missions in any order. Even restocking on ammo and health means fighting your way an armory and medbay.

What's worse is people saying the Genesis version is better. That's just a shitty minigame compared to snes.

Genesis has far snappier controls and is much faster though. Snes suffers from having tedious amounts of backtracking and really shit combat, Genesis just had A to B with side objectives in the way.

Like I said. A shitty mini-game.

Developers: Gearbox Software, TimeGate Studios, Demiurge Studios, Nerve Software, Check Six Games

this game is a slut

Compared to SNES? Bit of an hypocrisy.

>March 2008
>pre order right after reading this for Xbox 360, huge alien fan
>hype train continues for 6 years
>game comes out

I spent 3 days crying and contemplating suicide. I have never been let down more than anything in my life

Fuck gearbox, Fuck Randy pictchford,
Fuck Anthony Burch

>Compared to SNES?
Let's see.

One has massive freeform maps with resource management and missions you can do in any order.

The other was "A to B" with a time limit. Like some bonus level, only that was the entire game.

How were they acting smug? I need more rage.

The first was just excessively large dungeon crawl for loosely related objectives and very scarce, boring enemy encounters that staggered you or did a bullshit damage or were easy as fuck

The other had plenty of enemies that were hard to defeat but also allowed you to get by with skill, also having platforming elements and making timing important to proggressing, using it's better control to their best.

Did anyone ever play this one?
I remember having a hell of a lot of fun with it when I was like 13, but the game wasn't popular at all. I saw it for like $4 in a game store the other day and thought it might have been shit and I didn't notice.

Still a mini-game.

I didn't buy it despite being a huge predator fan because i was a broke 15 year old, but my friends who did told me it was an unfinished mess, that it was clearly rushed and the MP was DOA.

Alien Swarm should have had the license, it's only downside were visual design choices - Lego marines and Spore aliens. It could have been a perfect Aliens game if it had actual Xenomorphs and some HR Giger here and there.

>game came out in 2010

Fuck I feel old.

Still more fun to play.

All SNES games tended to be sluggish and boring but this case is specially bad.

Also Alien 3: the gun was better anyway.

sorry friend, the years pass too fast ;-;

latest AVP coop had KF formula, waves of xenos, buying guns, etc

Nothing wrong with being 13 in 2010, But it certainly remains me I'm not as young like I once was.

infestation for the ds was bretty great

basically after the game came out and everyone was rightfully pissed off about it.
Randy kept saying shit like "well I think its a good game" or "Gee I didn't realize Gearbox made bad games" He was a huge asshole about the whole thing. And when it came out about them embezzling funds from Sega he back peddled and damaged controlled like crazy and even pulled the "if you hate this game then your misogynistic"

it was a huge mess, and gearbox STILL had the gall to push out some shit tier DLC

Woops, forgot about the thread

Here's another goodie to make you feel closer to death

That game suffered from having predators in it imo, they got the Aliens perfectly.

Colonial marines should have just been KF with a story, extremely team-focused with classes that are required to survive, wielding, demolishing, torching, and spouting stupid corny lines nonstop.

>Colonial marines should have just been KF with a story, extremely team-focused with classes that are required to survive, wielding, demolishing, torching, and spouting stupid corny lines nonstop.
i.e. the Alien Swarm

I remember playing it when it was alive
It was fucking amazing

>wanting a game where you can fight against Xenos and weld to keep them out


So they actually embezzled funds from Sega to use for Borderlands? Why the fuck would they do that? That's unbelievably scummy of them.